Can you show us a video where a vet3 rifles dual bar beat a vet3 ober squad with lmg upgrade?
1 obers are tier 3 inf and cost more 2 vet requirements are very different but anyway 3 i don0't have a recording software so u will have to do with IMG
first tried vet 3 vs vet 3 and it's around 70% for obers, while at vet 3 vs 1 (more realist scenario since they come later and cost more so more vet requirement) the rifle wins 80% of the times
if u expect rifle with bar to beat ober with lmg at long range tho, u better get the bias glass off or ask for nukes
now i will ask u to show me vet 3 and 5 volks with stg beat vet 3 rifle bars
or at least provide some stats