Update from 16.02.19
- updated ability description for JLI and Airdropped Combat Group.
- updated first veterancy description for USF Assault Engineers.
- updated all commander's descriptions. Now they should include proper information about commander. Thank's to Deviant for help.
- Added and translated strings from last official English localization file.
Обновление от 16.02.19
- обновлено описание егерской пехоты и десантной боевой группы.
- обновлено первое ветеранство штурмовых инженеров США.
- обновлено описание всех командиров, расположенное рядом с портретом. Теперь там должна быть актуальная информация. Отдельное спасибо за помощь Deviant'у!
- добавлены и переведены строчки из последней версии английской официальной локализации.
Updated air dropped combat group icon. Second revamp of the ability without proper icon is bad, but my work here is only to provide proper solution.
-> ->
Update: since JLI not infiltration unit anymore, it should get new icon (from gamefiles)
30. AVRE and AT infantry section using the same string #3 (click to dispatch) for call-in button. String 11082826
Usually this string contain something like "New unit available - "Name of the unit". Click to dispatch. Effective vs. something"
Update from 7.02.19
- Updated strings for the 7.02.19 game update.
- little hotfixes will be later, mostly with USF vetfixes from current patch.
Обновление от 7.02.19
- Добавлены строчки из последнего обновления.
- Будут еще мини-обновления, посвященные актуализации американских ветеранств, затронутых в патче.
I've already found several issues:
- Soviet Sherman lose capture ability, not radionet.
- CavRifles still shown as 3cp ability in main menu.
- Paratrooper combat group required 2 Cp instead of 3 in-game (Tested with cheatmode, so maybe works incorrectly with it).
- Non-english version got localization for 12.12.18 december patch, but not for 07.02.19. At least for russian localization. I am talking about string from 11159798 to 11161267.
- Still missed strings 11159444 and 11159445 (req for dispatch M1 At gun and M20 as well).
- This patch, according to date, should be released only 100 years on.