the longest game of my life of coh2 already appeared that I was playing coh1!
If any caster has time to cast I would be grateful but it takes 1h.30min!
its sega dude plenty of issues, maybe this will be the final nail on coh franchise , or sell it to microsoft or playstation ! I hope you don't have shares on sega ,pity did haved my best moments play on sega console and nintendo 64 ! |
love it i really love it hammer watch the replay , tired of all this noggets complain about everyting ! |
Realy cursed cannot break even , people leaving under 5 mn of the game its so often that im cursed it okw ! |
2v2 a strange strateygy from okw player
it was a good push but it was weird -.- but thats the game !! |
coh3 its a blob fest too but theres ammo to waste on mines dealing damage and indirect fire , is a bit more effective than on coh2 and the maps help to spread and get blobs in a poket ! but coh2 its plenty of blob and barley any tactic now but 1v1 still loks a bit solid |
4v4 randoms plenty of action massive tank battles +pz4 army combo it panters and pak 40 crazy match !! |
GG wp Great fun love the snipers play !! evryting was OK till i broght that dam KT ! |
Lets make coh Great again !! ^^ |
its true i like the new metod of "open alpha/beta " but dosent mean that wen it was "private " the feedback and bug issues were "done " wt i learn it was all the dlc was meant to be pai to win till they patch and that was something new compared to coh 1 my experience on alpha and beta on coh2 i saw plenty of feedback from good " people" wanted to improved the game systeem and gameplay and got ignored but lets see if the "new team realy its "free" to do the promises and improve the game on coh3
its just my oponion i played since coh released and did my best to give proper feedback like the remaining members of any alpha and beta its just tings happaned i truly hope to see a coh3 free of bureaucracy
just my oponion not raging or any thing !! |