Nope, its not just about time to kill and TDs.
Actually it is also about time to kill (T.T.K.) since you clearly wrote that
Time to kill doesn't mean anything whatsoever, given that you have to pretend nothing else wants to shoot at the TD while it just chips away at a heavy.
Now TTK is used for ballistic weapons the same way DPS is used as for small arms fire.
If you accept DPS as one indicator of infantries performance you must also accept TTK as one.
So do you accept DPS as an indicator?
Again, it's about your vacuum scenarios in general.
Let me try again: putting two units down (Tds, infantry, whatever anything) and seeing how long it takes 1 to kill the other when the other isn't allowed to try to fight back is a stupid waste of time. That easier to understand? Unless I'm wrong and its totally normal for KTs to just cement themselves in place when a Tank Destroyer starts shooting at them....
So it is personal?
Only in this case the data does not come from me, I am only using them. They come from Mr.Smith if you do no not agree with his method feel free to debate the issue with him.
What is the "far superior" for? No one said anything about far superior, and I'm not even the one who said the SU85 was much worse.
There is little point in playing word games.
ferwiner wrote:
...jp4 is the best non doc AT in the game. Plus it costs roughly as much as a SU85, which is much worse than jp4...
To which I responded that SU-85 is not "much worse"(or that JP is "far superior" than SU-85).
So do you agree with ferwiner that Su-85 is much worse than JP or not and you arguing with me is simply personal?
And what's (?!) for? Ping=deflecting a shell/round/etc., tank crews have described that action as "pinging" for some time.
Only hand held AT weapon do not "ping" because the do deflection damage even if they fail to penetrate. In addition if a JP is in range of enemy AT infantry it is a good time to get it out of there.
I didn't say anything about armor being a good indicator for TD comparison, I only pointed out the armor difference for these 2 TDs specifically because that is the only significant difference between them. They are relatively even everywhere else, except with a difference of 90 armor.
No it not.
JP has a penetration 200/185/170
Su-85 has penetration of 240/230/220
In other word SU-85 has more penetration far than JP has close.
In addition Su-85 gets even more penetration at vet 2.
(It also gets more accuracy and better reload modifiers than the JP)
To make thing even worse the Su-85 has a lower XP value while generally fighting tanks with higher XP value.
So the question still stands, in you opinion is the Su-85 "far worse" than the JP? and if so why?