My personal opinion is that crews should automatically re-enter their vehicle upon finishing their repairs unless ordered otherwise.
But also have proper decrew and recrew animations like in the USF trailer where the crew is vulnerable like with the Sturmtiger reload instead of just a flat delay where they stand around doing nothing while getting shot at.
You know, I already know a lot of friends who left CoH2. And their motives are surprisingly similar, they all sound in a generalized way: The game has become worse, it feels like patches are made by some people who want their game. And it perfectly reflects the mood of the person you are quoting. You can agree or disagree, but people leave and leave with the same motives, they don't like where the patches lead.
I as well was part of the crowd that was against a lot of the changes geared towards the small competitive scene and still am, and I'm not talking about just balance changes here either, which was disliked by the larger more casual community.
However his remarks are a blatant attack on the community's efforts to at the very least keep the game alive and it's as if absolutely everything that the community team did was god awful which I think many of us here can agree that it wasn't the case.
I didn't mean Mr. History or Wehraboo in a condescending tone?? There's nothing wrong with loving the historical aspect of CoH2, in fact I think its good that a huge chunk of the gamers love the historical aspect. Leftist what? I think CoH2 does a pretty good job in balancing between history and fun unlike Men of War. No I don't think history lovers are nazis... and I am arguing in favor for the more casual community that Relic is targeting.
I'm actually arguing that the history lovers in the COH2 community is a larger portion than the competitive community that wants everything balanced. And they aren't very concerned about whether demo charges wipe squads
Regarding Mr. Designer, I'm not trying to change the game, I prefer it to be like how Relic had it on release pre-balance patches, not how the community wants it but how the designers originally had for CoH.
You made it sound like all of the "types" of people you listed were bad and nothing else but whatever I suppose.
As far as the game design goes, as I said the British are still plagued by Relic's design philosophy of a more passive and static Army that is lacking mobility and a lot of people don't want to play a turtle Army meant for other RTS games like Age of Empires for example in a game where mobility warfare is emphasized like here.
If it cannot move in this game, it will most likely die, very easily in fact. It's just a matter of time, that's all.
I don't understand where you get your majority claim from. The player numbers actually point into the opposite direction.
Didn't you blame him for using a comrades meme earlier lol?
I didn't blame anyone of anything, I merely reminded him that the Soviets are not heroes like many here would like to believe and history proves of their atrocities.
It's just you trying to draw my words out of context.
I'm also still waiting on you to tell me where exactly I claim to speak for the majority of community from your last reply to me.
I've seen your work before and it's very well drawn.
Just one thing however, there is no empty space behind the head lamp of the middle of the Tiger's frontal plate like it is here:
As you can see on the real thing:
Altho it has the transport tracks on and it's also missing the mud guards but like I said the picture is to just show the frontal plate with the headlight in the middle.
I like the choice of words, CoH2 has been castrated.
Just because certain players vocalized their anger at losing, and the recent changes reflect these players not everyone else.
There are different players in CoH2:
* Mr. Kick-Butt: All he cares about is that he wins the game. If he loses then this is excuse for flaming on a new thread (Probably one of the most vocal in forum. He plays OST only and he must win always otherwise the game is unbalanced. He will flame if his Elefant got rammed and IL-2 bombed or if his army got Stuka Dive Bombed. I know there are many players who aren't like this and don't mind losing to meme abilities, like myself. Along with many others, idt I have ever complained about my ambulance + major getting Stuka'd because I know I abuse my own fair share of meme abilities. Most of the players always complaining about some other faction being OP fall into this category because they lost with their main faction. If he lost to OKW late game, then CoH 2 sucks and OKW is OP... have you ever considered that OKW is SUPPOSED to be better late game!? And that not everyone plays your main faction, you don't need to always win, and perhaps you just need to learn to play instead of blaming the faction.)
* Mr. Genre: This player will get upset if the game does not behave like other RTS games of this genre (you need to watch out for these players because they don't have COH2's uniqueness in mind. A lot of these may have already left early on though and nonexistant)
* Mr. MinMax: Generally the competitive players who attempt to exploit mechanics and stats and aware of all the stats of the game (Cruzz is a good example, Fortune, and many competitive esports players. I think I fall in here too as a meme ability abuser, sandbag ghoster etc.)
* Mr. Designer: These players want the game to be a different game and their opinions are based on this different version of the game they have in their heads (For Relic, these guys are not worth listening to too much as they have a different game in their mind, but sometimes consider their ideas... end of convo. I think these guys are responsible for changing CoH2 so much as they have a different more competitive castrated version of the game in their heads. They are thinking Starcraft-esque games that don't have much RNG and casual meme abilities. From the comments you are getting in this thread, I am 100% sure that there are folks here who totally did not like Relic's design direction for CoH2 during release, WFA release, and UKF release. They have a different game in their head and want to change the game to what they have in their head. And there are players who appreciate and love Relic's designs and want to play what Relic's idea of a game is --- and these guys are the majority of players in CoH2 that unfortunately are not very vocal. They are playing skirmish or the quiet players you don't see flaming on the forum always. Most players playing CoH2 don't complain about the game, neither are they super eager for balance patches. Like myself, I've always been more eager for content patches that added new commanders)
* Mr. History: Wehraboos, and history fans and players who really like the WW2 scene and weapons. They will get upset at things like unit scale and penetration of tanks which don't match reality. (You get a lot of these in CoH2. That's why realism mod is pretty popular)
* Mr. Bubble-boy: Upset at the game because of some one single bad experience like his Ober squad getting killed by a skill plane. (Also a lot of these in the forum. REMOVE SKILL PLANES! ... okay... what about the vast majority of players who don't mind skill planes killing half of his army every once in 200 games? Funniest moments ever were when this happened. You can owe a lot of COH2.ORG trending hot list to skill planes and demo charges)
No offense my dude but I think you're full of yourself, not to mention that you're a hypocrite as well.
Mr. Designer, really?
I mean excuse me but weren't you the guy that said that you were an actual game developer?
And Mr. History being all Wehraboos and I'm guessing racists and also Nazis for wanting to play a WW2 game that's set in well, WW2.
I mean obviously a game is still a game meant for entertainment and fun so it won't be 100% historically accurate and that's understandable but fuck me, the leftist in you is really showing here.
So you claim to speak for the majority? On the basis of what?
Also, this has been said a million times, but you can't balance around suboptimal play. It's logically impossible. You can try to make to game most fun for casuals but you can't balance it for them.
And where do I claim that I speak for the majority of the community exactly?
My basis is my own experience and also what the Steam community is also showing, this was the case for both CoHs, not just this one and in general almost all RTS games.
They're just not meant for competitive game, especially CoH where there's a lot of RNG and unknowns going on, there is no such thing in Starcraft for example where everything is extremely predictable and set in stone, there's pretty much no variables in terms of maps, units, abilities and so forth.
And fair enough about balance but at the very least what you said fun is what games are supposed to bring you.
There are just too many things geared towards the 1% which is just dragging the game down for everyone else.
I mean you just can't make me believe that from the like what, around 10,000 people playing this game daily that most of them are playing competitive ranked 1v1 or 2v2 matches.
If so this game would probably be featured at E-sports regularly then like Starcraft is.
Why Balancing Is Ruining CoH2 & Why Relic Needs to Stop Listening to the Community
Context: coming in to CoH2 after 5/4 years and overall a lot of the game has lost its interesting and fun designs over the years due to community balance patches. Relic needs to stop listening to the community so much, and especially letting the community make design changes to the game. I think the original faction designs of OKW, USF, and UKF were much more fun when they originally were released than their toned down "balanced" versions today. I still love the game btw, CoH2 is amazing.
Not everything needs to be "balanced!" For crying out loud, don't jeopardize the game design of Company of Heroes that makes the game fun. As a game designer, I cannot help but to say that some things can and should be OP for the sake of fun-ness and interesting play, as long as there is a counter.
Take the Stuka Dive Bomb, yes it is OP, but it has a counter to it; move away from the obvious noise.
Here is an example of what happens everyday in the forum, just today regarding the Stuka Dive Bomb:
You get comments like these always: this thing is OP nerf it and make it like this other ability. This unit doesn't have snares like everything else, give it a snare too. With this attitude and the lack of community understanding of what makes CoH fun, results in Volksgrenadiers losing their Shreks and getting fausts cuz "balance."
Let me quote Breaking Brad, game designer at Relic:
That is the part of the design! Do you really want every single call-in ability to be the same? The Stuka
is the only call-in that has an extremely loud and obvious noise
OKW's 66% Fuel and munitions scarcity and their OP veterancy is what made the faction so interesting!
Another one: OKW losing its 66% FU penalty. That made the faction interesting and fun! It's overpowered Veterancy bonuses made up for its lack of fuel and munitions! But because the community cries balance all the time, Relic gives in and removes the parts of the factions that make you feel like a BADASS in favor of making every faction identical, flavorless, and balanced.
Game design isn't about making every design fair and balanced, its about giving players the feeling of being awesome and a badass.
As I read through the changelog I read a bunch of "to make it more in line with similar units from other factions..." That is precisely what makes the game stale and boring.
CoH2 is asymmetrical, the whole POINT of factions is that they are supposed to be wildly different.
Removing smoke grenades from Rifles? Really? Their design was to be versatile, hence they can snare, have LMGs, and have bazookas. You might as well give infantry sections snares. I once read an argument that because Riflemen have smoke grenades, all other base infantry need smokes. NO, this is not a mirror game, this is asymetrical. Its precisely these statements, especially when they are heard by Relic, that ruins the game.
Giving OKW a OST Tiger, LeFH artillery, MG34 starting, nerfed vet 4 + 5, same fuel income. Why are we sharing units between factions again? Soviet snipers are 1 man now!?
Soviet snipers were badass precisely because they had 2. You might as well play mirror matches. Dare I repeat again, the point of the Soviet sniper having 2 men is not because it makes the sniper balanced, its because it makes the player feel like his army is bigger and mightier like SOVIET RUSSIA and being a COMRADE.
Solution: Relic stops listening to every request from community. Community needs to stop complaining about balance changes, understand that fun-ness is more important than balance. Also greenlighting community made mods into the live game is a good way to ruin the original design
Last thing, 5 man grenadiers? The whole point of Wehrmacht's small unit count was to contrast from Soviet Russia's huge army size *facepalm* In my opinion, Miragefla has introduced a lot of terrible changes to the game along with others responsible for community mod balance changes.
I thought this was just a necro of a topic from 2013 so I'm just gonna be frank here, welcome back after your 4/5 hiatus from the game, however I don't think are relevant or in a good position to speak about what should be done or if what was done was good or bad, even tho you are a developer of a game you did not wish to share the name of with us, due to the simple fact of lacking experience with the game these past 4/5 years as you yourself have said.
So bashing what the community has done is entirely uncalled for and downright low for an ex-pillar of said community if I'm honest. Many of the changes were good, just because you think asymmetrical design and balance is good doesn't make it so for the rest of the people and as a great example I will give the Brits which are still underplayed and underperforming after numerous design changes and balance patches, not to mention not 1 but 2 game implementations.
Simply put, I'm all for asymmetrical design and balance, however not when the core tools are not present there and are hurting the Army more than helping the overall game. The British lacking a non-doctrinal non-fuel costing mobile mortar team is still a problem and including it in a couple of doctrine is more of a bandaid solution than anything else really as one example.
I also agree with you on the fact that too much emphasis is being put on a few top level people that are more or less used for marketing and PR for the game to make more money and thus balance is centered around them and not the bigger part of the community who are mostly compromised of casual players that just want to have fun after work or school in order to relax.
I don't believe that I'm lying when I say that most competitive RTS players are over at Starcraft and will never be on this "E-sports" ready title as much as people want, same with Team Fortress 2 which remains a casual game with an extremely small competitive scene that is also currently failing, badly.
Lastly, I don't think I need to also remind you that those same "comrades" you're rooting for with the meme in your post were part of the regime that raped, pillaged and then enslaved half of Europe and Asia for around 50 years and caused the deaths of probably 100+ million people at this point, ruined many economies and destroyed thousands of lives and families as well.
But I guess my words will be lost on a privileged "game developer" and ex-caster that doesn't know what these people went through.
SEGA 60th Interview with Relic Entertainment - General Manager Justin Dowdeswell:
Relic GM 2:00
"We talk to the fans"
Sega should be slammed for softball questions. How can Relic talk to CoH fans when there is no CM?
Talk is cheap.
Wait if Relic has no community manager then what the hell is Andy supposed to be?
Also is this update every coming out or is it another Cyberpunk 2077 that's endlessly gonna be delayed due to "reasons".
I mean we all know that at this point a skeleton crew is working on the game and that whenever it releases it's going to be broken anyway so I see very little reason for delaying other than making and breaking further promises to the community.