Think you the same country?
Think you can speak English in a bit more understandable manner?
Cause I'm sure as hell we would be speaking Czech right now if your history was so "great".
America having 1/3rd or 1/4th of some European countries history has done much more for this world than them, so it's not about how long or "great" your history is, it's what you've done in it, and America has given much to the world unlike most European countries which were oppressed by monarchies and conservative, static thinking for too long in order for them to reach their full potential.
Why do you even think whoever wanted to do something and had some bright idea went to American in the first place? Because he knew he might be able to do something there, take Nicola Tesla for example, we invented AC (Alternate Current for those not familiar with electricity), the modern light bulb and a hell of a lot more, if it wasn't for the greed of men (yes, Edison being one of those men sadly), we'd have free world wide WIRELESS electricity and maybe even internet.
So in the end, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what YOU can do for YOUR country.