Then don't do it. It's a part of the development process and most studios do it. Don't take part if you don't want to.
So they should just release unpublished code out into the wild to be pirated months before a game's release if it's DoW? There's also an advantage to being able to sit in the room and talk with people and get their views and see how they react. Relic has done remote testing especially around CoH 2 balance and things like that. It has it's advantages but so does in person testing.
Whether they're more secretive than they need to be is a fair subject for debate. But if this is for DoW it's unreasonable to expect them to send code out to people over the internet for an unfinished and unreleased game. If it's for CoH 2 then they must want feedback they haven't been able to get from years of remote tests with the community. If it's for something that's neither then they'll be even more secretive and rightly so.
I don't know what it's for, but I think it's unfair to get angry at them for an opt-in test that you don't need to participate in.
I'm sorry to hear that. I know the people at Relic take pride in working hard to deliver what they think will please the fans but it's impossible to please everyone all the time. Ultimately I'm sure you reasons are justified to you and there's no point in arguing about it. People like what they like and if you feel badly treated that's too bad. If it happened even partially on my watch I'm sorry.
But if it's this particular thing that pushes you over the edge then I'd give them another chance. Playtests are very typical in game development and they almost always happen either on location at the studio or in a second location if an outside contractor is hired to run the tests. Remote testing is not completely unheard of but it's very rare for non-indie studios.
Listen Noun, as a former Relic employee and CoH community manager I have massive respect for you and understand that you're defending your former employer but I don't think they had any good reason to kick you out or for you to leave, sure there was the community hate for some things but you were mostly loved, as was Relic, back then.
And I was referring to CoH 2, I agree that DoW III is still an unfinished product and many things can change until it's released, my problem is that looking at CoH 2 in it's broken state, I'm doubting they can finish it.
As far as the testing goes, there was a similar case not long ago with Cossacks 3's release, it's made by a Ukrainian development team called GSC Game World, they made the old Cossacks, American Conquest series of RTS games as well as Stalker, around CoH's time. But for their latest game they decided to scrap the closed beta for an in-house one, which was a bad decision on their part to be honest, lots of bugs and stuff that needed to be fixed post launch left a bad taste and many bad reviews on the storepage to many people, things that MOSTLY could have been worked out before release, but due to limited testing...
I as a modder, and not yet game or software developer, would much rather have a bigger testing audience on the internet rather than a few games in my house, pretending to be giving me feedback, for all we know they could even ruin the testing since they have a limited opinion scope, hell how do we know that they've even heard of Warhammer 40,000 or Dawn of War before?
So yeah, in general maybe I'm just pissed at Relic because of CoH 2 and just don't want that to happen to DoW III as well, but looking at how they're making it, I think I'll save my money until some actual proof that it's not shit, or, pirate it, since before we had demos of games, now we don't, I'm not justifying pirating but I don't wanna waste my money, and Steam's refund policy of 2 hours is complete bullshit.
And the game is going to be pirated sooner or later, one way or another, those Russian hacker boys don't have any other real jobs anyhow, why do you think they're software prices are around 30% of ours? Question is, if it's that good to reel in potential customers, I for example haven't pirated many games, but the few I have and I've liked, I've bought.