Invis several post.
If you want to continue, use PM.
Just so you know you're dooming him, not helping him.
If he doesn't learn to actually grow some balls he will be in some tough shit which he will not be able to get out, any nobody else will be able to help him get out as well, and he won't be able to because people like you who shield him now while you can, what happens when you can't?
As for my reply to squippy's last post.
I am not defending anyone, certainly not the trolls. If anything I'm firmly against them, that is why I believe standing up to them or just simply ignoring them is the best way to deal with them.
This is coming from a person who was bullied for a long time until a certain point, so I'm talking out of experience here.
While you, my kind sir, probably live in a quiet neighborhood somewhere in London drinking your weed tea thinking you're safe from any and all harm while the truth is you are just protected by something right now, and you won't have that same protection and safe security in a tough situation and then you will faulter, just because you were so dependent on that.
I am done with this discussion, goodbye.