RW is the only atg that become immobile when in camo and implementation is very player unfriendly.
Either make the camo passive and automatic when stationary or allow the unit to move at lower speed like other atg with camo.
I think you might be onto something with visible when moving under 'toggled on' camo. But it'd be more of a QoL change, likely with reduced speed under this status. An argument for this would be that one could achieve the same result faster with toggle off -> move -> toggle on but it'd be very cumbersome.
If one use attack order the unit will stop once cloaked but will continue to "remember" the attack order and move once it is revealed for any reason (AOE damage, reckon planes, firing).
I had forgotten about how sometimes I have to manually re-enable cloak on cloaked raks stuck in the 'reveal' status. Is that a bug or something?
ATG do not need first strike bonuses from that start. Simply sight bonuses and rotation bonuses are good enough since they can help prepare better an "ambush".
The RW vet bonuses need be looked at because vet 1 is simply not used, vet 3 although decent provides nothing to RW in garrison vet 4 is rather poor and vet 5 is simply not good enough and too late. That make only vet 2 bonus decent.........
I did in the above a pretty exhaustive walkthrough of likely changes that weren't hard to implement. Reload speed being moved earlier would certainly help and something else replaces the vet V bonus. 10% is pretty minor that said. Sight for ambushes maybe would be good, but I'm not sure it'd make much of a difference in actual combat scenarios. I didn't and don't have any conclusive answers, the gun is hard to balance.
RW in garrison is considered to be 'unfixable' so one might as well ignore it, outside of some gimmicky places like Red Ball house left - to threaten armor pushing the MG that's often placed on the left VP. I would love to have raks in trenches being an absolute nuisance and shrugging off rocket arty but it's not practical as long as the target priority is bugged.
I'll admit to often just ignoring the camo as it automatically runs into the problem of the gun being left behind in the heat of the moment. Esp irritating for a tank just 5-10 out of range.
I disagree on cautious movement been bad for the sole reason it provides initiative on engagement at no cost. For a vet 1 ability is not bad.
RW is indeed cumbersome to use but not bad for what it does. I think it could have like 5%/10% movement speed but i suspect it is in the current state to disuade the whole keeping 2x AT gun in the front at a risky position, shoot and then retreat away.
Raketen camo.....hmmm. My opponents never see it coming (pun intended ) but OTOH their usage is a bit gimmicky. Regarding slow movement speed at vet I/III. Not something -I- want to be on the receiving end of but maybe someone can make it balanced. Somehow. 20% speed from AT gun ambush is a slow crawl but 5-10% would be inching along and very likely to be still out of position when it's needed.
Rest of the post is a general thoughts thing, not aimed at you specifically.
I did some thinking about the RW veterancy and if it can be changed. A surprisingly daunting task. Ended up narrowing ideas down to camo itself as other AT gun vet values didn't really help much.
Honestly, the best I came up with at this point in time are below:
Reduced received accuracy/damage to give the gun a bit more survivability and reward keeping it alive.
Increased range. I think the old rak had this somewhere in the table but that was on top of a range 50 gun. Prob not popular as it makes the gun range profile inconsistent outside of stolen AT guns.
Vet III: +25% reload speed as part of the first strike bonus. Copied from the Soviet AT gun ambush. Should incentivise use of camo and ppl will be reversing away in most situations anyway. Guaranteed penetration is impressive but if the AT gun ambush were copied - few allied vehicles have much more armor than 225*1.20=281.25 pen at far. I have a feeling it still won't be enough esp with the lack of AT gun ambush being used by Soviet players.
Its giving me too much of a head ache to do all of them. This is considering OP is only taking about counter barrage on the LEFH. Hope this gives a better picture.
Thank you for the data gathering and breakdown, esp the table code o.O. My account was not an accurate picture of the situation. Wasn't sure due to the number of entries but does seem that CB gives a notable damage increase to the LEFH and parity with ML-20. Exceeding it on the mid aoe as you've described.
I would have replied in length but I think Darkpiatre put it succinctly and explained the current state of the LEFH (and imho why it's not likely to change).
EDIT: There is also the fact that even if the gun is not destroyed, a direct hit can knock out the crew and render any vet gain useless -> sending you back to zero when recrewing.
The Power of the LEFH counter barrage is related to the fact that Allies are granted self propeled gun which are less likely to get destroy during an Arty VS Arty fight while being mobile and thus much harder to get destroyed by off-map combo.
The scatter though is quite problematic, making it much more like an automatic random shell rain than a good counter arty tool.
The scatter I've found paradoxically can turn the CB LEFH into a squad destroying machine on inf marching through approaches to the frontline (where light artillery typically hang out). I stand by an earlier estimate of direct hit rates of 1/10 for CB LEFH on average (0-2 radius according to the stats table).
AOE hits are not sufficient to kill a rocket arty in one hit, nvm SPGs though they can certainly wear down ML-20s and B-4s (Assuming the latter doesn't one-hit your LEFH). And obviously Calliopes don't care.
A big problem with nerfing the LEFH is that it is easily killed by anyone with a recon + call-in artillery. It's a static piece with no brace and huge scatter in Fog of War. In many situations you won't even keep a vet I+ LEFH for long.
While several LEFHs can counter SPGs, the reverse is usually true instead. Eg: Hamburg several Priests/Sextons focus firing a CB LEFH (out of 2-3) and it's gone before the firing cycle's over.
I personally think the ability's fine taking the above into account.
EDIT: Speaking of fixed arty guns - the ML-20's a pretty poor arty piece overall, though I suppose the base dmg is higher(?) if I read the stats correctly.
I mean.....they are so powerful that the only inf squad with better AI are Obers or Paratroopers. Even Shocks/Rangers are in trouble vs Falls. They literally have 4 BAR-like weapons.