If I recall, the Lefh costs 400MP and 40-60 fuel correct? Comes in at 8 CP? So if it's against USF one of them is FORCED, not encouraged but forced to go a doctrine to deal with it? I feel like that's the biggest issue with USF/Brits in that since they don't have complete tools, having to go commanders to deal with casual things locks them out of options.
Furthermore If you used little fuel to force out a big purchase such as the priest, mission accomplished time to get tanks out faster then your opponent. Or as you say spend 250 USF munitions to counter it (Guess USF doesn't need bars or AT rounds). I'd like to see a 4v4 player actually buy some anti air to see if it could snipe the majors planes and others before revealing the Lefh.
I don't think this is a Lefh problem, I just think it's more of a damning decision to deprive Two allied factions of tools to deal with simple things.
LEFH is 50 fuel iirc.
The calculation is not 180-250 muni for LEFH or more BARs than San Diego has bars. It's kill the LEFH or get the frontline turned into the moon under bombardment and light arty teams flattened. I trust there's no need for me to elaborate how losing all that manpower makes any saved muni pointless? Or somehow, apparently HQ sector targeted but I can only see that happening with vet III LEFH or just bad team commander picks. (Major is somewhere between 100-120 muni).
Bear in mind there is a long build time for LEFH (unless OST and using that bulletin), so engineers are not repairing vehicles or laying deathtraps on the flanks. Particularly long for OKW as they can't get a 2nd SP realistically. This is fine and part of the design and cost too imho.
It's an 8CP unit which typically is unlocked after medium tanks in my experience, esp if rushed. Hell, I've had games where I've been staring at a Crom and there's only one AT gun between two players nvm an LEFH. (Shouldn't have assumed teammate had an AT gun). Typically by the time the gun is built, I've reached 9 CP often because of how long it takes to build. SPG is out on the field with one click. The med tank vs heavy arty timing issue is not a problem imho esp in such a cache heavy mode. A very big issue with a fuel calculation is the fact that the gun can't move, so you always know where it is, rather than risk huge resources on an easily dodged arty call in/tank dive.
Major gets +1 recon plane at vet I so it's extremely extremely unlikely you'll shoot down both in time unless the Axis frontline is giving 1944 Berlin a run for its money with AA defences.
And oh yes, BGroup HQ will get targeted by SPGs but you don't hear me complaining that a fwd retreat point (with injured squads) is being barraged by a clever opponent. I've done it to many OKW players over the years. Very satisfying I'll admit.
By that logic ML-20/Lefh are the problem because there only exists doctrine counters, or gross income sinks to counter them. Rocket artillery should counter them in a perfect world by say having a barrage with a long fire time but hits far range on the map. Then, the ML-20/LEfh should be reduced in cost just to be a constant harass unit one could build.
Well right now, everyone has to get doctrine counters to deal with fixed artillery guns, just how it is. 4v4 has them far too well defended to do anything non-doc except suicide dives as an AT/TD wall will swiss cheese you. B-4 in live and current patch preview still can one-shot your LEFHs as well. Ie: destroy the gun, not just crew knock out, with 3 shots instead of the usual 1 mega-RNG roll. ML-20 is commonly mocked, even by me, but believe me it'll turn into your worst nightmare if no one has brought a counter to it.
Only your doc counters don't really work vs SPGs or you're required to use some extreme tactics like attrition dives on Hill 400, praying that there's not 10 mines between you (Puma/Pz iv/Panther and your target . Last time I did this I got quizzed on where my armor was, after about 6 dead pumas and maybe 3-5 dead SPGs + ambo. That guy didn't lay mines.