<ThoseDeafMutes says a ton of stuff I completely agree with>
Absolutely! (And totally agree about how Relic flubbed the historical accuracy of the Soviets and OKW)
There's definitely room for giving every faction its own flavour, but Relic's tinkering at the lowest levels of the gameplay creates far more problems, and is unnecessary to achieve that flavour. It's difficult enough to balance a particular unit when you have all of these variables to consider:
Manpower cost
Fuel cost
Time it takes to build the unit -or- cooldown before you can deploy another from off-map
Cost of all tech upgrades needed before unit is unlocked
Cost of all buildings needed before unit is available
Command Points needed before unit is unlocked
Reinforcement cost (if infantry)
Relative effectiveness to other units that you/opponent has at time the unit becomes available/unlocked
Relative need for the unit (soft/hard counter to something?) at time the unit becomes available/unlocked
And probably a few others I missed...
That's a lot to worry about. Changing how a faction works at the lowest levels adds an order of magnitude more complexity to the process, upsetting assumptions about how to balance a unit's multiple variables because Faction A approaches things differently than Faction B.