Projectiles set to tp_homing will change course if they need to in order to hit. Pretty much every weapon that travels in a (mostly) straight line uses this type. The only other option would be tp_artillery or a variant of it, which removes accuracy altogether and forces scatter on every shot.
It's only noticeable with shrecks, bazookas, and other infantry anti-tank weapons because the projectiles travel much slower than cannon shells. |
In reality, gun teams would dig foxholes and trenches near their gun and hide out there, and this wasn't just for the immobile guns that needed transports to tow them.
This would lend itself well to an ability that acted like Brace, where the gun ceases to fire but the crew becomes garrisoned in their foxholes and are only vulnerable to grenades, flamethrowers, and other means of ousting troops from cover. The gun could still be destroyed during this time, but if it survives the attack then you retain the crew.
If the crew is wiped out (due to infantry assault or because they didn't hide), you can recrew the gun as normal, which rewards an opponent who is able to capture a gun position and turn the gun around on their enemy. |
One thing we're working on at the moment is a game mode that replaces Annihilation and Victory Points as our default game mode. Instead of three or more Victory Points to control on the map, every sector is valuable and slowly trickles in points for your team if you hold it. The first team to reach 1,000 points wins. However suffering casualties eats away at your team's points, so you'll need to balance the need to control the map with not losing too much manpower. If a team reaches 0 points from casualties, they lose. This makes bleeding your opponent dry a viable strategy, or at least a way to even the score if you fall behind in securing territory.
The penalty for casualties is equal to a percentage of that unit's cost, so losing a single Shtrafniki is barely noticeable but a lost Tiger II is a huge setback. And of course what you allocate to your Battlegroup is the entirety of what you have to play with; if that schwerer Panzer-Zug (Heavy Tank Platoon) you added to your Battlegroup only had a single Tiger II, you won't be getting another one that match.
Once we've got that mode working nicely, we'll also consider spicing it up with special sector types and timed objectives that pop-up across the map.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that you start off with a couple hundred points, so early casualties don't immediately end the game. The exact amount is something we'll have to tune, so that you can afford to be a little aggressive at the beginning but not overly reckless |
Interesting, so the delay between shots/bursts isn't the addition of wind_up + shot/burst duration + wind_down + cooldown, but instead wind_up + shot/burst duration + cooldown, but cooldown can never be less than wind_down.
One way to prove this for sure is to set the wind_down to 5 and the cooldown to 4. If wind_down really is the minimum possible cooldown, the weapon will wait 5 seconds. If it's wind_down + cooldown, it will be 9 seconds. 5 or 9 seconds should be pretty easy to spot. |
Progress slowed down over the holidays and afterwards due to our own busy lives, but we're still making progress.  |
I didn't know it could override cooldown. Can you elaborate on how that works? |
So let's imagine that situation: I order Pathfinders to plant a beacon. I drop Paratroopers and 6-pounder on it. After Paratroopers man the gun, I can instantly reinforce them thanks to beacon, but AT gun can't be reinforced and stays with 3-man crew. It would make sense to allow them to reinforce at beacon since it's crewed by airborne team.
Is it possible to implement? If yes, how?
It looks like it's not difficult to implement.
You'd need to change the squad_reinforce_ext of every squad that might be recrewed by paratroopers, and add a copy of the paradrop requirements that paratroopers normally have. However you'd be adding a new requirement in addition to the near_entity_requirement: a required_unit_type of aef_paratroopers.
That would mean every weapon crew can reinforce if any of their entities are paratroopers, when near the beacon. |
You'll actually need a player upgrade for that to work, since the building can only check the player for upgrades and not the squad that is building it.
So make a new player upgrade, have the building require that, and have your squad upgrade give the player upgrade to the player when it's purchased. |
Not sure, you'll have to test those yourself.
My recommendation is to give it a very large multiplier to something that is easy to spot, like x2 weapon range, and then it will be easy to notice if it's getting stacked (suddenly x4) when recrewed.
Not sure about the two types, those are new in CoH2. |
It's applying the scatter modifier to every entity in the squad, but that's fine since small arms weapons from the crew members don't use scatter for anything other than visuals.
It's also only affecting weapons on hardpoint_01, you'd need to duplicate that modifier accordingly for the others. |