Yeah I changed it into before "artillery_attack" but it still fired somewhat into two lines, albeit inaccurate. I managed to fine-tune the scatter bit more so it kinda works better now.
I have weird bug with SdKfz251's MG42. When I choose this halftrack and then want to give it order to attack enemy infantry, the crosshair (which shows up when you put your cursor on enemy unit) shows that it can't penetrate it (you know, it shows when you choose for example Grenadiers without any antitank weapon and put cursor on a tank - it is different animated red cross) - even though the target is infantry, which doesn't have armor. When I right-click the enemy infantry anyway, the 251 drives straight into enemy squad (when any other unit is ordered to attack the enemy, they stop right away at the furthest distance available and shoot at them), it shoots them but they drive around into enemy squad as if it was pursuing enemy model. I have to attack enemy units by ordering the halftrack to stand in front of enemy because of it, if I give direct attack order then this weird circus performance begins.
Anyone knows why it happens?
I checked halftrack's MG penetration - it's 1,3, 1,6 and 2,1 for far, mid and near distances, so it can't be simply because of pen set lower than 1.
I came back to it but still can't get it done, the ability "works" in game but no squad is called in. Can anyone show the screenshot of action_list category from ability with random squads that actually works?
So I want to give Walking Stuka a barrage that would land rockets randomly, like with Incendiary Barrage ability or Panzerwerfer barrage. I managed to turn off creeping barrage type, disable the direction choice and added scatter. However all it does is that barrage is still "creeping", as in it goes in one direction (the direction where halftrack is heading), the rockets land one after another, just with bigger scatter, instead of being random like on Katyusha or Panzerwerfer. Can anyone help me with that?
Another thing is even when my snipers, or pathfinders and "hidden" and not shooting, the AI knows right where they are.
Not really, they go near them and try to uncover them but when you stay in that place for longer the AI gives up and goes to different direction. I never had problems with snipers or camo units vs AI.
Also Jpz4 is insanely effective when camouflaged, AI can't use attack ground so you're almost invincible.