So I play around with tanks' armour values, everything was okay until today when I opened Attribute Editor and log window opened with following errors:
File reference "animator" in file (c:\users\xxx\documents\firstmod\mod\instances\ebps\races\german\vehicles\panzer_iv_sdkfz_161\panzer_iv_commander_sdkfz_161_mp.xml) references a file that doesn't exist (art\armies\german\vehicles\panzer_iv\panzer_iv.abp; art\armies\german\vehicles\panzer_iv\panzer_iv.rgo; art\armies\german\vehicles\panzer_iv\panzer_iv.rgm).
File reference "animator" in file (c:\users\xxx\documents\firstmod\mod\instances\ebps\races\german\vehicles\panzer_iv_sdkfz_161\panzer_iv_sdkfz_161_mp.xml) references a file that doesn't exist (art\armies\german\vehicles\panzer_iv\panzer_iv.abp; art\armies\german\vehicles\panzer_iv\panzer_iv.rgo; art\armies\german\vehicles\panzer_iv\panzer_iv.rgm).
I ignored it at first, but now in game Panzer IV's model is missing and I see only a blue box in it's place.
I thought that maybe I really messed something up and deleted the Panzer IV's edited files. I clone these files again, changed ONLY armour values but the errors are still up. What's going on?
edit: I deleted the files and it's still present
this is how it looks