I just got an a idea how to "fix" KT rush and couple of other things that needs to be adjusted, how about putting unlocks in all three okw trucks that u need to pay to unlock KT and other bonuses...
Lets say, in Battlegroup HQ u get an option to upgrade that HQ, and with that upgrade u get that healing ability, in Mechanized Regiment HQ u need to upgrade it so it can reapir, and last in Schwerer Panzer HQ u can upgrade it for AA gun, after "unlocking" all that then u can make King tiger... And u pay those unlocks in fuel.
Or you can mix it, like buildings stay the same, but u unlock in them things like shrecks and nades...
Somethings similar was in vCoh PE for dual panthers, and it worked great.
It seems like a simple idea to slow down KT and teching and spends that fuel on those perks, that were free before, but now shouldn't be..
Just my 2 cents.
So wrong..
OKW vet 5 - resource penalty.
Crew & weapon racks - shitty and squishy tanks, no insta upgrades.
6men squads - squishy squads (except Shocks)
Green cover bonus and weapon racks - pure shit without cover & no insta upgrade.
Wot? Can u explain little better? I would agree that overall USF lacked something in armor couple of weeks ago, now they got heavy tank and calliope. If OST does not have ferdi i would say USF can field better in armor. |
Yea, this is kinda disappointing, for OKW atleast. SOV and OH have bunch of commanders, alot of them are meh but still couple good ones. USF got a heavy tank(and rangers), i always thought they were fast mobile all around army that lacked heavy armor, u can even have more than one pershing at same time, yay. OKW got flamethrower (on just one unit tho) stuka bombing, useless recycle/manpower options and small turretless tank with couple of germans in it, and their job is to fart trough gun with a lighter on the other end.
Not sure what axis only players expected after prolonged "nerf flamers" campaign of last months 
Players got exactly what they have asked for, flame unit for OKW as well as balanced flamers.
Flame nerf was okayish, still hetzer has no turret less armor less hp cant switch gun, compared to other flame tanks. Easy to see how much biased you are when u "defend" this tank. |
Thing is though JLI and Fusiliers are extremely effective.
OKW does need a lot of help because it's the weakest faction, but if nondoc anti infantry capabilities are buffed, doctrinal options should be nerfed
Well, that isn't really a buff then if you cripple commanders, will they nerf rangers because rifles are very potent with recent buff? If they buff cons will they nerf shocks or guards? Even like this most OKW commanders are garbage. Some very good units and alooot of dead weight. Sure, nerf Fuiliers that perform very good but then buff other things in other commanders, too much useless/broken things in OKW commanders. Yea there are bad commanders in other factions too, but they also have very "balanced" commanders with good all around things u can always use, in OST you have CAS or any tiger or ferdi commander with stuka, recon and scopes, SOV, alot of very bad commanders but also couple of them that u can always use, USF, rifle and airborn, with UKF u have royal engineer and vanguard. With OKW u have... that one with fusiliers. |
Heh, they produce stuff like commanders, new factions and stuff u can buy, so they can support this game. Well, relic's idea of supporting this game is producing even more content they can sell, and not on optimization, there is no money in optimization. And knowing relic's capabilities if they try to optimize this game, they will make it worse. So maybe they are making a optimization better with not touching it, good guy Relic. (just my brainfart 
I wonder how will they sell CoH3.
Maybe it's me but I am finding it hard to accept that that is the answer. It feels seriously laggy compared to the instant responses of COH1.
How does a game in 2015 get away with charging "full price" (into 3 figures for all content) when it can't log a mouse click properly? We know it isn't the battleservers since they didn't exist in the beginning..
Sadly, its true. This game is in state that u need to play this on (barely)casual level, hop in, couple of games, hop out. Anything more than that and u will get frustrated and curse relic for such sloppy job of optimization, bugs and balance, almost everything that matters to enjoy in a game.
There is no time for fixing a game when they need to make DLC's, commanders, factions so they can make money and further support this game, by producing more commanders factions etc. that make the game more unbalanced and somehow worse in optimization. |
Stug can deal with AT, Panther is huge risk small reward, unless long +3v3 games... I mean, even if u put a panther against stug, stug has better chance to win, especial if it is has vet1. |
Where exactly did you get this "very poor" mobility from?
Just because wikipedia states that the pershing had a very slow off-road speed doesn't mean it's true.
The reason why wikipedia gives just a poor off road mobility is because not all off road terrain is equal.
If you look at this video this gives a much clearer picture of how tanks actually performed off-road in ww2. (It's not very fast)
That Pershing had, very low mobility offroad, if compared to other tanks. It had only 3 forward / 1 reverse gear's and that is huge drawback to drive fast or even manoeuvre off road, and it was little to heavy for it's engine. Also, you needed very strong driver to drive this tank because the lever was very hard to "pull" like in most tanks that were mass produced by USSR and USA.
http://i.imgur.com/aK1cPgR.png |
true , but you dont have 1 hour when your dislodging base defences (ussually)
1 hour? It isn't longer than 30 sec. (To kill one flak) |