Just place the game a little earlier in time. For example in 1942. Take brits, usf, germans and italians. No army has late war heavy tanks, but they have early war heavy tanks or infantry tanks.
First tier is infantry and team weapons: easy.
Second tier would be AT guns (37 - 50mm), different types of armoured cars and pre-war tanks. Make these as good as coh2 light tanks.
Third tier - modern light or crusier tanks (like p3, m13/40, crusarder), AI assault guns (stug in early versions). Make these light tanks as good coh2 mediums vs infantry and each other.
Fourth tier - modern heavy or infantry tanks, AT assault guns, powerful AI and AT weapons : matilda, p4, semovente, flak 88, light howitzers like lefh18 or 25pdr.
Add additional units, for example converted tanks as callins. Add arty and aircraft offmaps. And you have a game of coh in 1942 that lacks nothing compared to its older brothers.
Yes, that is one way to make coh3, but i think that is too many limitations just for adding other smaller factions. I honestly think that that is not the way to go for next coh, to be more limited for sake of expading factions, they are hardly keeping this many factions in coh2 with trying to have them all be unique, going for even more factions without them feeling copy paste and with even more limited arsenal is very risky choice. I would rather for them to go cold war era than to go with this system that u guys propose. It would get boring and it would be balancing nightmare, unless they go mirroring all the factions. No easy way of adding them without altering the playstyle of coh im afraid. They need to upgrade existing system with more QoL and smarter gameplay mechanics, if they go exploring we would probably get mess that would need gazilion patches to make it playable. |
Many global upgrades, and they can still have late game units besides heavy tanks. Look at what PE did in CoH1.
Yes, but PE had panthers and jagdpanther, also hetzer and marder3 and pz4 inf support tank (short barrel) and wirbelwind AA based on pz4 chasis.
PE was different, but they still had good selection of strong armor and TD-s, and they were hard to balance, very easy to be cancerous meta.
Italy biggest tank was p40 that was simillar to panzer 4, and they build only 100 or so with most of them were not entirely completed. |
Yes please, I really want this. The best part about this game is fluid infantry combat and combined arms synergy. I would be 100% okay with a new faction without medium tanks to fight the rng tank battles 1 on 1. That's what I'm looking for most in coh3, reworked tank mechanics to be less RNG. More focus on infantry.
But how to make them scale with other nations that have mediums and heavy tanks?
I agree for better combined arms and less rng, and reworked tank combat, but if they do that with the main factions it would be better experience than with japan, italy and france.
I think that they just dont have that variety of units to be in game like coh, without redoing the playstyle and immersion that made coh good. |
I don´t think there is lack of choice of factions to add:
- Italians
- Afrika Korps (they could be somewhat like OKW but even more movile)
- France
- Japan
- They could even add "the resistance" as a partisan faction that boost "commandos" playstile
Personally I would be amused to play with the almighty Afrika Korps, Hey safari!
Can u at least read what did i write before you reply to my comment?
I just said that if next coh goes ww2, then they dont have choice than to go germany, usa, brit and soviet. And from those factions they have more new options to choose from than they could ever dream to pull from italy, france, japan or some other faction.
You cant possibly put in game like CoH faction like italy and play against usa and stand any chance, unless they go away from coh type of game and experiment with different playstyle, but that wont be coh then. Or they massively over exaggerate and bullshit their way in creating those factions.
But that would destroy immersion, there is some stupid things that destroy immersion in current coh games, but pulling something like italians vs usa would be next level bullshit.
No thank you, to put them they need to destroy any immersion or destroy current mechancis of coh, just to add faction that 4 and half players want to play? And faction that doesn't have anything except two different light tanks and some infantry types with 3 AC.
They can only add them in Singleplayer and create campaign from them. And not fullscale army for pvp multiplayer that barely has mid stage, and no late stage units.
I would like to see some gameplay consistency. Not talking about asymetric balance design but more about things like why is USF the only faction that can leave vehicles? Do all other factions have self driving tanks?
Yes! More consistency is a must.
Also, huge thing that they should do is ditch passive timed abilities, if i pay 45 munition for AP ability on a tank, then i want 4 or 5 AP shells, not 15 seconds of AP shells. They could use this system for for artillery too.
combat inside enterable houses, side armor, , more animations (like solders leaning at a wall), maybe different stances and choosable behaviour (like passive / hold fire / attack only when attacked) would be enough for a new coh
Nah, for the next game i would like for monetization that doesn't affect pvp, but that won't happen, cuz Sega.
And if they are going just to add couple of features and call it CoH3, i would rather that they build from vCoH, not coh2. |
I see people often say that they get tired of same old factions.
I never got bothered with that. Its not like Cod or BF that the game is released every year, so it can get repetitive. There are only two and half (CoH online) games in last 12 years.
Either they go ww2, or not.
If they go ww2, there is lack of choice for factions, i mean, who really wants to play with Italians? What do they have that it will make it interesting? Or japan, they were major player, but unless next coh goes naval, japan is in same problem as Italy, very limited choice to play with, it would get bet boring, really fast.
They need to worry about polish(don't mean on Poland  and improving gameplay.
And not adding factions that 2 infantry type, one light tank and two different AC would be 80% of their army
Bottom right in army tree for coh1, last two pictures of hetzer and jagpanther are wrong, i mean mixed.
Other than that, great job! |
... Why don't you simply play COH1?
Also since nothing more will be added DLC wise to COH1, it'd be absolutely perfect, no?
For starters, i would still play coh1 if they didnt butcher it when they lost original servers.
Relic did phenomenally BAD job at recoverig servers for coh1, and coh lost almost every function to properly play multiplayer. Very bare bones. Just another thing that relic half-assed.
If coh1 was left as is, it would probably had bigger playerbase today than coh2.
Keeping in mind that coh2 was free to get multiple times, to keep the playerbase healthy.
I'll say this once and not again, please remove USF rifle smoke from all sources. They have a mortar for smoke and do not need any more. Currently rifle nade smokes is just a get out of jail free card. You get suppressed, "oh I just rifle nade smoke." People just need to learn to flank. Period.
You want flanking? Go play vCoh. :Đ
This game is made to abuse A button on keyboard.
And a sturmtiger/avre shot here and there.