Its impossible to implement another axis faction.
There isn't anything bigger then KT/JT, so we have no megalomania source material.
Impossible because there are no more axis tanks that are same class as KT/JT?
Only reason why Relic shouldn't make another axis faction is... balance problems.
They can create another faction, call it wehrmacht and add: Pazner 3, and other variants of tigers 4 and 5.
Glass cannon? Marder 2 and 3 and nashorn if u want firepower of JT without armor, hetzer, jp4.
You have Wespe, hummels, Wirbelwind, grille and nebelwerfer.
If they ever put another axis faction, i hope they will stay away from Tigers 2 and JT, even Tiger1.
There is just so many options to make a new faction, will it be authentic? I dont care, i want those nebels