Hi I have not been playing long so I want to ask you guys for some information on things.
1. Who is this vetlolcake everyone keeps talking about?
2. How did the Elbe Day, and March Deployments make some factions OP (I saw the march deployment vid, it seemed like good changes to me)?
3. Why was the Tiger Ace OP?
I will not comment on vetlolcake
Marchdeployment was really two patches
The first was infantry lethality and some other balance changes. As great as it sounded, Ostheer unintentionally became Far more powerful due to their more long ranged based. Simply because Soviets stuff generally has to get closer and leave the safety of cover, grens would murder them in every situation. Another goofy thing that resulted was pio spam. Weapons profiles were introduced and pioneers have smgs, they actually beat conscripts at close range (pretty OP for a what at the time was a 200mp unit)
Tiger ace is OP because you can call in the tank to save your ass even if you have no map control because it costs 800 MP which for the most part is unaffected by map control but more impacted by populatoin/ upkeep. So in a sense you can still have a normal game with the usual armor but the Tiger ace can come out way easier than a regular tiger or Is2 which costs a ton of fuel