The idea: cons cost little and bring little more than capping power
You pay for additional bits and bobs to make them more what you need, at an additional cost. Not too unlike the PE of coh

As always, the primary goal is discussion. Nothing here is set in stone, I'd like to hear what yall have to say
The basic template:
6 men, 4 rifles
Oorah becomes vet 1
Various upgrades
AT nade
Rifle production (+2 rifles, increased ROF on rifles)
7th man
Cover bonus
Oorah buff (defense modifier for squad?
Increased vet rate
Reduced ability cost
Reduced reinforcement rate
Other suggestions welcome
The idea is that you can pay little for extra capping power of that's all you want. But if you want more from your cons you can get more.
At the start for 30mp more you have the firepower of the new combat engies with 50%more health. But most importantly you have the ability to out produce the enemy for map control at the cost of quality of troops.
Base price I think for upgrades would be ~ 80mp and 10 fuel. Exact location in tech structures to be determined.
The beauty of breaking up cons into an a la carte model is that they become as much or as little as you want them to be. At 200mp they could always find a spot in your build as something to merge here or there or additional capping power without being a no Brainer.
Another benifit of the a la carte model is that you can easily tweak each aspect of the cons. Even now it's difficult finding the right spot for the current 7 man ability as it brings a lot to the table, but broken up it can be easier to fit in and price as each component is independent. If the 7th model is generating too much value too soon move it back a tier. If the extra rifles is too strong, increase the price.
Additionally with all these various different elements we can get creative with pricing. Say rifle production doesn't feel right being a weapon improvement and costing fuel, make it cost munitions. Something like 100mu and 80mp or you could also tie it to a tier. Build special rifle, get more and better guns! Unlock support weapon building and get the cover bonus or something. The world is your oyster!
Tldr make cons cheap enough to always have a place in build but modular enough to fit in however you want them to, at a price