After snares added to UKF and the tech changes to USF, I've been thinking about several changes to OKW to overhaul some aspects of the faction so that everyone (both OKW players and Allied players) will have a better experience, while leaving the faction power level roughly the same.
Aim of changes:
- less cheese;
- adress some underperforming units;
- spread OKW fighting power more evenly across early/mid/late game;
- replace cheesy mechanics with fair ones, but ultimately leave units/abilities as powerful as they are now as not to mess with faction balance;
- have minimal impact (no radical changes).
For easy reading I will present changes like patch notes.
Obviously all numbers like prices and stats are subject to change. Focus the discussion on the ideas themselves.
Prologue: dislodging the Mechanized Headquarters meta
Mechanized (Luchs + Puma) is the dominant choice in the current meta. I believe this is because
- Volksgrenadiers - even with their high cost-effectiveness - are not enough to hold back Allied vetted/upgraded/elite infantry and
Which makes the majority of players use the Luchs to bleed the opponent of manpower and the Puma as a mostly reliable AT unit.
- OKW has unreliable manpower based AT, with a lack of Panzerschrecks and an ATG that is awkward to use.
How to make Battlegroup HQ more attractive in the face of Mechanized HQ's advantages?
With OKW's limited variety in units I don't think it's possible to make Battlegroup healthily match up with Mechanized by shifting units around, as the tier structure with the Puma and one of the AI lights will always be prefered over the other.
Therefor I think it's best to try to indirectly make Battlegroup more attractive by splitting the T4 tech in half and by making the Raketten more reliable (longer range, better durability).
If Obers can come soon enough, together with a more reliable ATG, it might be able to contest Mechanized. Battlegroup will indirectly benefit by becoming more attractive due to its cheaper teching cost, in order to get the Schwerer Panzer HQ up faster. Putting the Ostwind and Hetzer behind the same "T3.5" tech could make it even more attractive.
To do this I propose the following changes to the Schwerer Panzer HQ and the Raketten:
1. Tier 4 - Schwerer Panzer Headquarters tech split
I would like to see T4 split up into two techs, so Obersoldaten can hit the field earlier than they currently do. Doctrinal 'T3.5' units are now also available at stock T4 so they can become viable again. All other units including the tech structure AA gun are locked behind side tech.
- T4 stock headquarters now costs ~100MP / 60FU to construct. AA gun is disabled. Set up time halved.
- A Stock T4 can produce Obersoldaten (no LMG/STG upgrade).
- A Stock T4 can now also produce the doctrinal Flammpanzer Hetzer and the Ostwind.
- Upgrade Activate Panzer Reserves now available for 100MP / 60FU. Unlocks: Obers LMG/STG upgrade; tier structure flak gun enabled; Jagdpanzer IV, Panzer IV, Panther. Upgrade time is the other half of original HQ set up time.
- King Tiger now requires all trucks set up and the Activate Panzer Reserves upgrade activated (same timing/resources as now).
- If need be, timings for the "T3.5" vehicles (Ostwind & Hetzer) can be adjusted by moving costs over from upgrade price to stock T4 price (this would require some testing). With the current numbers the Ostwind would be 15 fuel faster than Ostheer's Ostwind.
2. Rakettenwerfer 43
I think this unit should be standardised so it's less annoying to play both with and against.
- Range increased from 50 to 55-60. Aim time slightly buffed (so it's more responsive against moving targets).
- Camouflage now only available when stationary. Unit can not move while cloaked, only rotate. ZiS automatic ambush camouflage could be used (automatically activates when stationary).
- Improve durability by increasing crew from 4 to 5 models.
- Optional: to have the Rakettenwerfer remain a unique unit, it could get lowered damage (120 or 100) but have the same high penetration on all ranges. This would be historically accurate since it fired HEAT rockets that do not lose penetration with distance.
Other changes
3. OKW Opening combat power
With Obersoldaten being able to be fielded much quicker, there is room to tone down OKW's starting power. I'm not exactly sure how though.
This would be quite a significant change (in terms of impact) so I imagine this as a 'phase two' sort of change that comes after the tech changes. It's an entire discussion on its own. Some thoughts:
- I think Sturmpioneers should stay the way they are. It adds diversity to the early game.
- It would probably be possible to shuffle around with starting manpower (lower it basically) and reduce cost of SwS trucks. This would make OKW less oppressive early game because they would no longer be able to outproduce other factions with their third squad.
- Changes to be defined at a later moment after the other changes have been implemented.
4. Command Panther
One of the last remaining relics from the call-in meta days. Should be moved to tech so OKW doesn't have a get-out-of-jail card for skipping tech. Given that it lacks combat veterancy, it's arguably not that much better than a normal Panther to justify its high cost now that it's no longer a premium call-in.
- Command Panther now needs to be built in T4.
- Price decreased to ~510MP / 200FU.
- CP requirement down to 0CP.
- Sight range from 55 to 45.
5. King Tiger
This unit underperforms for its price and role. Some small changes and buffs should make the unit more reliable while not becoming OP again.
- Main gun AOE profile changed to match Brummbar style AOE profile (but lower damage and spread than Brummbar). Scatter slightly buffed.
- Spearhead ability moved from vet 3 to vet 1. Combat Blitz ability moved to vet 3.
- Veterancy requirements lowered by 20-30%.
- If possible (probably not), the King Tiger should get its coaxial MG34 (it currently only has the hull MG and the pintle MG).
6. SdKfz 251 "Stuka zu Fuß"
Reduce wiping potential of rockets a bit so it matches other rocket artillery, while making the strike more reliable, by spreading out AOE. The power of the unit should stay roughly the same in the end.
- AOE profile changed so damage distribution is spread out more. Less complete squad wipes, more reliable hits.
- IMO, along with all other artillery units, remove cooldown bonusses from veterancy.
7.1; Artillery [recon] Flares (Special Operations Doctrine)
Uncounterable recon that can be placed anywhere on the map is deemed unfair due to obvious reasons. I'd like to introduce a complete overhaul to this ability.
- Sight provided by recon flares removed. Flares are now a visual clue only to warn enemy players of the ability being used.
- Ability now gives +100% sight (or any other number) to all units within ability area.
- Area of effect increased by ~50%.
7.2; Alternative to 7.1 - Artillery Flares (Special Operations Doctrine)
- Ability can no longer be put anywhere on the map.
- Ability will now automatically reveal selected enemy frontline territory.
- Alternatively, ability can reveal all enemy frontline territory (similar to British flares).
8. Sturmpioneer timed anti-building demolition charge
OKW has no real anti-garrisson (as in demolishing them) tools. There are some units/abilities that can be used to some effect but they either take a long time (ISG), a lot of resources (4-5 Volks flame nades), or both (Stuka or SP Flamers, also doctrinal). This means OKW is especially defenseless against FHQs in team games.
- Ability "Anti-building demolition charge" added to Sturmpioneers.
- Costs 80 munitions.
- Only damages buildings.
- Has a 10 second timer so demo can not be used against enemy units.
9. SdKfz 251/20 Infrared Halftrack
This unit's ability to 3D spot enemies in the FOW is quite cheesy and has too much synergy with indirect fire units (because you can see the exact unit positions and formations). And even worse, it creates the bug where it will make some enemy units permanently visible on the minimap and strategic map.
- Removed the unit's scanning mechanic. The rotating infrared searchlight now only serves as a visual clue of the unit role and its identification.
- Replace the scanning mechanic by a passive ability to detect all enemy units on the tactical map and the minimap. This works identical to the 223's vehicle detection, but for all units.
- Passive Unit Detection has ~100 range.