Low RoF means it's a nerf in the AI department.
If you maintain the same DPS, the 200dmg is a nerf to it's AT performance. Let me put it more clear.
Say rof is 6s (from avg 6.4), so you need to increase rof to 7.5. This is the TTK for most vehicles in game if i didn't skip anything. OR at least anything relevant
Man, i beleive you, that the numbers are right, and in terms of pure balance u are right too.
But let me explain what my point is:
When the game started and i've known nothing about balance and unit stats, i always took IS-2 or Tiger, no matter it's low accurac, because i wanted to have some powerful shooting guns, wrecking havok, loundly exploding and so on. I just enjoyed when IS-2 hit something, cuz it was a juicy bangaboom and it did lots of damage. Maybe it was ineffective, but it was fun, like watching some blockbuster popcorn movie))) I leterally shouted "Take that u bastard!!!!" when IS-2 ot tiger landed devastating shots on enemy vehicles)))
Now special effects are the same but the gun damage took all the fun personally for me. It feels like IS-2 or tiger fire broken rounds))
So it's more about game feelings, than about actual balance. Yet i don't really know how to make these units perform powerful but not OP in the same time.