
russian armor

King Tiger - Is it worth buying?

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5 Dec 2018, 05:38 AM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

jump backJump back to quoted post4 Dec 2018, 15:17 PMLago

If you think it's off-topic, why did you start it?

Higher rate of fire though, and facing enemy armies with typically lower armour.

But if it's not doing its job (being OKW's Tank Destroyer) then it probably needs to be looked at. If the medium-clubbing Panther is better at fighting heavies then the JP4 is somewhat redundant.

Idk I really like the JP4. I think allied TDs can lose some pen of course which would make the JP4 a better counter to enemy TDs but all in all its a solid TD as it's the only axis stick unit that can actually return fire to all enemy armour (less the isu) add in HEAT and its a really fun unit.
5 Dec 2018, 06:04 AM
avatar of murky depths

Posts: 607

15-20 range is normal for snares. Not 0

I did not interpret him to mean literally right next to the KT, but close enough for shots to be accurate -- aka, snaring range.

If they were literally right next to the KT, they could easily kite it and not get hit since the infantry could outrun the turret traverse.
5 Dec 2018, 06:22 AM
avatar of FelixTHM

Posts: 503 | Subs: 1

If they were literally right next to the KT, they could easily kite it and not get hit since the infantry could outrun the turret traverse.

Which is indeed one of the problems of the KT. That turret traverse...ugh
5 Dec 2018, 08:26 AM
avatar of Van Der Bolt

Posts: 91

So people think that the problem with KT is unreliability vs infantry, huh?
Maybe we should give KT AP-shells and HE-shells, like a sherman. U will get reliable AI, but it requires more micro to switch shells. That would be fair, right?

IMO KT is unpopular because it is easily countered. It is very slow, and it should be slow. The obviuos decision is to increase front armor. So TD couldn't pen it as easy as it is. But that would be a tricky thing. A little overbuff, and it becomes broken:
The logical counter to highly front-armored units is flanking.
But it's not that easy in COH2 vs decent opponent. Maps are not that big, there are mines, other tanks, AT guns, and from my expiriece flanking is too risky now
5 Dec 2018, 08:45 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

Maybe we should give KT AP-shells and HE-shells, like a sherman.

Sherman AP shell have decent AI, you are probably referring to ISU-152 shells.

... The obviuos decision is to increase front armor. So TD couldn't pen it as easy as it is. ...

Actually KT is the only Axis stock tank with high armor.

Increase the armor of KT is not the obvious decision, decreasing the penetration of allied TD is.
5 Dec 2018, 08:57 AM
avatar of Van Der Bolt

Posts: 91

My point was to give KT switchable rounds, one better vs armor bad vs infantry, other bad vs armor and good vs infantry. Not with exact parameters of sherman rounds or ISU.
5 Dec 2018, 09:05 AM
avatar of NaOCl

Posts: 378

jump backJump back to quoted post5 Dec 2018, 08:45 AMVipper

Sherman AP shell have decent AI, you are probably referring to ISU-152 shells.

Actually KT is the only Axis stock tank with high armor.

Increase the armor of KT is not the obvious decision, decreasing the penetration of allied TD is.

They need to perform as well as 2 PzIV, Or slightly better considering with tech factored in the KT is more expensive as it needs 3 trucks, not only 2.

There should also be a reward for saving for the KT instead of getting 2 PzIV
5 Dec 2018, 09:06 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

My point was to give KT switchable rounds, one better vs armor bad vs infantry, other bad vs armor and good vs infantry. Not with exact parameters of sherman rounds or ISU.

Sherman AP rounds are decent vs AI, Sherman HE are great vs AI

ISU-152 AP round are weak vs AI, ISU-152 HE are weak vs Armor (although they have some deflection damage).

What you probably want is rounds that work similar to ISU-152.
5 Dec 2018, 09:40 AM
avatar of Kurobane

Posts: 658

The main issue with the King Tiger is the amount of EXP needed in order to get to Veterancy 5. Out of the 5000+ Hours of COH2 I have played, I have seen a handful of King Tigers survive to reach Vet 5.

Proposed Changes :

Amount of Veterancy needed reduced in half
Tank Now has switchable rounds (HE for infantry and AP for armor)

This would put the King Tiger in a good spot.
5 Dec 2018, 10:06 AM
avatar of NaOCl

Posts: 378

The main issue with the King Tiger is the amount of EXP needed in order to get to Veterancy 5. Out of the 5000+ Hours of COH2 I have played, I have seen a handful of King Tigers survive to reach Vet 5.

Proposed Changes :

Amount of Veterancy needed reduced in half
Tank Now has switchable rounds (HE for infantry and AP for armor)

This would put the King Tiger in a good spot.

Its funny that the KT gives more vet than it gains over the duration of a match
5 Dec 2018, 10:54 AM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

Switchable HE/AP rounds will cause extra trouble with HEAT shells. Also, it makes the KT arguably weaker because it is supposed to be an all-rounder that can fight most threats simultaniously because it is so expensive and high pop cap. The Sherman shells work because it fits into a larger unit composition in which it can work as AI with other units providing AP and switch to AP when needed. The KT wouldn't have that luxery.

IMO the easier fix is to simply give the gun spread out AOE damage with better accuracy/scatter (i.e. Brummbär profile), which would also help it a bit in AT department (higher acc).

Then lower veterancy requirements (like by a lot) and maybe move Spearhead to vet1.
5 Dec 2018, 15:03 PM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

Switchable HE/AP rounds will cause extra trouble with HEAT shells. Also, it makes the KT arguably weaker because it is supposed to be an all-rounder that can fight most threats simultaniously because it is so expensive and high pop cap. The Sherman shells work because it fits into a larger unit composition in which it can work as AI with other units providing AP and switch to AP when needed. The KT wouldn't have that luxery.

IMO the easier fix is to simply give the gun spread out AOE damage with better accuracy/scatter (i.e. Brummbär profile), which would also help it a bit in AT department (higher acc).

Then lower veterancy requirements (like by a lot) and maybe move Spearhead to vet1.

It won't be fixed until turret traverse and mobility don't become decent
5 Dec 2018, 16:27 PM
avatar of SuperHansFan

Posts: 833

The problem with this scenario is your rifles are next to the KT. What person puts rifles next to a KT? At KT max range of 50 the scatter is as bad as the IS2. At minimum 35 range against infantry unless they have AT weapons on them or they're attempting to snare. Any closer and you have potential threat of being shot at by a TD or getting snared.
you're is
Of course units are more likely to hit at 0 range. That's like saying the HE sherman should be tested at range 0 where it has the highest penetration of any nondoc medium, ontop of best utility and AI wiping power, all for 110F.

It's quite common in games because what the KT's good at is locking down a central VP. In such a situation with a one or two supporting units why should the OKW player worry about being snared if he is on the defensive punishing allied inf that tries to cap with his heavy tank that's relatively slow anyway?

I would dare say most KT engagements are around the 30-40 mark not max 50, yet in your test the KT was still doing decent damage at max range killing a model or two at 50. Yes you can make the argument "range 50 is not reliable or driving on move is not reliable" but the only tank I could say could were the unpatched comet and tiger ace. Both of those had obvious issues...

If the OKW player is overextending his KT without support of course a single firefly or jackson can solo it, but as others ITT have pointed out the KT still has a role with decent support. Buff the gun or armour and you're just repeating the same mistakes that have already been proven to ruin balance.

5 Dec 2018, 17:09 PM
avatar of Cresc

Posts: 378

there isnt really any issue with the KT, everything I've read so far is either too biased or straight out false.

My personal issue with it (and I'm sure many agree) is that the cost is too high according to its performance.

I wouldn't even make it cost more than 200 fuel.
5 Dec 2018, 17:42 PM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

It's quite common in games because what the KT's good at is locking down a central VP. In such a situation with a one or two supporting units why should the OKW player worry about being snared if he is on the defensive punishing allied inf that tries to cap with his heavy tank that's relatively slow anyway?

I would dare say most KT engagements are around the 30-40 mark not max 50, yet in your test the KT was still doing decent damage at max range killing a model or two at 50. Yes you can make the argument "range 50 is not reliable or driving on move is not reliable" but the only tank I could say could were the unpatched comet and tiger ace. Both of those had obvious issues...

If the OKW player is overextending his KT without support of course a single firefly or jackson can solo it, but as others ITT have pointed out the KT still has a role with decent support. Buff the gun or armour and you're just repeating the same mistakes that have already been proven to ruin balance.

In my tests the only time the KT was consistant when both units were standing still. If the squad started moving it did worse but crutched against squad formation clump a bit. When the KT moved it did absolutely awful. That's unacceptable for a unit that requires every tech down and is the most expensive unit ingame. It's simply not worth the resources. No one is going to stand infront of a KT with the KT shooting at it. The KT is either on the retreat from TDs or snares, or is camping a VP till that happens.
5 Dec 2018, 17:44 PM
avatar of FelixTHM

Posts: 503 | Subs: 1

KT actually inflicts massive MP bleed. For the owning player. That 26 pop cap eats a big chunk of your MP income every minute it's alive.
5 Dec 2018, 19:35 PM
avatar of miragefla
Developer Relic Badge

Posts: 1304 | Subs: 13

Adjusting AOE I believe is all that's really needed with a slight scatter adjustment. Once that is completed, probably sort out its weird veterancy.

Even if the KT got more armour or Allied TDs got a penetration nerf at mid-far range, it's still going to be plinked away at because of its speed.
5 Dec 2018, 20:45 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

It won't be fixed until turret traverse and mobility don't become decent

You can have heaviest tank with underpowered engine and overweight turret in WW2 or you can have one with decent mobiliy and turret traverse.

You can't and won't have both.
Not in one package.
5 Dec 2018, 21:58 PM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

You can have heaviest tank with underpowered engine and overweight turret in WW2 or you can have one with decent mobiliy and turret traverse.

You can't and won't have both.
Not in one package.

King Tiger had the same hp/ton as the Pershing, having a 700hp maybach engine. It also had over 15 degrees per second of turret traverse compared to the pre war levels of the is2 with only 10 degrees.

We already know you have no clue of how these machine performed, from crane reload of the sturmtiger to the "underpower" tiger engine, and realism isn't a balance argument.

Just stick to trying to provoke Vipper will ya ?
5 Dec 2018, 22:05 PM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

Also, its IRL turret traverse was remarkably fast for such a large turret, with only 19 seconds for a full rotation and down to 10 seconds if the engine was pushed to the limit.
For comparison Shermans did it in 15 and most modern MBTs have ~9-12.
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