
russian armor

Volks are disgustingly good, need toning down.

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23 Oct 2018, 13:52 PM
avatar of Grim

Posts: 1096

Penals and Maxims are the mainline infantry for Soviets lets be real.

Conscripts aren't a relevant units without PPsh.
23 Oct 2018, 13:57 PM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

Balance is really really bad once agian..... Like its not even close comparing standard mainstream infantry between factions I cant believe we got a five year anniversery and standard infantry doesn't even have a semblance of balance. I dunno what y'all community balance helpers did but ...... Come ON!!!! I dont know why you guys messed with standard infantry anyway you just make it worse when I played last about and a half ago infantry was pretty good at least standard infantry I come back and its a complete joke..... AGAIN!

Can you maybe elaborate what you think is so terribly unbalanced right now? You just rant that everything is unbalanced but don´t tell us what you mean. Makes no sense.
23 Oct 2018, 14:05 PM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Oct 2018, 13:52 PMGrim
Penals and Maxims are the mainline infantry for Soviets lets be real.

Conscripts aren't a relevant units without PPsh.

Conscripts are relevant even without PPsh. They just can´t be used like other mainline infantry. Got to think of them as slightly better Osttruppen. Their advantage is fast capping in the beginning, being able to flank MG42s with Urra and merging into Guards, Maxims or whatever you need to fill up during combat. They are also pretty durable once they are vetted up. So it´s not all bad.

What I really really dislike about Conscripts is the fact that you need to buy TWO grenade upgrades for them just to have some combat effectivness. Their strength should be versatility and price. But if you spend 35 fuel just to get snares and the terribly slow Molotovs then it´s just not right considering Grens and Volksgrens cost the same (or in case of VG 10 mp more) and get grenade + snare without expensive side-teching. Spending 35 fuel on your Conscripts is just a bit too much when you play a faction that very often relies on getting a fast T70.

Maybe make the AT-nades and Molotovs a combined package and set the price to 20 fuel?
23 Oct 2018, 14:10 PM
avatar of Zoe

Posts: 8

My post was getting long as is. With users not even bothering to find correct stats before running around yelling on balance forums, I figured laying it out simply was best so that they would stop spreading misinformation and tearing down correctly justified arguments. Beyond that, the point was to concretely lay out the comparison between cons and volks with regards to raw stats. Given that both of these units do 12 damage per shot and therefore have 5% less effective DPS, the effect is a net neutral and the ratios betweeen their damage remained the same, meaning I found no real reason to mention it.

Sorry if this is a bit off-topic, but since the issue of correct stats came up, I wanted to quickly ask where to find them. I know there's http://www.coh2-stats.com/, but the patch version of the side is the 23rd of June 2015 and thus not up to date.
23 Oct 2018, 14:33 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Oct 2018, 14:10 PMZoe

Sorry if this is a bit off-topic, but since the issue of correct stats came up, I wanted to quickly ask where to find them. I know there's http://www.coh2-stats.com/, but the patch version of the side is the 23rd of June 2015 and thus not up to date.

23 Oct 2018, 14:33 PM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Oct 2018, 14:10 PMZoe

Sorry if this is a bit off-topic, but since the issue of correct stats came up, I wanted to quickly ask where to find them. I know there's http://www.coh2-stats.com/, but the patch version of the side is the 23rd of June 2015 and thus not up to date.


It´s made by cruzz. He made this from the actual game files so it´s 100% accurate. Download it and open it with your browser.
23 Oct 2018, 14:55 PM
avatar of JibberJabberJobber

Posts: 1614 | Subs: 3

... terribly slow Molotovs ...

It's not as bad as people make it out to be:
- The time of impact between flame nades and molotovs is about equal (long animation vs 0,8 second timer); test it out with cheatcommands. It's about 4-5 seconds for both, depending on how fast the models turn around and what the range is.
- The long animation can be used to trick your opponent into thinking you're going to throw, so you can quickly cancel once he moves out of cover (= free advantage).
- Molotovs scale at vet 2, where they can be thrown as quickly as flame nades, without the timer.


About your other point: merging the abilities has some disadvantages, like molotovs coming later and reducing the amount of macro options you have. I'd rather see the AT nade upgrade getting a price reduction to 15 fuel, considering most soviet players will just call in a bunch of guards and use button as a budget snare against light vehicles, 25 fuel for a soft counter simply hinders teching too much. The molotov upgrade seems to be in a good spot, considering it's very effective for the muni.
23 Oct 2018, 16:13 PM
avatar of murky depths

Posts: 607

I'll take fast throw + fuse over the slow throw + instant impact any day.

The fast throw means you are more likely to get it off before suppression (forcing the mg away), can chuck + escape if you are using it as a yolo strat, and also means you free up your attention elsewhere.

I understand that instant impact means more burn time if it actually lands, I just find for the purposes of the flame nade/molotov, one performs its utility better.
23 Oct 2018, 18:31 PM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Oct 2018, 13:34 PMKatitof

Wasn't AAA hardcore pro axis?
no? Just search the profile he was the most hard core Allie ever saying the usf mortar was not good enough cause it did not instant kill all squad and ostruppen
23 Oct 2018, 19:38 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

no? Just search the profile he was the most hard core Allie ever saying the usf mortar was not good enough cause it did not instant kill all squad and ostruppen

So how was called the other one, the one that made like 2k posts within a month?
23 Oct 2018, 19:41 PM
avatar of Tactical Imouto

Posts: 172

Permanently Banned
OKW is fair and balanced
23 Oct 2018, 20:09 PM
avatar of Zoe

Posts: 8


It´s made by cruzz. He made this from the actual game files so it´s 100% accurate. Download it and open it with your browser.

Thank you (and Vipper, who also linked this) very much!

23 Oct 2018, 22:10 PM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Oct 2018, 19:38 PMKatitof

So how was called the other one, the one that made like 2k posts within a month?
penal something ?
24 Oct 2018, 02:03 AM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

I'll take fast throw + fuse over the slow throw + instant impact any day.

The fast throw means you are more likely to get it off before suppression (forcing the mg away), can chuck + escape if you are using it as a yolo strat, and also means you free up your attention elsewhere.

I understand that instant impact means more burn time if it actually lands, I just find for the purposes of the flame nade/molotov, one performs its utility better.

Yuup. The quick throw plus long range means less down time too, you can pop the nade then scurry to cover and start shooting. The molitovs short range compounds with its long throw and translates into received damage that volks generally don't need to expose themselves to.for something the Soviet have to specifically get the volks sure do a better job of it..
24 Oct 2018, 12:33 PM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

Yuup. The quick throw plus long range means less down time too, you can pop the nade then scurry to cover and start shooting. The molitovs short range compounds with its long throw and translates into received damage that volks generally don't need to expose themselves to.for something the Soviet have to specifically get the volks sure do a better job of it..

Fun fact: soviets don't need it

Soviets can count on flamethrowers, mortars and satchel as early counter garrisons.

Okw specifically got flame nade to be able to counter early garrisons. That nade has been nerfed in arrival time and got a fuse to reduce its impact. Before that, mg spam could kill a game in 2 minutes.

It has been how much ? 5-6 patches in a row with you guys conplaining about flame nade ? Don't really wanna be the asshole here, but what about you actually find a proper solution and replacement to it and propose it ?

Sturm flamethrower ? ISG tier 0 ? What ?

Ps: Flame nade cost is included in sws Trucks, so it's actually a negative, not a positive. What if we added 15 fuel to soviet tech costs regardless of you going for penals build ?
24 Oct 2018, 13:20 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Ps: Flame nade cost is included in sws Trucks, so it's actually a negative, not a positive. What if we added 15 fuel to soviet tech costs regardless of you going for penals build ?

Its bullshit and you know it.
Before you go into further mental gymnastics here, let me remind you couple of things:

-Penals are not mainline inf, cons are, you're splitting hairs here to make an invalid point and closest thing comparable to penals are obers, who also happen to come in with unlocked abilities.
-Molotocs are locked behind side tech cost, flame nades aren't.
-OKW doesn't pay a singular fuel more for access to StGs or flame nades, its as free as it gets if you compare actual tech costs between factions.
24 Oct 2018, 14:05 PM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Oct 2018, 13:20 PMKatitof

Its bullshit and you know it.
Before you go into further mental gymnastics here, let me remind you couple of things:

-Penals are not mainline inf, cons are, you're splitting hairs here to make an invalid point and closest thing comparable to penals are obers, who also happen to come in with unlocked abilities.
-Molotocs are locked behind side tech cost, flame nades aren't.
-OKW doesn't pay a singular fuel more for access to StGs or flame nades, its as free as it gets if you compare actual tech costs between factions.


1) Penals are mainline infantry by all standards, have been used as mainline infantry in GCS2, everybody but you calls them mainline infantry.

2) Soviets starts with 15 more fuel than OKW

Start: -5
2 trucks: 30
Mechanized: 45
Schewer: 120
Total: 190, no healing (worth 15 fuel) needs to pay ammo to avoid bleed

Start: -20
Fuel free healing: -15
Sidetech: 25 (15+10)
Support weapons: 10
Total: 175

If we don't consider fuel free healing for soviets both pay the same cost

This "muh axis free stuff" REEEing bullshit is cringy as fuck
24 Oct 2018, 14:51 PM
avatar of Vertigo

Posts: 64

depends on context, but dude, penals, IS and riflemen are very good units what are u doing with those?
24 Oct 2018, 15:36 PM
avatar of #12345678

Posts: 69

OKW Medical HQ cost 25 fuels:

Soviet support weapon base cost 20 fuels


1) Penals are mainline infantry by all standards, have been used as mainline infantry in GCS2, everybody but you calls them mainline infantry.

2) Soviets starts with 15 more fuel than OKW

Start: -5
2 trucks: 30
Mechanized: 45
Schewer: 120
Total: 190, no healing (worth 15 fuel) needs to pay ammo to avoid bleed

Start: -20
Fuel free healing: -15
Sidetech: 25 (15+10)
Support weapons: 10
Total: 175

If we don't consider fuel free healing for soviets both pay the same cost

This "muh axis free stuff" REEEing bullshit is cringy as fuck
24 Oct 2018, 16:06 PM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

OKW Medical HQ cost 25 fuels:

Soviet support weapon base cost 20 fuels

Irrelevant, hq is tech, including it to medical cost is wrong. Okw healing cost 15 fuel.

Typo, i went rifle company before but since cons are being upgraded support is much more common.

Difference is minimal, is still 10 fuel cheaper
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