I see you've convienesntly ignored the fact Gren MG42 and rifle nade is free from side tech cost and most importantly they have a snare to deal with vehicles.
Now with the nerf brens are roughly the same with a single MG42 squad in DPS, so you can't really fall back on that line either.
Cover bonus was also nerfed, as were tommy snipers that were removed from vet 3. Trenches were also hit by the nerf bat too.
Are you still living 12months in the past? Brits have the weakest early game my dude 
Sections are still better than grens easily and got a slight buff on the move. Plus mortars were nerfed which benefits brits the most since they have no counters to mortars early game, and really suffer from mortars.Trenches? You think the old trench was fair?! LOL. Brits don't have the weakest early game. If they do have the weakest early game, they're tied with Ost. I think sections are finally brought into their proper cost efficiency, so if that = weakest early game, then you're basically saying that Brits deserve to have the old OP sections.
Just saying that ferwiner is bullshitting when he thinks that 222s can still wreck the base of Brits early game. Even without snares, an AT gun will take 2/3 health from 222, you can finish them off with small arms if the 222 dares to linger any longer.