What is wrong with Volks? They are a very fragile main line inf that doesn't deal that hell of damage without their StG44 which they only get after T1/2 and 60 mun which OKW lacks. Flamenade is strong yes, but its not like Volks is the best inf in the game.
6 minute Luchs
Which should only happen if you are really failing on denying the OKW player the fuel. Also Luchs means no indirect fire and no heal without Sturm babysit. Don't get me wrong, the Luchs comes REALLY early and is very strong, but as soon as you get AT in any form and a light tank, it goes down like butter.
Flame HT
Same thing with the Luchs, comes even later because of 120 mun. Dies fast, has horrible pathing, no AT at all and delays Tech because of 30 fuel. Can also not reinforce anymore with flamers equipped. It is something Ost needs vs building spam and sim city.
Command P4 (25% extra health LMAO)
Didn't know about the health tbh. Otherwise it is a better inf killer but struggles against any other kind of armor. Also only useful if you have multiple armor which is seldom as Ost (I mean more than 1 other tank).
OKW 4 minute FRP
That's just bullshit. You know what? You can also build it even faster but it won't serve you any purpose because it takes 600 MP to get the FRP and no one can use it if there is no unit on the field.
Hard to say if it is OP. Through shot blockers, yes. But also Land Matresses and Calliopes are very strong in wiping infantry from a safer distance than the Sturmtiger. Otherwise it takes about a minute to reload, so if it misses and the enemy has armour neirby, they will penetrate its 38cm hole.
Dont forget the 160 ammo, only audio warning, Stuka strike bomb, that covers quarter of an average map.
And the magic "u cant use vehicles" button, called Jagdtiger.
Accepted, Stuka is stupid and costs too less for its usage. Jagdtiger is also op.
But wait there's more:
ost mortar laser guided autofire
Naaah, its a good mortar with only 4 men. Ost is designed to have the best support weapons (Mortar, MG42, Pak), so everything else they have is shit.
Ost mortar has good accuracy but can't do nothing vs 120mm, PakHowie or Mortar Emplacement.
222s cheapst scout car in the game effective vs light vehicles and infantry
It's no tank hunter lol. If you don't have rubbish micro, your light tank will always win in terms of AI and AT. Also 222 dies from infantry fire.
stug spam
Ost has nothing else to counter tanks, as the PaK40 dies way too fast vs indirect fire and the Panther and PzGrens are too expensive
pwerfer suppresing and instawiping infantry
Suppressing yes, wiping no. It is really hard to wipe a squad with a Panzerwerfer.
elephant impossible to counter
Still easier to counter than KT

no side techs for fausts or nades for axis
Needed because Allies win the Light Tank game because a) they get them faster and b) Ost has none. Even if a PaK40 hits the Tank in the first shot, it will drive around it and not eat another one. No the PaK is dead and there is nothing Ost can do. For this reason they need AT snares. Arguably Brits suffer the same way against Luchs too, but at least they could counter it with the AEC.
stuka fastest artillery in the game with no scatter at all
Is it the fastest? Don't know about that, honestly asking. The no scatter part is pretty nice for taking out a line, but if you play as Allies and you here the SWOOOSH you can usually think were it will land and dodge, at least with you main inf. For support weapons it sucks, yes.
obersoldaten literally terminator T1000 of this game
This is by far the most bullshit of this whole thread. They take ages and massive amounts of MP to reinforce, are useless without upgrades and literally die like flies. I don't even know why but they die so damn quickly.
okw p4 best medium tank in the game
It is a very strong medium, but it comes very late. If you get the gamble right, it can bring devastation to the enemy, but if the enemy already has enough AT or a heavy, it isn't as good anymore.
schwerer panzer hq with giagantic Flak on top of it wiping infantry and killing light vehicles
If you are not asleep and walk into a Flak HQ with a full HP squad, you will get out EVERYTIME (if there is nothing else on the way back home). Look at the Bofors, if you want to see what a Flak on Steroids is as it will wipe retreating squads with a very high efficiency.