Personally I'd like to see
1) Standardization of Repair Rates. Reason - I think most people agree that SOV and OST are pretty disadvantaged here where once you lose your vetted Pios or Combat Engineers it takes ages to repair anything with no easy way to Re-vet your new Engineers or improve repair speed. I imagine this is magnified in team games where armor engagements are more frequent and heavy TDs are plentiful.
2) Conscipts - Pretty self explanatory - Soviet Meta is super stale where Penals are the obvious choice in most situations and I don't think a slight nerf to Penals and DSHK and slight buff to Maxims will really change that. This is compounded by the fact that many Soviet Commanders revolve around Conscripts and in turn are rendered less useful. Conscripts affect every game mode and improving their late-game scaling is particularly important in team games where the late-game is reached much more quickly. Simply put, fixing Conscripts is the one single thing that will probably open up options for new Soviet strategies.