One thing that I noticed (aside from the atrociously bad grenadier skins, that, prove me wrong, were intentionally made to look terrible to make for better "bad guys"

I think CoH 2's UI was overdone.
The CoH 1 UI was simplistic and practical.
CoH 2's UI has unnecessary detail to it like some metal planks at the sides, rusty metal plates as background etc... a bit of that doesn't hurt, but it's just too much. And it takes up so much of the screen, so that it distracts from the game's very good 3d graphics.
CoH 2 looks really good, and the 3d models, lighting etc certainly top CoH 1's models IMO. But with such a distracting UI, they can't shine to their full potential.
I think the UI needs to be redone in a functional way. Without unnecessary "icings".
I don't know what exactly to do (feel free to leave ideas), but the intention should be to decrease it's distracting effect on the eye so that our brains may recognize and acknowledge the beautiful 3d graphics more

(Ideally, that would also include a rework of the unit portraits, especially the pre-WFA unit portraits stick out like a sore thumb)