This is sad.
But if you guys think the strategy genre is dying, than you guys are wrong. Civilization V, Age of Empires 2 HD, Crusader Knights II, CoH 2 (has a crazy amount of sales, just low retention rate), even all the MOBAs testify to the ginormous strategy market.
RTS means Real Time Strategy, which neither Civ series nor Crusader Knights are.
And no, you can't pull mobas into RTS genre, RTS genre degraded into mobas. AoE 2 HD isn't a new game, its really old one that pretends to be new, something really common recently and I call it "lazy development".
If you really want to know how HD remake of older game should look like, I point you at FFVII trailers.
People still will play strategy games, the devs just need to make it right. CoH is an old-style RTS game. We need more instant gratification, more technology get with the times oriented RTS games.
Obviously people play them.
Thing is, developers don't make them anymore, the more technology stuff you say here is utter bullshit, you can clearly see it by Planetary Annihilation and Grey Goo examples compared to say, Total War series.
Back in the day we had SC1, Warcraft3, DoW1, Total war, Red Alert/C&C, Cossacs and many other at least good titles to choose from. Today its either SC2 or CoH2 and if you are masochist, you can play MoW:AS2.
There aren't many strategy devs to begin with. Oh and Halo Wars 2 around the corner 
Read this bois:
There aren't, because the genre is on its death bed right now due to reasons mentioned previously.
Smartphone abominations calling themselves "games" are also quite a big part of dumbing down people.
Lets be honest here, RTS ganre is mainly for patient, usually intelligent(usually), competitive and demanding players. This is the playerbase that was taken over by mobas and drown in casuals.
This is simply gaming and players evolution, but because of it, we won't have any RTS to play in the future as it'll be rooted out by candy crash playing dudes wearing slim pants who will end up in some kind of moba.