
russian armor

Balance Preview Patchnotes

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23 Nov 2015, 19:02 PM
avatar of Omega_Warrior

Posts: 2561

Good changes. The new OKW's early and midgame are starting to shape up nicely. Their late game still needs some work though. Best medium TD, panther, and up-armored P4 coming out the same time as shermans and T-34/76s and being replaced/maintained just as quickly isn't going to end well.

I really think the prices need to go up, to recreate that resource starved late game that they were trying to accomplish with the resource penalty. Their late game was by no means weak before, and the changes have left them much stronger, with both a better early game and more resources.
23 Nov 2015, 19:08 PM
avatar of broodwarjc

Posts: 824

Also will you ever look at soveit light at gun in urban defence dotrine as well as HQ cost and tank spoting , when you are revamping commaders ?

And will you look at bad spot penals

Could use some love.

And soveit cover to cover sniper camo that is nonexisten ?

Yeah soviet sniper could use a little love somewhere.

And can you give g43 to stormtroopens ?

This would be nice in Elite troops(although people are still going to cry over loss of pay to vet).

Or decrease hetzer vet requirements ?

A lot of OKW units need a decrease in Vet requirements.

And give a look to liehtenaunt tier after all these changes go live ?

And buff AC to puma level becouse now british mid game is almost nonexistent due no counter to light vehicle except at gun. They also does not have AT nade. (with cost increase of course)

Could they include AT Nade from the AT Boys squad with Grenade upgrade package (and the AT Boys can spawn with it unlocked for free)? Right now there is no point in getting that grenade upgrade as getting 5th man and weapon racks is much better. This would allow more opening plays as usually only 2 of 3 infantry upgrades is worth delaying tanks for and this would allow for more options.

Thx for replay Brad , youre really great (today i was looking at begnining of year and we had call in meta nad shreckvols+ ober blobs into KT and PTRS spammers , game evolved really greatly from that THX for all).

Thanks a lot for your hard work Brad!
23 Nov 2015, 19:16 PM
23 Nov 2015, 19:47 PM
avatar of adamírcz

Posts: 955

I think that buffs for useless/underpowered units are gonna be introduced in the first 2016 patch :unsure:, this one is all about reworking OKW and some weird commander abilities (except for that IS nerf which got just reverted :thumbsup:)
23 Nov 2015, 20:06 PM
avatar of MoerserKarL
Donator 22

Posts: 1108

Good changes :) but can someone explain me the penetration nerf for the luchs?
23 Nov 2015, 20:29 PM
avatar of 5trategos

Posts: 449

I like this iterative balancing process but I feel like more effort should be invested into integrating these mods into a parallel form of automatch with rewards and/or incentives for participation.

Most people here don't play the mods (myself included), because of how cumbersome it is, they just react to the few lines of pasted patch notes and theorycraft. And playing against the CPU hardly counts. There's huge potential here to accelerate and strengthen the balancing of the game but it's largely forfeited because it's not fully integrated.

We could easily end up with a broken meta two weeks into the next patch because not enough people tested it. And with the holidays coming up, I wouldn't expect a hotfix either.
7 of 9 Relic postsRelic 23 Nov 2015, 20:40 PM
avatar of bC_
Developer Relic Badge

Posts: 102 | Subs: 22

Good changes :) but can someone explain me the penetration nerf for the luchs?

to give the aec, t70 a better chance at dealing with it as there are some situations where the luch will still beat these units
23 Nov 2015, 20:40 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

Good changes :) but can someone explain me the penetration nerf for the luchs?

It arrives much faster and devs want it to NOT be able to counter any allied vehicle that they can build at that time to make it only AI (you have shreck support in the end)
23 Nov 2015, 20:46 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

I like this iterative balancing process but I feel like more effort should be invested into integrating these mods into a parallel form of automatch with rewards and/or incentives for participation.

Most people here don't play the mods (myself included), because of how cumbersome it is, they just react to the few lines of pasted patch notes and theorycraft. And playing against the CPU hardly counts. There's huge potential here to accelerate and strengthen the balancing of the game but it's largely forfeited because it's not fully integrated.

We could easily end up with a broken meta two weeks into the next patch because not enough people tested it. And with the holidays coming up, I wouldn't expect a hotfix either.

I and Achtarched played this mod again each other and we found some bad spot on this patch , hopefully 90 % of then was fixed ---weak IS forced you to go double hmg , luch arriving too fast , kubel is uncounterable besides fast carrier , while it cost less- still not adresed , liehtenaunt tier being generaly obsolete due fast luchs and fast shrecks , also 222 hardcounters m20 and stuart is miles better than flaktrack , because it does not die to 2 AT shots and can solo 2 222 ,- still not fixed , also we tried commader changes and all of them were positive , you wont believe me but stormtroopens have more usefulness in 1vs1 than elite training ---

Otherwise we found almost everything fine , OKW will be playable and feuersturm can bacome a good commader (to some extend , because double flamer pios are now actually great and you dont need call in ifnatrny if you have 3 volks + 2 pios + some puma or luchs)
23 Nov 2015, 20:51 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

1. What about price for LMG43 with 100% ammo income?
2. How to justify Panther's timing? For OST (without T3 building) it is 195Fuel (with T3 270F). For OKW it is 150F with Med HQ and 175F with Mech HQ. It's quite cheaper than OST, espeicially with Med HQ. With all trucks (Med HQ->Mech HQ-> Schwerer HQ) it is 215fuel. For Ostheer it is 270 Fuel.
23 Nov 2015, 20:57 PM
avatar of Rollo

Posts: 738

1. What about price for LMG43 with 100% ammo income?
2. How to justify Panther's timing? For OST (without T3 building) it is 195Fuel (with T3 270F). For OKW it is 150F with Med HQ and 175F with Mech HQ. It's quite cheaper than OST, espeicially with Med HQ. With all trucks (Med HQ->Mech HQ-> Schwerer HQ) it is 215fuel. For Ostheer it is 270 Fuel.

I don't think Ost panther is a good comparison, maybe USF E8 is a better one and they seem to come out at similar times to me depending on what light vehicles each player purchases.

Considering that the jagdpanzer could be fielded before a sherman last patch I don't think a panther being affordable when it is will make that much difference. (most people will just continue to build PIV's)
23 Nov 2015, 21:12 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 830

Then you point out squad humping - not squad humping and gun calibre/unit eliteness/size/etc in an effort to diminish the person's views by appearing to imply they don't understand that guns that big should evaporate units - while responding to what you perceive as wrong understanding of the core reason of the issue. Like I highlighted in my previous post.

Which again, like I said, I don't see as a problem with a big gun one shotting 4 models that are clumped up. The problem is clumping up. Squad spacing has been a problem since release.

I don't know if you tend to forget your own posts but:
I said don't quoate him, I never said that one should ignore him. There is a difference between not quoting and ignorning.

You keep saying you didn't mean what I've been replying to, but all I've been replying to has been derived from the way you responded to the person in question. And not just the essence but the insulting and ironic reference to their thoughts. If that was unintended fine, but that doesn't make the post in question sound any better.

I never insulted, neither did I insult his thoughts (lol?) and quite frankly, it is pretty low that you try to turn it into such an argument. I simply said katikof shouldn't quote him, since katikof will most likely quote him non stop since he strongly opposes what the quoted said, haven't you seen katikof damage control patrol?

I find it funny that you accuse me of insulting someone's essence/thoughts, when you are yourself now doing the same thing to my intentions, which you have clearly misread. Go at full swing sport.
23 Nov 2015, 21:15 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Nov 2015, 20:57 PMRollo

I don't think Ost panther is a good comparison, maybe USF E8 is a better one and they seem to come out at similar times to me depending on what light vehicles each player purchases.

Considering that the jagdpanzer could be fielded before a sherman last patch I don't think a panther being affordable when it is will make that much difference. (most people will just continue to build PIV's)

To unlock E8 you need to pay 155/165F (not to mention unlocking nades or racks).
It's still more than Med HQ + Schwerer HQ, while I consider Schwerer HQ superior to Major.

I see no reason why last tier of OKW should be cheaper or in line with last tier of USF since it provides damn powerful units + locking down sector.

120F for Schwerer seems reasonable for me.
23 Nov 2015, 21:27 PM
avatar of Iron Emperor

Posts: 1653

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Nov 2015, 18:32 PMbC_
December Balance Preview Notes

Mod available @ http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile.../?id=557952243

OKW starting resource increased from 0 to 10
Battlegroup HQ reduced from 30 fuel to 25
Mecahnized Regiment HQ increased from 40 to 50 fuel
Schwerer Panzer HQ cost increased 100 fuel to 105 fuel
Volks regular grenade removed again
Luch Penetration reduced from 25 to 20
Infantry section damage reverted back from 14 to 16
Infantry section targets reverted back from 0.9 to 0.8
Infantry section veterancy 2 recieved accuracy modifer increased from 0.66 to 0.76
Bolster Infantry cost increased from 100/25 to 150/35
German Supply Drop zone plane comes in from longest path so that you can shoot down the plane now.

Biased on your current game against Godfather I don't see a longer path used for the supply drops.
23 Nov 2015, 21:29 PM
avatar of AchtAchter

Posts: 1604 | Subs: 3

To unlock E8 you need to pay 155/165F (not to mention unlocking nades or racks).
It's still more than Med HQ + Schwerer HQ, while I consider Schwerer HQ superior to Major.

I see no reason why last tier of OKW should be cheaper or in line with last tier of USF since it provides damn powerful units + locking down sector.

120F for Schwerer seems reasonable for me.

It's not cheaper when you consider unit costs, the time of arrival for the tanks is the same since the cheapest unit costs 135 fuel in that tier.
23 Nov 2015, 21:39 PM
avatar of BeefSurge

Posts: 1891

Can Rear Echelons reliably beat Pioniers now?
23 Nov 2015, 21:45 PM
avatar of Iron Emperor

Posts: 1653

To unlock E8 you need to pay 155/165F (not to mention unlocking nades or racks).
It's still more than Med HQ + Schwerer HQ, while I consider Schwerer HQ superior to Major.

I see no reason why last tier of OKW should be cheaper or in line with last tier of USF since it provides damn powerful units + locking down sector.

120F for Schwerer seems reasonable for me.

Indeed, I got the same feeling, I can get out Panthers out really quickly if I want. (Got 3x +5% armour bullitins for Pz4) so I always go for that one first, except if there's some heavy armour on the field already. T4 to 120 fuel is reasonable and more fair.
23 Nov 2015, 21:46 PM
avatar of broodwarjc

Posts: 824

Attack here and Defend here pings(for use with randoms, because the chat can be cluttered and is hard to notice in the heat of battle). This would IMMENSELY help matches as one of people's biggest complaints with matchmaking is how two randoms don't have nearly the amount of coordination as Arranged Teams.
This is probably way to late for this patch, but can this be added to a future patch?
23 Nov 2015, 21:47 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

It's not cheaper when you consider unit costs, the time of arrival for the tanks is the same since the cheapest unit costs 135 fuel in that tier.

Units costs have nothing to do with it.

Add grenades and racks.At least of them will be unlocked before Major, on the other hand OKW does not need to unlock anything.
Add fuel for Ambulance (while OKW receives "free" healing).

And you end up with 25F (nades are almost must-have) +10F for ambulance (another must have) + 60F for Captain + 120F for Major - 15starting F = 200F.

On the other hand, Schwerer with Med HQ is ready for 150.

First PzIV? - 285.
First Sherman - 310 (325F).

No need to say that PzIV, especially with triple armor bulletin is way superior to Sherman.

First E8 - 340F (355F).
First Panther 325F
First Jackson - 325F. (340F).
First JPIV - 285F.

What if we add racks? Well you can see in bracktes (PzIV can come 40F earlier than Sherman and JPIV 55F earlier than Jackson!!)

I don't find the arrival of those units "at the same time", especially when Panther, unit which is superior to E8, comes 15F earlier while it should come later.

What about MP cost?

If we assume that USF need ambu and grenades (which they need), you must pay 840MP to get Major.
How much OKW must pay to get Schwerer? 600MP (this comes with grenades, of course they are free, and healing).

So, please, get your facts straight.
23 Nov 2015, 22:09 PM
avatar of Flying Dustbin

Posts: 270 | Subs: 1

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