
russian armor

Soviet vet 1 abilities

27 Sep 2015, 15:30 PM
avatar of F1sh

Posts: 521

Some of the vet 1 abilities are so useless/unnecessary, and need to be changed

Secure Mode - allows them to capture territory and disables main gun

Vehicles that have this: T-70, T-34/76, T-34/85, M4C Sherman, KV-1, KV-2, KV-8, IS-2

It's pretty good on the T-70 and T-34/76. But tell why you would ever need an KV-1, or an IS-2 to capture points in the average game. Change it to something like higher penetration ability, or something passive like faster fire rate.

Trip Wire Flares - a 10 munition infantry mine that shoots up a flare when activated

Infantry that have this: Engineers, Conscripts, Guards, Shock Troops, Penal Battalions, Infantry Partisans, Anti Tank Partisans

Now, this ability can be quite useful. But it doesn't need to be on every single infantry unit. Let Conscripts and Engineers have it. To all the other infantry, it's pretty stupid.


For Ostheer:

Counter barrage - a toggleable ability (I think) that shoots at any enemy artillery

Units that have this: GrW 34 Mortar, Mortar Halftrack, LeFH Artillery, Panzerwerfer

Another useless ability. Not much to say here
27 Sep 2015, 16:24 PM
avatar of Vuther
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3103 | Subs: 1

Relic hears your feedback and make a new vet ability: Flare grenade. :foreveralone:

Yes, for replacing both of those.
27 Sep 2015, 16:42 PM
avatar of J1N6666

Posts: 306

LOL NAHHH THEY ARE FINE. If they haven't been changed for so long it obviously means they dont need to be fixed.

Never mind the 300 other threads that complained about this over the past couple years.
27 Sep 2015, 16:52 PM
avatar of TAKTCOM

Posts: 275 | Subs: 1

Tracking for self-propelled guns crap too. That's funny realize that soviet have useful vet 1 for arty, heavy machine guns, mortars and M3/M5. Soviet vet 1 for all other units can be removed from the game whenever, no one will notice :D

27 Sep 2015, 17:06 PM
avatar of Horasu

Posts: 279

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Sep 2015, 16:52 PMTAKTCOM
Tracking for self-propelled guns crap too. That's funny realize that soviet have useful vet 1 for arty, heavy machine guns, mortars and M3/M5. Soviet vet 1 for all other units can be removed from the game whenever, no one will notice :D

Tracking would be more useful if it increases your sight range by 10-15 instead of 5... And yeah, cap points on med/heavy tanks and tripwire flares on all infantry are useless. Why?
27 Sep 2015, 17:45 PM
avatar of TheMachine
Senior Caster Badge

Posts: 875 | Subs: 6

I think it would better for all vet 1 abilities to be replaced with half of the vet2 bonus. Currently it's weird how big of a gap there is from vet 0-2 where nothing actually matters then there's a huge jump of both accuracy and rate of fire for example.

Not just for Soviets, but for Wehrmacht as well. Signal Flares, capture point and Medical Supply are stupid, Target weak and Blitzkrieg point are gimicky and bad for gameplay.
27 Sep 2015, 18:01 PM
avatar of Robbie_Rotten
Donator 11

Posts: 412

I spam flares frequently and use field first aid if I am using half track heavy gameplay :foreveralone:
27 Sep 2015, 18:12 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Sov and wehr vet1 abilities for inf should be more diversified.
Just look at WFA armies alone, almost every inf unit have different vet1 ability, either its different active or just a passive stat buff.

Flares aren't super useless and neither is medkit(which works in combat), but it definitely is not needed to have it on every single infantry unit.
27 Sep 2015, 18:19 PM
avatar of TheSleep3r

Posts: 670

I still remember when Relic said all veterancy abilities would be enhanced in one of their streams :foreveralone:
27 Sep 2015, 18:34 PM
avatar of F1sh

Posts: 521

I think it would better for all vet 1 abilities to be replaced with half of the vet2 bonus. Currently it's weird how big of a gap there is from vet 0-2 where nothing actually matters then there's a huge jump of both accuracy and rate of fire for example.

Not just for Soviets, but for Wehrmacht as well. Signal Flares, capture point and Medical Supply are stupid, Target weak and Blitzkrieg point are gimicky and bad for gameplay.

+1 very weird how vet 1 gives no physical buffs
27 Sep 2015, 18:55 PM
avatar of Airborne

Posts: 281

It is really stupid that there are stil so much almost useless vet 1 ability. counter barrage, trip wire flare, secure mode (on heavy vehicles) and med kit isn't great also.
27 Sep 2015, 19:48 PM
avatar of BeefSurge

Posts: 1891

For Ost and Sov vet 1 should remain an optional macro tax to improve economy, but they could be changed slightly.

First Aid should function identical to Brits but cost 15 munis.

Replace flare mine with "rapid reinforcement", pay 15 munis and the squad its activated from reinforces 50% faster.
27 Sep 2015, 20:38 PM
avatar of Tin Pigeon

Posts: 32

trip wire flares useless??! It kills stuff and gives you LoS as far as I remember for 10 Ammunitions (Its been a while since I played the Reds, has it changed?). They got nerfed a long while ago because the damage it did was way too much compared to a "regular" mine but I remember a recent 1v1 where I lost like 1 to 2 models to it. It also indicates a flanking maneuvre so I wouldnt call it useless.
27 Sep 2015, 20:40 PM
avatar of dasheepeh

Posts: 2115 | Subs: 1

Secure territory for the IS2 has literally won me the game once.
27 Sep 2015, 20:57 PM
avatar of Vuther
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3103 | Subs: 1

trip wire flares useless??! It kills stuff and gives you LoS as far as I remember for 10 Ammunitions (Its been a while since I played the Reds, has it changed?). They got nerfed a long while ago because the damage it did was way too much compared to a "regular" mine but I remember a recent 1v1 where I lost like 1 to 2 models to it. It also indicates a flanking maneuvre so I wouldnt call it useless.

Not useless, but literally all of infantry having it? Definitely kinda a bit much.
27 Sep 2015, 21:10 PM
avatar of hannibalbarcajr

Posts: 503

All vet one abilities should include passive buffs along with an ability. Also please revamp most vet one abilities.
27 Sep 2015, 21:24 PM
avatar of F1sh

Posts: 521

trip wire flares useless??! It kills stuff and gives you LoS as far as I remember for 10 Ammunitions (Its been a while since I played the Reds, has it changed?). They got nerfed a long while ago because the damage it did was way too much compared to a "regular" mine but I remember a recent 1v1 where I lost like 1 to 2 models to it. It also indicates a flanking maneuvre so I wouldnt call it useless.

Did you even read the post? I said it can be quite useful, but its extremely unnecessary for every single infantry squad to have it.
27 Sep 2015, 21:39 PM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2266 | Subs: 1

IS2 and KV1 Secure mode is verygood for vp capping in lategame. i dont want this ability to be removed
27 Sep 2015, 21:51 PM
avatar of Tin Pigeon

Posts: 32

for a 10 ammunitions ability I want to spam it at every chokepoint possible - no matter if a shocktroop sets it or a conscript. Well okay, the AT Partisans seems a bit out of place.

Here's the top post :
Now, this ability can be quite useful. But it doesn't need to be on every single infantry unit. Let Conscripts and Engineers have it. To all the other infantry, it's pretty garbage.

In my opinion Engineers are allready too busy in a match repairing vehicles, building base and roasting enemies so they really cant be send to a chokepoint to set a flare trap that kills 2 models at max. Conscripts is okay but what if you just build like 2 Squads and the rest is Call-Ins ? Your Guards are getting to a flank position but are weak at their flank? Quickly set up a flare trap. Your Shocks are hiding behind a Sightblocker? Good you set up a flare trap inb4 to just jump out and - ratatatata - kill everyone.
I would just keep the vet-1 ability for now and dont overbuff the Allies as the Axis is really struggeling at the moment. Sure thing, a vet-1 buff to armor, rec. accuracy or dps would be nice but that would change a variety of synergies and match-up tables in favour of the soviets.
27 Sep 2015, 22:19 PM
avatar of Vuther
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3103 | Subs: 1

Your Shocks are hiding behind a Sightblocker? Good you set up a flare trap inb4 to just jump out and - ratatatata - kill everyone.

How is that especially useful? You can just ambush them when they walk past your side of it instead.
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