Great, guess we Can find some common ground afterall 
Why are you still here?
For Relic:
Please look at Soviet sniper (bring it more in line with Ost sniper)
Please nerf Ost sniper
MG42 still needs a small nerf
Please fix Vickers range bug, and consider slight nerf to gun
Fix all camo bugs on OKW units (retreating units cloaking, insta cloak JPIV)
Reduce Sturmtrooper cost
Either change vet on HT's or provide a use for the vet they earn when upgraded
Increase accuracy on IS-2 (or just leave heavies alone entirely)
Fix vet 1 on all Soviet tanks (cap point, really unnecessary)
For now consider just moving some of the bonuses from vet 1 to vet 2
Allow Brit sniper to cloak much faster before first shot
Reduce Brit section vet bonuses slightly, reduce total cost of squad
Stuka zu Fuss should get creeping barrage as vet level, not as default
Fix damage from mortar HT inc strike against emplacements
Please fix OKW AA HT a-move set up bug
Please examine ISG, weapon appears far too good for limited user input. Place and forget.
JT is still very difficult to kill in team games, please consider any buffs to this unit carefully.
Fix maxim and DSHK retreat, where both teams drop gun on move (This should be long removed)
Shreks appear highly capable of sniping infantry models, please consider lowering AoE or accuracy.
USF tanks still very vulnerable to bad pathing (for units designed to move quickly this is a death sentence)
USF AT gun needs to be able to penetrate reliably
USF tier unlocks should not consume pop cap, that should be a player choice
USF paradropped AT guns and MG's are too expensive, please reduce their cost slightly
I have had a lot of missing command bugs recently, I order a command and units do not do anything. You can check this with mg teams and weapon teams. Frequently I will tell them to set up and then come back and they are idling in the unsetup position.
Grenade delay bugs, and not throwing bugs need to be taken care of (this needs to be over).
Schwer HQ is still firing outside of its marked range
The range is also far too long, please reduce it or make gun an upgrade to building.
Brit off map is questionably strong, much of these abilities are so overkill its is crazy. Reduce their cost and effectiveness
Buff Sexton...a lot
Remove TWP from game, replace with another crit ability
German sniper Stun round does not always stun, frequently it just says stun but units return fire. Very problematic against MG's