- Infantry section / 25 Pounder support;
This combination seems to kind of defeat the purpose of the OKW foward base; upgrade your section with the smoke package, barrage the shit out of the ennemy's position and pressure up with either Vickers or in cover infantry.
- Volks will be the most hard-countered core unit when faced vs Infantry section (Core unit wise).
Volksgrenadiers are durable, cheap to reinforce and somewhat decent at max range vs Infantry. However I can't fathom how horribly these guys are gonna perform vs Infantry sections especially when they are in cover.
- Arty and flamers vs Brits is most likely gonna be vital to counter their entrenched positions and buildings; OKW has a deadweight T1 330 MP unit and a doctrinal multi-grenade throw.
Let's be honest here, the IeSG, even at 330 MP, is not an unit that's gonna pay for itself in 75% of the matches; it's slow, has a slow fire rate, an AoE to laugh at and his barrage is terrible. Good range and suppression on hit isn't gonna help vs Brits.
Assault Grenades is the faction's best bet by far, but is doctrinal ( luckily found in some good commanders ).
Overall, I feel OKW is going to rely a LOT on Kubels, Sturms and early jpIV to deal vs Brits?
Again, only speculation on my part and could end up to be wrong september 3rd.