
russian armor

Is the King Tiger still worth 260 fuel?

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26 Apr 2015, 18:50 PM
avatar of iDolize

Posts: 81

I feel like everyones getting off topic here..

KT should be reverted back to at lest 400 armor, the sole fact remains that it does not proportionately line up with the cost of its allied equivalent, the IS2.

I think 25+ armor buff would settle the dispute.
26 Apr 2015, 18:59 PM
avatar of Brachiaraidos

Posts: 627





KT was, in its original state, a unit designed to be an I Win button in any balanced sort of game. it was this way because OKW was designed to hold a tiny fraction of the map via territory linking, and getting a KT was essentially having held out for 35 minutes plus without any armour in a small area of the map weathering numerically superior assaults.

That never worked out, and the KT (amongst other things) were a relic of that era.

No tank should be invulnerable to frontal damage that way that the KT was to dedicated AT platforms. Right now it's very beefy, has a huge health pool, great damage, splash and pen on its main gun and lots of amazing veterancy when it stays alive. Which, if fighting IS-2's or med swarms, it can very easily obtain.

KT is in a reasonably okay spot. More armour is only going to make it a joke again. Much like the beta panther, yoloing through dedicated AT fire just because it can.
26 Apr 2015, 19:29 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

The KT just needs a cost reduction or a speed increase, not much other than that tbh. Really the biggest issue it faces that it's so insanely slow that you much, much better off spending the pop cap and fuel on getting a more diverse army than having a KT.

It was fine before though, the Jackson got buffed, and Soviet's didn't have an issue facing it before.

400 armor would be more reasonable.
26 Apr 2015, 22:14 PM
avatar of daspoulos

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1

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The KT just needs a cost reduction or a speed increase, not much other than that tbh. Really the biggest issue it faces that it's so insanely slow that you much, much better off spending the pop cap and fuel on getting a more diverse army than having a KT.

It was fine before though, the Jackson got buffed, and Soviet's didn't have an issue facing it before.

400 armor would be more reasonable.

I can understand the wanting of buffing the king tiger. But I'd rather have it stay the way it is than see it have unrealistic speed or unreasonably cheap price. Gotta balance the units that appeases the historical aspects not because realism > balance, but because in this case it can satisfy both. Armor nerf revert or buff is the only real option. Speed and price IMO are in a good spot. Price is good spot, gun, build time, tech requirement. All fine. Whats not very good though is armor. Don't get me wrong its still good in a sense. But relatively not good in comparison to say the is2. 425 was the perfect spot for it, and now its slightly ruined at 375.

The pre patch issues with the king tiger were: Volk and ober synergy into king tiger. Blitzkrieg, an ability it should of never had in the first place, with blitz nerf it more or less balances it but still would be best if it had a different ability. And 2nd. The fact that it can be built even when trucks are destroyed. IMO the king tiger could be perfectly balanced even if 3 living trucks were required for purchase. Because then it would require smart truck placement/good truck defense. As it stand you can just bank on buying a king tiger even when all trucks are destroyed which IMO is not really very positive.

But now as is, blitzkrieg was only just put down, never actually fixed so its literally relic just being lazy fucks again with duct tape. And now the armor is just not what it should be. I don't play okw really. But when I do I firmly believe building a king tiger is pointless. Panthers and luchs is the only top viable method of play. Relic removed the king tiger as one of the best viable options of choice.

What may seem like a small or moderate change to some. Makes a big fucking difference to me because I know there was a better way.

Faith in relic still is and will remain 0 when it comes to doing the right thing, their only good at applying duct tape balancing measures that only on the surface seem ok.
26 Apr 2015, 22:32 PM
avatar of Zyllen

Posts: 770

What the KT needs is much more speed. Yes it was invulnerable previously , but right now its inferior to the is2.
26 Apr 2015, 22:56 PM
avatar of Brachiaraidos

Posts: 627

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Apr 2015, 22:32 PMZyllen
What the KT needs is much more speed. Yes it was invulnerable previously , but right now its inferior to the is2.

No it isn't.

Not in any fashion.
26 Apr 2015, 23:04 PM
avatar of daspoulos

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1

Permanently Banned

No it isn't.

Not in any fashion.

Speed, cost, teching, all worse. Only benefit is gun.
Edit:And 240 more health
26 Apr 2015, 23:08 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

No it isn't.

Not in any fashion.

It is slower, and it costs as much as 2 IS2's thanks to teching.
26 Apr 2015, 23:11 PM
avatar of Tavington

Posts: 32

After playing with it a few times and against it since the patch it's evident that they over nerfed the KT. To be fair it didn't need a nerf in the first place, any competent player could take out a KT pre-patch using combined arms. I'm actually quite happy if I see my opponent get a KT out now days, double Jacksons and its dedddddddddddddd
26 Apr 2015, 23:42 PM
avatar of Zyllen

Posts: 770

No it isn't.

Not in any fashion.

Wonderful argument . you really are the epitome of a skilled debater.. daspoulos already provided solid arguments why the kt needs to buffed and i will ad another one: fuel penalty. It means the ow units need to be flat out better then the other faction variants to compete. this is not true by a long shot.

from my 1vs1 experience with the okw its now a piss poor faction in 1vs1. And the greatest issue of the okw being to powerful in team games is still not addressed: namely the ostheer providing fuel caches
27 Apr 2015, 01:03 AM
avatar of wongtp

Posts: 647

a simple cost reduction would do. the KT is kinda at a good spot now, nothing too insane, you cant really rush it into combat and it finally has counters. its still a power house against most allied tanks.

its gun performance is really good, decrewing AT guns in 1-2 hits and killing 5 models per shot. if the armour is going up, its accuracy and AOE needs to be toned down, so its wouldnt wipe infantry so often.

remember that 1kt vs 5x AT guns vid? yes we dont want that ever again, thats what 425 armour does to things.
27 Apr 2015, 01:10 AM
avatar of daspoulos

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1

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jump backJump back to quoted post27 Apr 2015, 01:03 AMwongtp
a simple cost reduction would do. the KT is kinda at a good spot now, nothing too insane, you cant really rush it into combat and it finally has counters. its still a power house against most allied tanks.

its gun performance is really good, decrewing AT guns in 1-2 hits and killing 5 models per shot. if the armour is going up, its accuracy and AOE needs to be toned down, so its wouldnt wipe infantry so often.

remember that 1kt vs 5x AT guns vid? yes we dont want that ever again, thats what 425 armour does to things.

You mean 5 clumped up AT guns with 0 support and like the best case of RNG I've ever seen. Sure that was ridiculous. But at the same time that wasn't really a regularity.
27 Apr 2015, 01:23 AM
avatar of Appleseed

Posts: 622

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Apr 2015, 01:03 AMwongtp
a simple cost reduction would do. the KT is kinda at a good spot now, nothing too insane, you cant really rush it into combat and it finally has counters. its still a power house against most allied tanks.

its gun performance is really good, decrewing AT guns in 1-2 hits and killing 5 models per shot. if the armour is going up, its accuracy and AOE needs to be toned down, so its wouldnt wipe infantry so often.

remember that 1kt vs 5x AT guns vid? yes we dont want that ever again, thats what 425 armour does to things.

That video is those AT gun got fucked up by RNG. pre patch i used to use 3 jackson to kill KT and worked most times. now i only need 2. I also use KT most time too and use it as spearhead to push a little but i don't use it to against tanks first since it is more effective against weapon teams, so my 1st priority is always weapon teams like AT gun, then HMG teams, then tanks if it still have enough health, or i pull it back. I let my volks and panther(if i have 1) to deal with my enemy armor units. right now KT is little bit too pricey for its performance it need little speed buff or price reduction like fuel price drop to 230
27 Apr 2015, 05:57 AM
avatar of Omega_Warrior

Posts: 2561

It's 20mp cheaper then a dual t-35/85 call-in. And is well more effective.
It's perfectly fine exactly where it is.
27 Apr 2015, 06:07 AM
avatar of ThoseDeafMutes

Posts: 1026

Speed, cost, teching, all worse. Only benefit is gun.

Health is higher too iirc.
27 Apr 2015, 06:56 AM
avatar of daspoulos

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1

Permanently Banned

Speed, cost, teching, all worse. Only benefit is gun.
Edit: and 240 more health
27 Apr 2015, 07:09 AM
avatar of TheMachine
Senior Caster Badge

Posts: 875 | Subs: 6

The problem is you can't just compare it to the IS-2. All heavies are OP, Tigers, IS-2's and the KT. Don't justify the strength of one by comparing it to another. The KT is in a good spot right now, it's no longer an anti everything I win button and is still incredibly beefy against everything other than IS-2's.
27 Apr 2015, 07:32 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

It is slower, and it costs as much as 2 IS2's thanks to teching.

It doesn't forces you to single doctrine every game.
It have more HP then IS-2.
It have more penetration then IS-2(you could say its about the same, but how often do you ram heavy tanks into each other instead of keeping them at max range?).
It have 50% more AT DPS and incomparably better AI.
Its MG suppresses.
Its realistic armor value is still bigger then that of IS-2 because axis have AT with greater penetration overall.
That teching is cheapest in game and provides utility for cost that can't be compared to any other army that's how good it is.

Its pretty well worth its cost.
Had IS-2 or Tiger not require a doctrine choice I can see how they would be more expensive.
Had there be limit to 1 11+CP unit the discussion wouldn't even exist.
27 Apr 2015, 07:55 AM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

Then the only thing I would like to see for it is a little more mobility, a tiny speed increase.
27 Apr 2015, 09:02 AM
avatar of van Voort
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?OP:Is the King Tiger still worth 260 fuel?

!Yes. It wrecks pudding like nothing elsevV

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