
russian armor

USF wishes for patch

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28 Mar 2015, 22:17 PM
avatar of MajorBloodnok
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Patrion 314

Posts: 10665 | Subs: 9


I see I missed REForever's impersonator's shitpost, and everyone who took him seriously :/ Just don't respond and wait till the moderators wake up from their coma and do something about him.

Clown! :)

ReForever (on this thread) is the original Reforever from GameReplays.org. An impersonator got in before him on this site- and this also happens sadly on steam, to other established names, which is not to say I personally endorse Reforever's post, nor indeed detest it.

What I do distrust, are hypocrites: you know? ;) The vociferous types, who screech for "free speech" on the one hand and then call for bans, on the other?

Matthew 7:5

my 2 cents
29 Mar 2015, 00:02 AM
avatar of JHeartless

Posts: 1637

Except the SU-85 doesn't have a turret, or the best accuracy on the move of any TD in the game, and it's armor is still paper thin.

TD's come with trade offs, you can't just have a 200+ damage TD that scoots around the map fast as anything else while also having good penetration.

What the Jackson needs right now is a reduction to 160 damage, and a big increase in ROF so it does better DPS but less Alpha. Also more shots = more chances top penetrate heavy tanks.

This would make it far, far better than both the JPIV and the SU-85, what exactly would be the point of those tanks existing when they are both more expensive than a Jackson or equal in cost?

What if I told you the Panther had better accuracy on the move at Far? Where the Jackson is supposed to engage. Please look at stats before you spout these things.
29 Mar 2015, 01:22 AM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

What if I told you the Panther had better accuracy on the move at Far? Where the Jackson is supposed to engage. Please look at stats before you spout these things.

To bad the Panther isn't a TD. You don't just get to have the Jackson with 240 damage then demand your highly mobile TD should have more pen and armor than all the other slower TD's the cost more.
29 Mar 2015, 01:29 AM
avatar of Rollo

Posts: 738

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Mar 2015, 21:41 PMRMMLz

That 60 range is overrated, specially against Axis heavies and the mighty panther. Panthers deflect the first shot, then they close the distance and start chewing your Jackson.

I've never really got why people find panthers so scary, one m6 as they try and close the gap and their entire tank is a sitting duck waiting to be finished off by two Jackson hits.

Jagdpanzers are a far bigger issue to deal with imo.
29 Mar 2015, 01:43 AM
avatar of JHeartless

Posts: 1637

To bad the Panther isn't a TD. You don't just get to have the Jackson with 240 damage then demand your highly mobile TD should have more pen and armor than all the other slower TD's the cost more.

A Jackson isnt a Tank Destroyer! Its a tank HUNTER! LOL Please. Panther is as much a Tank Destroyer as the Jackson is.

Long Range? Check. High Pen? Check. Speed? Check. Where the Jackson has higher DPS the Panther has more surviability and can hurt infantry. They play the same role. You can call it what you will. But in game both the Jackson and the Panthers job are to kill tanks. Killing tanks destroys them. Thus tank destroyers.

IRL has nothing to do with uses in game and game balance.

All other "Tank Destroyers" that are not the Panther have higher DPS, Higher Pen, More HPs, Sight for themselves (yes the JP4 does have extended sight standard), and more armor than the Jackson.

All the Jackson has going for it above and beyond them is a Turret and speed.

240 a shot means jackshit unless what they are shooting at things with 240 HP or less. Which they dont. Otherwise a little thing we call reload impacts its ability to kill armor. Thus the Sturmtiger analogue. If damage per shot was the only meaningful stat then the Sturmtiger is the best tank in game. Sadly that is not the case.

29 Mar 2015, 01:55 AM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

no, the 240 damage matters. it's not the be all end all though and the jackson's inability to hit and pen makes it pretty moot right now.
29 Mar 2015, 02:01 AM
avatar of braciszek

Posts: 2053


At any rate, a "tank hunter" is of a higher class than tank destroyers.

The M36 is merely a glass cannon, as it is designed in a different manner... You shoot, hit, and penetrate something, it blows up. If the target runs away and goes around a corner, then the m36 does nothing. If it gets too close to the enemy, then it will be destroyed. When it gets destroyed, USF loses its only counter to anything with 300+ armor...

Ive never bled as much fuel than when replacing m36 jackson losses because of USF's awesome list of high penetration weapons has so many alternatives...

Got lots of dodge-able artillery, though...
29 Mar 2015, 02:04 AM
avatar of JHeartless

Posts: 1637


At any rate, a "tank hunter" is of a higher class than tank destroyers.

The M36 is merely a glass cannon, as it is designed in a different manner... You shoot, hit, and penetrate something, it blows up. If the target runs away and goes around a corner, then the m36 does nothing. If it gets too close to the enemy, then it will be destroyed. When it gets destroyed, USF loses its only counter to anything with 300+ armor...

Ive never bled as much fuel than when replacing m36 jackson losses because of USF's awesome list of high penetration weapons has so many alternatives...

Got lots of dodge-able artillery, though...

I was being an ass and quoting Alex on his other thread about Panther being a Tank Hunter. Its all Rhetoric. They both have the same Job. One is just better at it with a faction surrounding it that is better at the task too.

Point I am making if your job is to destroy tanks and you do 240 Damage IF you Pen every minute it doesnt mean crap (Yes I know the Jack has a faster reload than this just illustrating the Straw Man in the room). So the TDs that do 160 a shot that fire MUCH faster still do more damage then the Jack.
29 Mar 2015, 02:14 AM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

yeah, the jackson just does spike damage. it's basically the OKH sniper in a tank.
29 Mar 2015, 02:21 AM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

A Jackson isnt a Tank Destroyer! Its a tank HUNTER! LOL Please. Panther is as much a Tank Destroyer as the Jackson is.

Long Range? Check. High Pen? Check. Speed? Check. Where the Jackson has higher DPS the Panther has more surviability and can hurt infantry. They play the same role. You can call it what you will. But in game both the Jackson and the Panthers job are to kill tanks. Killing tanks destroys them. Thus tank destroyers.

IRL has nothing to do with uses in game and game balance.

All other "Tank Destroyers" that are not the Panther have higher DPS, Higher Pen, More HPs, Sight for themselves (yes the JP4 does have extended sight standard), and more armor than the Jackson.

All the Jackson has going for it above and beyond them is a Turret and speed.

240 a shot means jackshit unless what they are shooting at things with 240 HP or less. Which they dont. Otherwise a little thing we call reload impacts its ability to kill armor. Thus the Sturmtiger analogue. If damage per shot was the only meaningful stat then the Sturmtiger is the best tank in game. Sadly that is not the case.

Except the issue with USF right now is a lack of good AT outside the Jackson, right now the Jackson doesn't have really any huge issues outside of the fact it lacks pen versus heavies. But even then it still has 50% chance to pen at MAX range versus a Panther and 58% versus a Tiger.

The Jackson has to have a draw back, or the JPIV and SU-85 need to get better because right now a Jackson costs a fraction of what a SU-85 does thanks to teching but is objectively better. And the JPIV is expensive for a fuel starved faction while doing nothing than being a less mobile panther with shitter stats in every way.

Maybe the Jackson could get some more health? But really it preforms GREAT right now.

Ive never bled as much fuel than when replacing m36 jackson losses because of USF's awesome list of high penetration weapons has so many alternatives...

Yeah, the issue is USF doesn't have any other options atm.

EDIT: Said KT when I meant Tiger, my apologies.
29 Mar 2015, 02:31 AM
avatar of sneakking

Posts: 655

Permanently Banned

Clown! :)

ReForever (on this thread) is the original Reforever from GameReplays.org. An impersonator got in before him on this site- and this also happens sadly on steam, to other established names, which is not to say I personally endorse Reforever's post, nor indeed detest it.

What I do dislike, are hypocrites: you know? ;) The vociferous types, who screech for "free speech" on the one hand and then call for bans, on the other?

Matthew 7:5

my 2 cents

I completely agree with you on the idea of the idea of "disliking" hypocrites. I truly despise those who freely look past genuine issues and tend to focus their efforts on far more trivial, pointless pursuits.

Please be aware that I will consider your advice greatly since you referenced the bible book/character from which my IRL name is deviated from.

please provide proof that this is in fct the real REForever because I (along with the majority of the intellegent CoH2 community) would argue otherwise, this is particularly fortified by the documented shoutbox posts regarding how his steam account linked to his CoH2.org which displays a mediocre-at-best rank and mere scant hours in CoH1, the game which he supposedly prides himself on, yet he proudly boasts a massive number of CoH2 smurf account keys and the one linked to here is just a puppet of a much greater master.

Please, the wise and all knowing Bloodknock, please explain that.
29 Mar 2015, 02:45 AM
avatar of turbotortoise

Posts: 1283 | Subs: 4

abolish the armour commander, make the dozer and AAHT an upgrade, add the M10 to bridge a gap versus p4's (bearing in mind sherman's can still more than compete with them) and stall time for an adjusted M36 slugger

never going to happen :/
29 Mar 2015, 03:09 AM
avatar of RMMLz

Posts: 1802 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Mar 2015, 01:29 AMRollo

I've never really got why people find panthers so scary, one m6 as they try and close the gap and their entire tank is a sitting duck waiting to be finished off by two Jackson hits.

Jagdpanzers are a far bigger issue to deal with imo.

It's easy when you say it like that, but am I forced to go Lt tier? If we could plant mines with REs, that would be better. I don't personally have a big problem with JgPZ, because first, it means that there is no Puma rush and second, once you flank it, it's dead.
29 Mar 2015, 03:32 AM
avatar of Aladdin

Posts: 959

Something that Ost can still use its T3 against USF! ;)
29 Mar 2015, 08:08 AM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

But even then it still has 50% chance to pen at MAX range versus a Panther and 58% versus a KT.

I believe you just misspelled. 58% to penetrate KT at max range? :huhsign:
29 Mar 2015, 09:03 AM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

I believe you just misspelled. 58% to penetrate KT at max range? :huhsign:

Yeah I misspelled, as max range it's 50% for a Panther and 58% for a regular Tiger.

But if you wanted do know, the Jackson has a 37% chance to pen the KT frontally at max range :D
29 Mar 2015, 10:21 AM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Yeah I misspelled, as max range it's 50% for a Panther and 58% for a regular Tiger.

But if you wanted do know, the Jackson has a 37% chance to pen the KT frontally at max range :D

No worries, I know perfectly penetration numbers :)

And by the way, 50% it's like flipping coing. Pure RNG.
29 Mar 2015, 11:34 AM
avatar of The Silver Sage

Posts: 183


At any rate, a "tank hunter" is of a higher class than tank destroyers.

The M36 is merely a glass cannon, as it is designed in a different manner... You shoot, hit, and penetrate something, it blows up. If the target runs away and goes around a corner, then the m36 does nothing. If it gets too close to the enemy, then it will be destroyed. When it gets destroyed, USF loses its only counter to anything with 300+ armor...

Ive never bled as much fuel than when replacing m36 jackson losses because of USF's awesome list of high penetration weapons has so many alternatives...

Got lots of dodge-able artillery, though...

That right there is a huge reason for the frustration in some USF players I believe. The tank destroyers, especially the Jackson with it's 480hp just cannot finish off retreating enemy tanks as you have a very high risk of losing your tank destroyer if you try to follow and engage. You might get 1 or 2 shots off as you follow hoping it doesn't miss or bounce (with that awesome 160 pen at that range) or a dreaded critical.

On the other hand the panther thanks to it's high armour, hp and speed can chase down and destroy enemy tanks with little fear and if vet 1 can add blitz to it's advantage.

Time and time again I see Axis vehicles limping away at 20%hp to be repaired and then those poor allied players who haven't learned rush in only to lose their own vehicle.
29 Mar 2015, 12:57 PM
avatar of JHeartless

Posts: 1637

Except the issue with USF right now is a lack of good AT outside the Jackson, right now the Jackson doesn't have really any huge issues outside of the fact it lacks pen versus heavies. But even then it still has 50% chance to pen at MAX range versus a Panther and 58% versus a Tiger.

The Jackson has to have a draw back, or the JPIV and SU-85 need to get better because right now a Jackson costs a fraction of what a SU-85 does thanks to teching but is objectively better. And the JPIV is expensive for a fuel starved faction while doing nothing than being a less mobile panther with shitter stats in every way.

Maybe the Jackson could get some more health? But really it preforms GREAT right now.

Yeah, the issue is USF doesn't have any other options atm.

EDIT: Said KT when I meant Tiger, my apologies.


SU85 cost plus teching minus starting fuel

Building 1 50 fuel Building 2 120 fuel starts with 50 fuel. Total Fuel tech cost? 120. SU85 cost? 120. 240 Fuel. Else AT nade and molo 50 fuel 290 fuel.

Jackson cost plus teching minus starting fuel

LT 50 fuel Major 90 fuel 10 starting fuel. Total tech cost 130. Jackson cost? 125. 255 fuel
Else Grenades, BAR, Ambulance 25+15+10 = 50 fuel. 305 fuel total.

Captain 80 fuel Major 90 fuel 10 starting fuel. Total tech cost 160 fuel. Jackson cost? 125. 285 fuel. Else Grenades, BAR, Ambulance 25+15+10 = 50 fuel. 335 Fuel.

JagdPanzer IV Tech cost minus starting fuel? 0 thats right GOOSE EGG! Unit cost? 135 fuel.

JagdPanzer has a smaller target size then the Panther by FAR in fact smaller then most light vehicles and DPS of 32-25. With enough Pen to ignore all USFs armor values but the Easy 8s/Dozer at Max range.

Panther DPS? 21-15. Tech cost? 80 fuel. 170 fuel for the unit itself. Total fuel? 250. So AS YOU CAN SEE the Panther can arrive around the time of the first USF vehicle. At the same time if the USF player techd to Nades, BARs and Ambu or went Captain tech.

Please take the time to look this stuff up before you make claims. Its gets tiring digging up the stats to crush your intentional or accidental misinformation.

Edit: I am going to start calling the USF fuel starved since all their tech is more expensive then Soviets and OKWs. USF is a fuel starved faction. Oh yeah and to scale need alot of Muni so they are also Muni starved.

Edit again: Forgot the JP4 also has a mini version of focus sites up all the time. They spot for themselves. The Panther does not.And the Jp4 has 60 range. The Panther has 50.
29 Mar 2015, 13:06 PM
avatar of Jaigen

Posts: 1130


SU85 cost plus teching minus starting fuel

Building 1 50 fuel Building 2 120 fuel starts with 50 fuel. Total Fuel tech cost? 120. SU85 cost? 120. 240 Fuel. Else AT nade and molo 50 fuel 290 fuel.

Jackson cost plus teching minus starting fuel

LT 50 fuel Major 90 fuel 10 starting fuel. Total tech cost 130. Jackson cost? 125. 255 fuel
Else Grenades, BAR, Ambulance 25+15+10 = 50 fuel. 305 fuel total.

Captain 80 fuel Major 90 fuel 10 starting fuel. Total tech cost 160 fuel. Jackson cost? 125. 285 fuel. Else Grenades, BAR, Ambulance 25+15+10 = 50 fuel. 335 Fuel.

JagdPanzer IV Tech cost minus starting fuel? 0 thats right GOOSE EGG! Unit cost? 135 fuel.

JagdPanzer has a smaller target size then the Panther by FAR in fact smaller then most light vehicles and DPS of 32-25. With enough Pen to ignore all USFs armor values but the Easy 8s/Dozer at Max range.

Panther DPS? 21-15. Tech cost? 80 fuel. 170 fuel for the unit itself. Total fuel? 250. So AS YOU CAN SEE the Panther can arrive around the time of the first USF vehicle. At the same time if the USF player techd to Nades, BARs and Ambu or went Captain tech.

Please take the time to look this stuff up before you make claims. Its gets tiring digging up the stats to crush your intentional or accidental misinformation.

Edit: I am going to start calling the USF fuel starved since all their tech is more expensive then Soviets and OKWs. USF is a fuel starved faction. Oh yeah and to scale need alot of Muni so they are also Muni starved.

Edit again: Forgot the JP4 also has a mini version of focus sites up all the time. They spot for themselves. The Panther does not.And the Jp4 has 60 range. The Panther has 50.

One has turrets the other one does not. this makes the jackson far better then the su85 or jp4 on most maps.
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