
russian armor

M42 AT gun

Should the M42 AT gun receive any buff?
Option Distribution Votes
Total votes: 31
24 Aug 2021, 13:18 PM
avatar of Harry

Posts: 159

I have been using this gun for some time, and I have decided to discuss this topic.

I have to stay clear here. I mostly play 4v4 and 3v3 and usually rank around 70 on the ladder.

If I am not mistaken, 4v4 is the best environment for the M42 since there are very few flanking opportunities, which means many vehicles need to charge the AT gun frontally. Even in this case, many of my opponents show very little fear when facing the gun and just kill it purely by charging it, even with their lightest vehicles. I can't imagine how bad this gun can perform in 1v1 and 2v2, in which flanking is normal. And for the most, why the heck it needs 2 CP? In some cases, when I tried pure T2 build, the M42 will always come much later than the Zis3. After the penal received its third AT rifle, I seriously see no actually meaningful use for the gun.

My friends and I have been discussing some changes for the gun. I have posted them as a poll questions. Please feel free to agree or disagree.
24 Aug 2021, 13:31 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

M-42 is far better suited for 1vs1 than for 4vs4.

The larger the MOD the sorter the window of opportunity for units to payback the investment.

When it comes to flanking the M-42 is better the many other ATGs due to fast tracking.
24 Aug 2021, 13:34 PM
avatar of Protos Angelus

Posts: 1515

There is a general rule on how to use the M-42 AT gun.

You don't.
Seriously, don't. 80 dmg with 117 far pen means that you should just throw a satchel on it after the 8 minute mark. And the 2CP means that it doesn't come out much sooner. So just invest in a ZiS, or one penal ptsr battalion
24 Aug 2021, 13:35 PM
avatar of rumartinez89

Posts: 599

I feel the biggest issue the AT has is the other ammo range is horrible. Therefore it is hard to pay for itself in just AT performance.
24 Aug 2021, 13:52 PM
avatar of Kurobane

Posts: 658

The HE Shells on the Soviet M-42 are a good idea just implemented poorly.

I always felt that the Soviet M42 AT Gun should have been a stock option built in T1 along with Penals and the commander ability would instead be HE shells for the M42/ZIS and possibly even the SU-76.

For example OKW has Heat Shells, The Commander ability would be basically be a copy of that but High Explosive shells for the units I mentioned above. Pay Ammo for a few shots to damage infantry.
24 Aug 2021, 14:20 PM
avatar of Ashmole

Posts: 61

It's nice for penal builds to give you an extra response to light vehicles. I think bringing down the CP requirement would be fine but personally I think it's usually only built around the 2CP timeframe anyway.
24 Aug 2021, 14:32 PM
avatar of Crecer13

Posts: 2184 | Subs: 2

M42 and Penalties are a throwback to the original design failure. And the best thing you can do with them is to remove them from the game and forget.
24 Aug 2021, 15:51 PM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

Give the crew 2 non droppable Penal ptrs
24 Aug 2021, 16:02 PM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Aug 2021, 14:20 PMAshmole
It's nice for penal builds to give you an extra response to light vehicles. I think bringing down the CP requirement would be fine but personally I think it's usually only built around the 2CP timeframe anyway.

Basically. What's the point of lowering it to 2 CP (the most picked option)
What happens before 2 CP that makes it worth picking an M42?
Penals will soft counter a 221 anyway
24 Aug 2021, 17:01 PM
avatar of Mr Carmine

Posts: 1289

The he shells need a bit of a buff. Its nerfed to being unviable.

It can get a x models cap per shot and a cooldown after switching. Or be a timed ability.
In return a range increase so that it doesnt have to hug the enemy to be able to shoot.
Or have its ai round supress.
24 Aug 2021, 18:01 PM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2266 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Aug 2021, 13:31 PMVipper
M-42 is far better suited for 1vs1 than for 4vs4.

The larger the MOD the sorter the window of opportunity for units to payback the investment.

When it comes to flanking the M-42 is better the many other ATGs due to fast tracking.

can someone say skippy h must do a 15 m42 spam game
24 Aug 2021, 18:03 PM
avatar of CreativeName

Posts: 281

Please God no, just leave it alone.

The M42 was obnoxious pre-nerf in 1v1

PLease dont ever touch it again
24 Aug 2021, 19:31 PM
avatar of EtherealDragon

Posts: 1890 | Subs: 1

AT Wise I think it's fine for it's cost, ROF, and perks like FOW Tracking and Camo. I wouldn't touch 2CP or else it'll be the new "Panic Puma" where it's always there so you never get punished by fast LVs. I do agree that the AI rounds were probably overnerfed. Might be cool if it was turned into Greyhound-like ability so you can't just cheese with mass M-42s.
24 Aug 2021, 21:58 PM
avatar of Katukov

Posts: 786 | Subs: 1

the M-42 AT gun is kinda trash, the shrapnel range is pathetically small and puts it into direct enemy fire, practically useless in a lot of situations.

The AT's probably fine, although it completely falls apart after actual tanks arrive. I'd say that the shrapnel range should be increased (maybe at even vet or when you build T-4), or the AT gun cost reduced to like 200, I really cant see this being worth 240mp in it's current state.

Unrelated, but the completely competent mod team decided to fix this little AT gun faster than they're fixing the sturmtiger right now, its hilarious
24 Aug 2021, 22:14 PM
avatar of Lady Xenarra

Posts: 953

Urban Defence has left many a player with PTSD.
25 Aug 2021, 00:09 AM
avatar of Katukov

Posts: 786 | Subs: 1

Urban Defence has left many a player with PTSD.

unrelated: I played with urban defense against the okw sturmtiger doctrine on la gleize, it was, despite victory, a very agonizing experience

I think that the skilltiger will leave many people with PTSD, more than the peashooter AT guns
25 Aug 2021, 02:35 AM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

I actually think the gun is in perfect shape. People that complain about the frag rounds forget this lil guy gets camo too. After it loses use as an AT gun I usually cloak it on my side of a fought over VP for vision but with frag rounds loaded. This let's me see for my hard AT and deliver a surprise blow when it's worth the most against infantry. It's only 1 squad and I have cons nearby? Let that pop gun sing! Too risky? The vision is still handy dandy for mobilizing a counter attack!

For its cost you can get a lot of value out of it, but don't forget that combat isn't the only aspect of the game that is valuable!
25 Aug 2021, 07:31 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Aug 2021, 21:58 PMKatukov
the M-42 AT gun is kinda trash, the shrapnel range is pathetically small and puts it into direct enemy fire, practically useless in a lot of situations.

The AT's probably fine, although it completely falls apart after actual tanks arrive. I'd say that the shrapnel range should be increased (maybe at even vet or when you build T-4), or the AT gun cost reduced to like 200, I really cant see this being worth 240mp in it's current state.

Having M-42 fire AI rounds that out-range small arm fire has been tried and the unit was op.

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Aug 2021, 21:58 PMKatukov

Unrelated, but the completely competent mod team decided to fix this little AT gun faster than they're fixing the sturmtiger right now, its hilarious

I am not sure why some people feel the need to trash talk the MOD team or to accuse of being biased but one in this case it completely of mark. The MOD team has nothing to do with timing of patches, that decision comes straight from Relic.
25 Aug 2021, 08:03 AM
avatar of JulianSnow

Posts: 321

I think the gun is good as is, might buff its HE ability slightly. (If correct) I understand the range on the HE shells isn't its full range, I'd change that to it's full range.

Stealth moving is not to be underestimated.
25 Aug 2021, 10:06 AM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

AT Wise I think it's fine for it's cost, ROF, and perks like FOW Tracking and Camo. I wouldn't touch 2CP or else it'll be the new "Panic Puma" where it's always there so you never get punished by fast LVs. I do agree that the AI rounds were probably overnerfed. Might be cool if it was turned into Greyhound-like ability so you can't just cheese with mass M-42s.

The difference with the panic puma is that the puma is a mobile at unit. Changing it to 0 cp wouldn't change anything
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