My guess on what we will see in next CoH3:
The next CoH3 will be set in 1944 or 1945. Why? All the big, the popular, the STRONK Tanks only really came around in 1943/1944 (IS2, Tiger, T34/85) so a "Africa" or "early France" setting is imo unlikely as it not only means less stuff to play with (and thus less DLC to sell

) but it would also mean that the average player wouldn't get to see their stronk tanks (and so also no Big boom shots) and thus be disappointed.
What factions we will see? My guess is that it will be mainly eastern Front again ... and maybe Italy (not to sure thought AFAIK the fighting in Italy was more of a static one after the inital steamroll from the Allies). If we were to get Italy then we probably would get the Italian Social Republic and not the Facist Italy. For the eastern Front we will probably get Germans + Romania / Hungary (don't think we will get Finland, wouldn't fit on 99% of the maps and also they had bascially no Tanks / Planes of their own) and ofc Russia.
What (new) Stuff will be added?:
- New Tanks like the Hetzer or the SU 100
- Improved Armor System (Side Armor, being able to target weaker Parts of the Front)
- better Map Maker
- possibility of rejoining a match
- Even more Micro Transactions
- some incredibly broken mechanics that will only get fixed 4 years after the release
For the love of god. I hope lelic doesn't go down the Eugen Path and won't implement fieldmodification vehicles that were only used in combat once (if at all)
Feel free to mock me if it turns out to be 100% the opposite of what I just wrote ; P (like it being WW1 or Alternate Cold War)
Edit: After taking a short look on their Twitch channel which plays footage of the African Campaign I too think that CoH3 might be North Africa ... so no Panzerfaust, no Tiger, no Panther and instead Panzer IIs and IIIs. Sounds refreshing for a change and also interesting to me but I am not quite sure how Axis are supposed to fight Allies ... or will we get Panzer 3 ram ability

? Also I can't wait to play the M3 Grant Tank