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Commander Update Beta 2021 - OKW Feedback

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19 Apr 2021, 17:21 PM
avatar of Klement Pikhtura

Posts: 772

jump backJump back to quoted post19 Apr 2021, 07:06 AMJilet
I'd like to see the 3rd rework of JLI like giving them another upgrade that grants them something like STG44s and a grenade like the old OST Stormtroopers. So in the end it is left to player to choose between a long range anti-sniper/support infantry and an STG44 wielding camouflaging ambush squad.

So at least that gives some more flavor to Scavenge commander.

Well they are Jaegers, they need to be marksman. That's like giving shocktroops LMGs, makes no sence. I get that there are several Allied squads that have different upgrades, but they do not conflict with their nature.

Also OKW has falls, which have the best assault rifles in the game, while having camo and ambush ability.
19 Apr 2021, 19:51 PM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

We are reverting the changes to Panzerfusiliers to prevent them from completely overshadowing Volksgrenadiers, particularly in team games.

Kar98k and G43 weapon changes reverted
Cost changes reverted

what cost changes ?

and does it mean the slot is back to 1 ?

19 Apr 2021, 21:48 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

Over-watch commander mini icon uses a weird portrayed.
20 Apr 2021, 01:26 AM
avatar of WAAAGH2000

Posts: 730

Replace Ostwind with T34/76 plz(x)
IRstg could upgrade by all OKW infantry or rework be call-in squad plz
20 Apr 2021, 06:05 AM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

Replace Ostwind with T34/76 plz(x

That's more of an Ostheer thing.
20 Apr 2021, 09:37 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

weapon slots
OKW should have more infatry that can pick dropped weapons. VG or g43 PF should have 1 weapon slot open. On the other hand JLI should lose 1 slot when upgrade with G43.

Not being able to pick up weapons is big disadvantage especially since PF can drop shrecks.

Incendiary munition
Should be less of hazard to the crew when detonating on shot blocker


Scavenger Commander
Move economical vehicle (223) to this commander

fits the theme better
will increase popularity
has better synergy

Special Op

Reduce cost of flares

too expensive compared to similar abilities

Replace ST44 Vamp with an infiltration unit
fits the theme give Okw an infiltration unit.
20 Apr 2021, 11:55 AM
avatar of leithianz

Posts: 472

jump backJump back to quoted post20 Apr 2021, 09:37 AMVipper

Special Op

Reduce cost of flares

too expensive compared to similar abilities

Souldn't it be removed for the same reason you've posted on the British thread?
As far as I know, flare from special op is the only skill that you can trigger anywhere in the map to reveal site. Without possible way to counter it.

uncounterable recon
Since you are fixing the abilities that provide vision with little counter you should also remove or reduce vision from the following abilities:
Assault ( reveal all map)
Mortar cover (reveal a sector)
Flare from Churchill call in (reveal an area anywhere on the map)

20 Apr 2021, 11:59 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

Souldn't it be removed for the same reason you've posted on the British thread?
As far as I know, flare from special op is the only skill that you can trigger anywhere in the map to reveal site. Without possible way to counter it.

uncounterable recon
Since you are fixing the abilities that provide vision with little counter you should also remove or reduce vision from the following abilities:
Assault ( reveal all map)
Mortar cover (reveal a sector)
Flare from Churchill call in (reveal an area anywhere on the map)


They have already have been moved to the C.Panther so they can not be used anywhere on the map....
20 Apr 2021, 12:01 PM
avatar of leithianz

Posts: 472

jump backJump back to quoted post20 Apr 2021, 11:59 AMVipper

They have already been moved to Panther....

Means it still exists & uncountable.
20 Apr 2021, 12:02 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

Means it still exists & uncountable.

As uncouterable as Soviet mortar flares are or White star flares are or PF flares are or MOP flares are.

There plenty of unit with on map flares that are actually cheaper the the ones C.Panther gets.

All that has very little to do with UKF commander abilities.
20 Apr 2021, 12:05 PM
avatar of Hannibal
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3112 | Subs: 2

Means it still exists & uncountable.

The most important thing is that those require a unit, so you cannot place them anywhere you wish and you also potentially need to risk some damage.

It is still not great, but FAR better than the previous versions
20 Apr 2021, 12:05 PM
avatar of leithianz

Posts: 472

jump backJump back to quoted post20 Apr 2021, 12:02 PMVipper

As uncouterable as Soviet mortar flares are or White star flares are or PF flares are or MOP flares are.

There plenty of unit with on map flares that are actually cheaper the the ones C.Panther gets.

All that has very little to do with UKF commander abilities.

Witch also should be removed since flares are not countable.
20 Apr 2021, 12:06 PM
avatar of leithianz

Posts: 472

The most important thing is that those require a unit, so you cannot place them anywhere you wish and you also potentially need to risk some damage.

It is still not great, but FAR better than the previous versions

True to that. Prev version was way out of hands especially in 3v3 or 4v4.
20 Apr 2021, 12:08 PM
avatar of FunPolice

Posts: 133

So is there any reason that Breakthrough is just gonna be the only doctrine to keep a strong off map combined with a super heavy TD? We saw these changes happen to Jaeger armor and the ISU commanders yet for whatever reason this commander is just allowed to keep it? This commander is easily the most popular commander in team games so I think there is ample reason to change it.

Also sad scavenge seems to only have gotten a little change. That volks repair change is neat but I was hoping to see something more unique or at least resolving infiltration grenades with something more fitting like the economic 221.
20 Apr 2021, 12:27 PM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

That's more of an Ostheer thing.

Ostheer has a 120 fuel tank, and a 100 fuel anti infantry tank
20 Apr 2021, 12:40 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

Witch also should be removed since flares are not countable.

You have to take that up with MOD team and not me. In their opinion flares from units (that are not off map flares) are fine.
20 Apr 2021, 14:24 PM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

Witch also should be removed since flares are not countable.

The flare themselves are not counterable that is true, but the counter PLAY (which is the important bit) lies in the ability being tied to a unit and thus taking up resources and requiring micro. You can't "counter" spotting scopes or doctrinal minimal buffs (like the okw truck recon thing) either, but as they require something on field they are OK.
There's a huge difference between uncountable, unannounced recon anywhere you wish and uncountable recon the enemy had to get for themselves via micro and positioning.
Due to the limited range on most unit flares they will Likley be used on the front, where the enemy units are which also gives the chance they will be seen by the other player as well (as opposed to searching the rear line for juicy targets)
20 Apr 2021, 16:54 PM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

Grand Offensive Doctrine

IR STG don't fit grand offensively both thematically and in the commander. Panzerfusiliers in their current interation are supposed to be a powerful late game mainline infantry, they should be an alternative to Volks + Obersolandaten
OKW has unused voicelines for a 251 or 250, both would fit better and synergize as early game support unit for Panzerfusiliers.
The 221 was put in Panzergrau so the same could be done there

Similarly, Panzer Commander doesn't fit the doctrine, and the Panzer in it can't even use it anymore. Fragmentation bombs stuka run, since the other offmap is the stuka smoke barrage, could fit better thematically and give the doctrine an offmap.
20 Apr 2021, 17:05 PM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

Panzerfusiliers with a reinforcement halftrack would be a recipe for disaster.

IR STG44 Obers are great at assaulting, they fit the doctrine theme just fine. It's a great upgrade even though it's limited to only one unit. It's there to balance out the raw power of the other abilities.

Grand Offensive is nicely in the middle in terms of popularity in all modes, and the Command Tiger is getting decent buffs. It really doesn't need more changes.
20 Apr 2021, 17:21 PM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

Panzerfusiliers with a reinforcement halftrack would be a recipe for disaster.

That's debeatable considering that by the time they get their g43 light vehicles are rolling in. But anyway it could be a 250/1 with open top

IR STG44 Obers are great at assaulting, they fit the doctrine theme just fine.

That's also debeatable, assaulting? Mg34 Obers are better in most cases even when you factor in the cover bonuses
Obers abilities don't fit such upgrade either, it doesn't have offensive smoke, it could have used having Panzergrenadiers Breakthrough equipment smoke grenades

It's a great upgrade even though it's limited to only one unit. It's there to balance out the raw power of the other abilities.

IR Obersoldaten have no business in a doctrine that has Panzerfusiliers, it's that simple. Nobody is going to use Obersoldaten when your mainline infantry you crippled your early and early mid game with is starting to shine and can finally reward your efforts.
Can you point me any single game in a tournament, even teamgames where OKW Grand Offensive was chosen and Obersoldaten ir hit the field?
Yeah, you could argue that having a 280 mp unit perform as a 240 mp unit for half game and then as a 300 mp unit for the rest is not supposed to happen, but unfortunately this happens. Panzerfusiliers in late game are just too good for Obers to be an option, even more for a situational upgrade like ir stg.
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