I might not had been clear. I stated how much dmg the crit component has outside of the base dmg of the Rifle. Cause i had to use the old coh2 stats site it might had not have the correct values for the base dmg so i assumed it's correct and it's both 16. If the crits are at 40% HP and 70%HP then, the threshold is at 32HP and 56HP respectively.
Which translates to the values i gave before:
Pathfinders are doing 16dmg + 0/16dmg
JLI are doing 16dmg + 0/40dmg
Don't JLI crit-kill model with 75% HP or less?
On the topic itself:
The disparity in model target size between the squads as well as ambush bonus and higher crit threashold of JLI more than make up for the 2 scoped garands of Pathfinders.
Even when you ambush an OST sniper with Pathfinders you can't reliably kill him, while JLI have very high chance of taking the enemy sniper down immediately with ambush bonus and high crit, especially because longer time to fire on the G43-sniping model makes him fire last in the salvo.
If you want we can replace Pathfinders with JLI, no problem