What the PRO's think of COH2

Posts: 28
COH2 is broken in so many ways and design elements its not even funny.
-RNG has a ridiculously big impact which should not be the case in a competetive RTS game.
Nothing is consistent (infantry criticals, mortars, artillery weapons, the whole flame weapon system, tanks/paks missing or not, penetration system, ram etc...) These are all random elements which you cant control and can very easily decide games.
and this is a big part of the reason why this game has an unbelievably low skill ceiling, imo its competing with CoD games in that category.
-the 2-3 second command lag is a huge issue, it further lowers the skill ceiling, cant react to nades or stop vehicle from moving in time which you could do otherwise.
-the building cover system is fucked, its way too strong and the only reliable counter early game is flamer which is only available on the vulnerable pios/engineers (not counting penals)
Snipers having 40% accuracy against units in buildings is a joke, another element that depends purely on luck.
-Autocover is terrible and can be really annoying. Units tend to crawl on the floor if you drop a nade close to them, if its a molotov units often crawl back to the fire and die thanks to autocover and random chance of death by fire. Snipers ignore attack command and start crawling towards the enemy.
-vehicle pathing is horrible, nuff said.
-blizzards on winter maps add nothing but frustration and annoyance, they are fucking horrible.
-all these op DLC commanders are just sad, they ruin this already fucked game even more.
-terrible map design in many cases that hugely favor one side like langres, road to kharkov, kholodny etc.
-the whole bulletin system is the most retarded thing i have ever seen for a RTS game.
-The complete lack of any kind of information regarding what units/abilities actually do, dps values, health pool etc.
-No SLI support. Im forced to play on low settings with a gtx690 cos of it. Its just ridiculous.
And lets not forget about all the missing multiplayer elements that even 10-15 old year games had on release.
-No Ladder/Leaderboards. You cant even see your elo rating.
-No ingame Lobby for custom games.
-No spectator mode... this one is just too funny
-Outdated replay system.
And probably many other things i forgot to include.
Its no wonder the game is dead, in fact it was dead on release already.

Posts: 210

Posts: 641 | Subs: 1
Totally agree with holyhammer!

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Posts: 3293
People like DevM, Aimstrong, Sepha, Symbiosis, Tommy, FatalSaint, StephenJF, Rogers, Marcus, Ami, HelpingHans, Siberian, Barton, DanielD, Twister, OMGPOP and all the others which ive missed to mention, whats your opinion on the game so far?
What needs to be fixed, changed or balanced in order to improve the game overall?!
this isn't a list of all pro players this is a list of this communities celebrities.
i agree with rogers but would like to add the problem isn't the new docs its the new abiities. to many new abilities in the new commanders you can't add new abilities in every patch and expect it to stay balance when the previous abilites aren't nesscarily balanced. should be adding a group of new albitys and making a few new docs some free with some of the abilities instead of every month new ability's which i hope they don't switch to. (unfortunate looking a bit that way.)

Posts: 182
I really did try to like the game, I even put in ~ 400 hours of coh2, basically forced myself to play it so I can at least say... "ok, I don't like this game" and have the proof to back up my statement. I think the unfortunate reality is the game had potential, and (maybe) still does but the prioritizing of releasing DLC over fixing balance and / or stale game mechanics and also those basic multiplayer features that have been removed reassures me where the game is going.
I think there are two unfortunate realities: 1, THQ went under and left the game in an unpolished and under thought-out state. 2, it's all about money... I understand relic / sega are businesses but the idea that these businesses need DLC to support their games for basic patching is a pretty outlandish claim. Game devs back in the day used to provide free support to expand their player base and please the community, because the community are the people who play the game on a regular basis. I just wanted to add this on top of what everyone else said, the game isn't so much a strategy game to me, and to be frank it's mind boggling that relic didn't build on top of the success of the first, it was really the best rts of its time and coh2 could have been huge.

Posts: 409 | Subs: 17
this isn't a list of all pro players this is a list of this communities celebrities.
He did say "and all the others which ive missed to mention", I also don't know what you mean by community celebrities.

Posts: 13
What do u guys think of the graphics and atmosphere compared to vCOH?
I miss the gritty grimmy atmposphere, its hard to describe but vCOH seems much more dirty and bloody. COH2 in comparison looks almost "friendly".

Posts: 3293
He did say "and all the others which ive missed to mention", I also don't know what you mean by community celebrities.
read the title.

Posts: 332 | Subs: 1
Just to make it clear: EVERYBODY is welcomed to describe theyre opinion on the state of COH2 so far!
What do u guys think of the graphics and atmosphere compared to vCOH?
I miss the gritty grimmy atmposphere, its hard to describe but vCOH seems much more dirty and bloody. COH2 in comparison looks almost "friendly".
Graphics itself are quite cool, the thing is that it does not favour rts games. You needa be able to perceive a lot of important things, pay attention all over the map and even notice things like one guy throwing a nade. Therefore the actual map (background colors, colors of the ground, buildings, environment and even snow) must not be too flashy and too "bright". The important things, like units, vehicles, grenade timers, which side of the building a unit is looking at (especially MGs), all that has to be very obvious and easy to detect. That is definitely not the case.
Atmosphere is still great, sound and stuff is, just like in CoH1, really cool.

Posts: 165 | Subs: 1
If eventually there are patches in future that improve CoH2 to the point where it's fun enough then I'll play it again, but I don't have to force myself to play it, I'll just wait until that time.

Posts: 247
-Infantry shoot rubber bullets (hopefully that will change)
Have there been any responses indicating such changes?

Posts: 641 | Subs: 1
...and the idea of marketing/producing CoH2 towards the comp stomping/casual community.
That was my biggest fear from the beginning when they mentioned this already i think in alpha. When they were talking like the most players are compstompers.

Posts: 139
I don't think the game is garbage though - just not a very good competitive RTS, and more frustrating than fun if you try and take it seriously. It's not bad as a kind of have fun, pew pew, blow shit up and don't think too much about it kind of game though. And unfortunately (since I prefer competitive MP RTS) most players are probably casual/SP players and the DLC model apparently works well (?) if that is your main player base.
I really hope it isn't an economic model they use in future games though - I loved playing DoW, CoH, DoW2 and bought all their expansions as well but CoH2 definitely has its work cut out for it if its going to reach their level. Expansions are just so different in terms of stable MP balance and metagame development than these monthly DLC bombs. It'll be interesting to see how much $$ it all adds up to by the one year release anniversary. I'd imagine it would be pretty daunting for a new player looking to get into it.

Posts: 125

Posts: 123
the game is garbage
COH2 is broken in so many ways and design elements its not even funny.
-RNG has a ridiculously big impact which should not be the case in a competetive RTS game.
Nothing is consistent (infantry criticals, mortars, artillery weapons, the whole flame weapon system, tanks/paks missing or not, penetration system, ram etc...) These are all random elements which you cant control and can very easily decide games.
and this is a big part of the reason why this game has an unbelievably low skill ceiling, imo its competing with CoD games in that category.
-the 2-3 second command lag is a huge issue, it further lowers the skill ceiling, cant react to nades or stop vehicle from moving in time which you could do otherwise.
-the building cover system is fucked, its way too strong and the only reliable counter early game is flamer which is only available on the vulnerable pios/engineers (not counting penals)
Snipers having 40% accuracy against units in buildings is a joke, another element that depends purely on luck.
-Autocover is terrible and can be really annoying. Units tend to crawl on the floor if you drop a nade close to them, if its a molotov units often crawl back to the fire and die thanks to autocover and random chance of death by fire. Snipers ignore attack command and start crawling towards the enemy.
-vehicle pathing is horrible, nuff said.
-blizzards on winter maps add nothing but frustration and annoyance, they are fucking horrible.
-all these op DLC commanders are just sad, they ruin this already fucked game even more.
-terrible map design in many cases that hugely favor one side like langres, road to kharkov, kholodny etc.
-the whole bulletin system is the most retarded thing i have ever seen for a RTS game.
-The complete lack of any kind of information regarding what units/abilities actually do, dps values, health pool etc.
-No SLI support. Im forced to play on low settings with a gtx690 cos of it. Its just ridiculous.
And lets not forget about all the missing multiplayer elements that even 10-15 old year games had on release.
-No Ladder/Leaderboards. You cant even see your elo rating.
-No ingame Lobby for custom games.
-No spectator mode... this one is just too funny
-Outdated replay system.
And probably many other things i forgot to include.
Its no wonder the game is dead, in fact it was dead on release already.
+1 but there is more wrong, well im not even close to be a Pro in CoH2, but i´m a Pro player in CoH1 and the only fact why im so bad in CoH2 is, because i dont wanna train this broken boring game. !
Why was CoH1 such a great game? cause u had many ways to win a game, games weren´t similar, everyone had THE SAME UNIT´s and chances. You need Skill and fast reaction, u could win games with sneaky gameplay and good control over your units.
And CoH2? today in SNF they just spammed Grenns vs Conscripts very interessting....
there is totaly no sneaky gameplay possible cause mines are expensive (german once) and takes ages too built, same story on wire.
Also the hole commander system is totaly a fail. balance is impossible when every month 2-4 new commanders come out.
50% of the commanders are totaly usless and only bad remix´s of other onces. A commander should support u the hole game not like a few only in the early game. they also should be like a 2 way tech commander.
The cover system is the same in company of heroes 1 and thats also a fail. Cover dont change the fight vs infantery, because in the time u run to the cover u already lost that fight.
The sniper gameplay is boring and not balanced. A decent player never lost his Sovjet sniper by getting countersniped.
The attack move is broken units dont search cover and starting shooting on longrange, no they just stopp on mid range and give a fuck about cover.
Conscript vs grenns battles are boring as hell. it dont matters if u are shooting on long close or mid range.
the mortars are just good when they shooting on their own. if u use the fire ability they dont hit anything. (the russian vet one ability is the only way to control your mortar)
it doesnt matters when there is only 1-2 windows on the side of a house the unit in the house will win the fight everytime when u dont use grenades or other stuff
Arty is shooting too long and isnt doing enough splash dmg for infantery (german 10.5) and maybe a bit too much dmg vs Tanks (russian 152)
engineers are too expensive and too many guy´s, u cant lay down mines/wire cause u ve to fall back to tech up.
Repair time for critical hits on tanks is too high.
Strafing Runs are too long powerfull and u dont need any skill for them cause they killing/pinning everything on the hole map
Panzerfaust and At nates should do more dmg but dont kill everytime the engine of the vehicel!
The Tactical map is usless cause it needes ages to pop up and to close
the new Ressource Point system in CoH2 is crap u dont ve to think about what does i need. The CoH1 point system was 1000 way´s better.
and much more stuff

Posts: 86
I wouldn't say the game is garbage, it's a solid follow up to the original and with patches, most things will get even better. Big problems are the DLC, bulletin and online system and the idea of marketing/producing CoH2 towards the comp stomping/casual community. There are plenty more problems that have made the game unfun to play to the point where I just don't feel like playing any more and likely won't.
If eventually there are patches in future that improve CoH2 to the point where it's fun enough then I'll play it again, but I don't have to force myself to play it, I'll just wait until that time.
+1 to xHoLyHammerx and +1 to NoLuckyStrike
the game is complete garbage and if you find the game unfun to play to the point you don't feel like playing it any more, then it is garbage plain and simple. So don't tell me it is not garbage when even you will not play it.
It is not a solid follow up to coh1 and just because you guys lay in the same bed as relic and this site would be useless without the game, you should not be backing them when you clearly say it is not fun and you do not feel like playing it.
last time i learned about WWII the Germans was the aggressor not the Russians.
I thought the game was on a decent path then this whole mess with turning point patch came along and now the game is back to the stone ages, unfun, and not worth playing in its current state. It is not just garbage it is garbage that you want to take to the curb a week before the garbage man comes it is so bad.
the unit response was bad and rng was very bad but this patch made everything bad. I can not explain how disgusted with relic i am right now, except to say I wont be playing until this is patched correctly and if you release more dlc before it is fixed, i will just uninstall and never buy another sega/relic product again.
This current product does not belong in RTS category not even close because there is no strategy involved! Just blob till the last man standing, great concept!
I may not be pro but i am in top 20 4v4 Russians and top 30 4v4 Germans and have over 1200 hours logged since release.
I got my moneys worth prior to the failing point patch and until relic gets their head out of their *** I will not be playing or recommending this game to anyone.

Posts: 578
50% of the commanders are totaly usless and only bad remix´s of other onces. A commander should support u the hole game not like a few only in the early game. they also should be like a 2 way tech commander.
Yep the game is full of garbage commanders that nobody uses.
People only using the same 4 or 5 commanders and ignoring all the other garbage commanders.
VCOH s doctrine System was much better then this commander spamfest.
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