I think a lot of perspective on how good this game will seem to you will depend on a few factors:
Your age
How you feel about the commonly implemented micro transactions in games
How long you've been playing video games.
That's all that really did it for me. I'm 27 now, I probably wont touch this game ever again but I do on occasion care bout the series so I'll hop on these boards to see how the game is doing and see if people have a positive outlook.
I've been playing video games (and RTS for that matter) since I was like 7. COH1 is easily the best rts I've ever had the pleasure to play,by far the most innovative RTS in YEARS (I started with the original Command and conquer). I started playing COH1 in 2006 or 2007, I don't remember anymore. It was hard for me to not get upset when I played the coh2 alpha / beta and the game released and it STILL felt like a beta. It felt like relic had not learned anything from "supporting" COH1 over 6 or 7 years, pretty offensive from someone who took the game as one of their go-to competitive 1v1 games for about 2-3 years (towards the ending life-cycle of the game) AND relic would continue to say they genuinely planned on supporting the competitive community. This ended up to be not true.
Now that I've got that out of the way, the stale air has passed and I think coh2 is a great game. HOWEVER, they still have a shitty pay 2 win model everyone will defend to death. I've watched gaming evolve into what it is today, and I miss the days where you would release expansion packs and provide new content that everyone can enjoy within a year or two of release that didn't feel like it was chopped apart from the main game. Unfortunately gaming has changed, and this is what we have. Realistically, it isn't that bad but you feel feel at a disadvantage at times when you are unfamiliar with the commanders you don't own in the beginning and some crazy ability gets used on you or strong OP tank and you can't figure out how to counter it.
If you are looking for a competitive 1v1 RTS, I would avoid coh2. If you're looking for good 2v2 matches, coh2 is probably better. I even ended up giving up on 1vs1 like... 1/4 of the way through my playtime with the game. I had a group of friends we played 3v3 / 4v4 with and honestly just spent our time abusing glitches and OP strategies. That was what was fun to us so I mean it is what it is. I'm sure the community is better off now that we're out of the player pool, lol.
So, if you aren't like me, don't have bad blood towards relic, prefer team games (probably 2v2) then you will really enjoy the game. If you're looking for a competitive 1vs1 you would get better satisfaction playing tic tac toe with yourself because the game is JUST as predictable. That's my 2 cents.
Did all the decent players leave the game? Scout with a cheap unit (engineer), spot MG position, flank and force the MG to turn without running your main combat units into it (Early game). Also don't go balls all in when attacking sometimes. It's ok to shoot at the MG to pick off one guy and kite waiting for it to turn then soft retreat.
I swear some of the people who post have had it easy mode blobbing for so long they don't realize the game is actually patched the best it's been without a doubt since release. Playing it longer than like a day since release might help as well... |
I'm honestly not even certain why they stream with absolutely nothing to say. Rest In Peter. |
8,000 peak concurrent players (which is a number we can find out from steam charts) doesn't equate to 8,000 active players. Judging by achievements the retention percentage is at about 4, not great by any means but better than 0.002
That is a good point, I didn't take that into account. Either way the numbers still can't be too high :/ |
When I was a noob I also thought that way about INFANTRY vet.
But I still think that way about Wehr armor vet. Vet on US armor is not huge and lends nothing to a units survivability. Wehr armor vet adds survivability (received damage reduction, more hitpoints, reduced penetration chances, and free anti-infantry). And it isn't like Wehr armor needs added strength to punch through US armor.
Yea, but you got less units on the field for better units. Easy to overwhelm. That was the point, US was quick fast dirty attackers who overwhelm their enemy vs the better armed better equipped superior heavy and less numerical units. I found it fun (not to mention US vet was epic) Vet 2 / 3 rifles with a shrek? Yes please. It forced american player to CONSERVE their units, so if you went balls deep attack (since your units were better at attacking, right?) it would stop you from suiciding squads, making a cool back and forth mechanic. You needed those rifles to kill too, so you had to flank around MG's to get that vet, and play careful but still be aggressive. I don't know, I like how it forced players to think, it was appreciated. |
The irony of all this is people who joined into the coh community late (post coh2 release) will finally figure out they've been fighting against making the game better for the past 1.5~2 years. "The game is fine as is"... Heard it a million times. Maybe you like it, but lets take a realistic perspective on the amount of players who DON'T. That's the main issue, many people play it and pass. I'm not saying casualize the game, but they could at least balance the damn thing and remove strategies that feel cheesy, make the game more tactical like how it sells itself to be. Stop blobbing effectiveness? It's a pipe dream now to ask for global upgrades, reworking of commanders, restructure of armies... fine. Just make what you've got work and fun.
In it's current state the multiplayer is frustrating. For funsies (and assuming I'm not retarded at math) if we took the 4 million in 2014 and assume they are the only 8k who regularly play the game, that's .002 that actually stick around, just in 2014. The game has been out since June 2013, that's not even counting those who pre-purchased, purchased on launch etc etc.
Where is the retention? How could it sell so much but maintain such a small regular amount of players. In my honest opinion I think just due to the first games success people bought into the second, and on top of that when it was on sale. There are now just better games out there.
By the way good points inverse, I feel the exact same way about this game as you do. I see your posts, you've been saying the same stuff for years and you're not wrong, maybe sooner than later people will stop arguing and realize you had some valid / logical points and reasons to think like you do. Just sayin. |
Attack me i am the rotten core of this community. Good job. My point is people tend to bash this game for everything and blame relic all day long. I am the one that likes this game and maybe it has some problems with balance but i am still playing it. Last thing the problem with COH Franchise is the fact that the community is a little to fanatic about it.
Well, anytime you go about telling community members to leave you are part of the problem. Maybe you should take some accountability for your actions and also reflect on how treating members of the community might effect the outcome of the game.
Relic deserves a bit of bashing in some ways. Yes, some players take it too far but relic also promised a lot of things and didn't deliver. If you are new to the community I'm sorry you don't understand. There's history to this game and there are some past issues and to ignore them is ignorant in a sense.
Lastly, a lot of vcoh players stick around because they care about the franchise. Most of us want the game to succeed so we don't watch our favorite franchise die. It's not that hard to comprehend. We give input because these are the things that drew us to COH in the first place. For some reason they decided to take away a lot of these core game elements and dumb it down. This is disappointing and to be honest probably isn't that hard to change. Personally, I don't see the game lasting much longer because it doesn't have a good mix of arcade and realism, like the first game did. It doesn't feel like a true sequel. I see it dying, the community dissipating, and when people look back they'll go "why didn't the community help to improve the game?". Well, then we'll find posts like yours and see some people, like you, were too complacent with a mediocre game and at the same time being negative towards other players with absolutely 0 empathy. So yes, you are part of the problem. Help the game don't make it stagnate. And in no way shape or form is telling players to leave going to help, you know that, I know that, we all know that so quit playing the victim. |
Then go back to COH 1
You know... a lot of coh1 players want the game to succeed. I don't play coh2 anymore and still play coh1 but I would like to see this game worth playing.
People like you tend to forget this community, this website, the majority of players making the complaints all have stuck around the COH franchise / community for years. Hell, I mean SNF is hosted by old vcoh casters, TNF stuck around to cast a decent number of coh2 games and within good reason stopped and inverse gave it a good whack at some strat casts. There's many more community member's who just left due to the franchise becoming dull.
I started playing shortly after its release (early 2007 I think) and worked my way up to a top 100 1v1 player in coh automatch and sunk countless hours into the game / community / discussion when I could. I reserve my right to be a bit disappointed when relic's previous community managers talked about the game not being pay to win (there is a nice thread on gamereplays.org about this), having some sort of competitive focus, and just overall being a polished game that learned from the OF expansions mistakes (poorly designed additional armies).
So.... look where we are now, the game is super casual, it doesn't know what it wants to be or who its audience is.
And every time one of you guys say "go back to coh1..." well, I mean you're basically targeting a large number of the community. Whether someone speaks up or not a LOT of people enjoyed that game, loved it. Even to this day it's a pinnacle or RTS gaming, it's still one of the highest ranked RTS games of all time (if not THE highest). Maybe relic just had too big of shoes to fill under the circumstances of the THQ bankruptcy but it's certainly disappointing to be promised a swing-set and getting a sandbox if you get my drift. Not that either one is better than the other but the original promise, the painted picture was something much more than what we got. That and the loss of the competitive community and a bunch of kids like you on this site who have one liner poorly thought out sentences with no constructive criticism for improvement. Yea... you make this community suck ass sometimes. |
the maxim will never be a glass cannon.
Glad there's well thought out optimists like you. Guess I'll just put on my happy face and assume this can never change.
MG's should be glass cannons, very deadly but easy to kill when flanked or found in bad / dumb positions. Having them be powerful but die quickly to flanks creates a reason for players to not blob and spread out. It gives the game the proper tactics rather than concentrated frontal fistfucking (blobbing) a position. If you can kill a weapon that's supposed to stop frontal assaults from the front... why would you bother to waste time with micro?
And then here is the common counter argument: what would stop mg spam? Welp, just change the cost, it's really not that hard. Make them good but not spammable but good enough that its worth having them on the field. They really should be able to stop braindead players from just taking 6 squads and controlling them like one unit. Unless I am wrong and you guys want gameplay like that...in that case never mind, let you drive the game in the direction your little hearts desire.
Before serious patching they were just very deadly
(like how ipkai stated they could re-target a new in less than a second pinning squads not even remotely close to each other very quickly, creating some pretty gimmicky play and rewarding A move with mg's and mg spam).
Here is a nice gem from post release for those who remember:
MG flank..?