Lets stay on topic please, the issue here is that tiger ace needs to cost something, or bring back the original all in and no more resources as I can float MP and fuel before calling it in to last the 10 minutes and maintain keeping my tiger ace.
Also the bigger issue is the buying vet system either needs to be reduced in the amount of xp it gives a unit or increase in mp and fuel to vet that much xp.
woof you call this "cheesy fhq and industry doctrines" Is that not what the elite doctrine is? cheesy!
Buying experience is as cheesy as it gets. Any doctrine you can use right away and your army becomes your doctrine that is cheesy and you can vet units right away on top of the tiger ace cherry on top!
I agree with this also the elite troop doctrine in large 2v2 3v3 4v4 matches is something I have seen more of since the last patch which allows you to get resources back after 10 minutes.
The tiger ace needs to cost more then a regular tiger not be free!
maybe 780MP and 280 fuel that would reduce seeing it in every game cause personally I am sick of seeing it in every single match.
The amount of mp and fuel cost to vet units needs to be increased as well.
maybe 80MP and 35-40 fuel this would help reduce the amount of units being vetted!
Don't call me a soviet fan boy cause I have a good rank in German and like to play it more then Russian, but i don't like unbalanced game.
I certainly don't like to see a faction win cause of purchased vet, not with a easy button in the game!
actually i agree with him, what he means is that coh1 needs more skill than coh2, and every coh1 veteran who plays coh2 will agree this. I was lvl 14 ( from 20) and now i am in top20 loL?
I will not be buying any more false advertised commanders. they market it one way and change it the next with ass grens or a month with windustry. yes I know they need to be balanced but when they released them they knew they was not balanced which is poor quality control or lack of.
this will be their 3rd strike and your out if they release these and they are not balanced from the start.
They ruined a good map in hill 331 with all the mud tanks getting stuck more mud then playable area what a crap decision this was I would of rather seen snow after playing 3 times on this crap design map is a terrible port imo.