Let the dinosaur of the community speak. I feel I am in a unique place and have perspective few others actually do to comment here. As I have been a troll and salt monster as of late. Let me me try to structure my problems with Ami and what not. I am not sure why I am typing but I guess I am bored enough and still give a slight shit enough to explain myself.
I had been an active member of this Company of Heroes community since 2006. I believe the alpha was in late 2005, or Summer of 06 I can't remember. I started casting in 2007, after listening to some great casters of the alpha. I loved the game dearly. It was the best RTS experience I had ever had. GameReplays.Org was the shizznit back in the day. After a time, I found Tales of Heroes. Bridger and Vitensby. The Knowledge Guru, met the sports/radio caster. Gods of casting. They did more for Company of Heroes as a franchise than I believe to this day anyone has ever done. They pioneered, I can't imagine if twitch, or even you tube would have been as prominent as it is now when they started. Sad thing is most of you have no idea who they were or what they did. That's okay. They did it because the loved it. Bridger spent hours, days, weeks months editing trying to start a network for a small but successful game that didn't end up panning out. They PLAYED the game, they LOVED the game. They never asked for anything.
My own story coincides with theirs. I casted for a long while when Dinosaurs roamed the earth and you had to make mp3 files, and MANUALLY sync them with the replays (Yeah, annoying). I eventually headed up a very active shout casting section of GR.org with my friend Somebloke and we ran the section well for I believe a year or longer. As time went on, months and almost a year before a patch or any word from
Relic the game started to die a bit and interest died. Opposing Fronts came out and broke the game but
it created excitement and brought people back. Time went on and I kept casting here and there eventually when Tales of Valor released and further broke the game the game basically started dying further. Many people left, GR.org started to gutter out. Years went by COH2 was announced and I got in on the ground level of what we now know as coh2.org. We were all excited. Pounder and I were in our 3rd season of RnP (maybe second I can't remember) and we were looking forward to a site run by fans for fans. No bullshit.
The rest writes itself because that is when many more people came into the community with the second game. Most Vcoh people were not happy with the new game, and I totally understand and respect that. What I don't respect is people who stayed around only to shit talk the game, and the people who enjoyed it. That did enough to hurt the community on early off. But back on topic, passion. We saw it in Tales of Heroes. We saw it in TFN, we saw it in all the greats of shoutcasting past for this small little game that we all banded together so hard to try and make successful. We did it because we loved it. Not to make money. When I was releasing casts on my old rig, it would take 24-48 hours to compile, edit, encode and upload one shoutcast. Whoopadiedo right? Well its tough to manage when you work 48-56 hours and up a week. As I did at the time. Didn't care, loved doing it. I loved doing it for the fans, and I loved doing it for the game which I still cared for.
This is why I have a problem with Ami. I didn't stay in the community (I guess the point is moot now because I am inactive, but whatever my time was spent) for money. I did it because I loved it. Plain and fucking simple. I never asked for anything from Relic, nor anyone. I did it because I wanted to do it. Because I LOVED THE GAME. I played the game, a lot. So fine, you want to turn the website into a success. May the force be with you. OCF was 85-90 percent contributors who saw nothing who made it what it was. Who did it BECAUSE they love the game. They did not expect anything. That is the ONLY reason you were able to host OCF and take home the chunk of change you were able to.
Now here is where people lambaste me and say "You are not relevant anymore" You are just butthurt" " You host your own tourney" to those people I say, sure. Try running a tourney with no contributors. People have tried and failed. If you don't have people who love what they do, in a small gaming community who are generally ONLY going to operate on the love of the game, not money you ain't got shit. OCF happened 100 percent because the community was not only generous enough but ENOUGH PEOPLE WERE WILLING TO COMMIT THEIR TIME TO THE EVENT TO MAKE IT A SUCCESS. It's not about money. Ami you are not going to get anywhere in the gaming world if you walk around with dollar signs on your glasses looking for the next cash grab. People can smell that your heart isn't in it.
I spent 9 years in the Company of Heroes community. I have seen the greats come and go. The greats never asked for a dime. They operated on their passion for the game, and for the community which they also loved dearly. They wanted the game to become a success, so others could enjoy what they enjoyed and slaved hours and hours of their lives away playing and casting,organizing,selling cats etc.
So thanks for organizing OCF I suppose. Don't toot your own horn too hard. I assure you overall everyone else who contributed to make it a success worked harder then you did, and didn't see a penny for it. Not that they cared, because that is what game casting, and a gaming community should be built on. Passion and love for the game. Not dollar signs.
I see the comet coming children.

Just another shitty little caster like all the rest.