Profile of Seph
General Information
Broadcast: https://www.twitch.tv/vvvsepharim
Birthday: 1989-03-03
Broadcast: https://www.twitch.tv/vvvsepharim
Birthday: 1989-03-03


Post History of Seph
Thread: is2 strong tank, never turn against soviet army14 Aug 2015, 07:53 AM
tough game In: Replays |
Thread: 2v2 with trash talk14 Aug 2015, 05:09 AM
pretty amusing game In: Replays |
Thread: "Sweet Jesus"4 Sep 2014, 23:40 PM
George please uninstall, you are the cancer in the coh2 community #TripleAToxic In: Replays |
Thread: Intense 2v2 when all was lost 5 Aug 2014, 10:03 AM
the madder i am the better the game is Keppa In: Replays |
Thread: Semoisky slaughter4 Aug 2014, 10:53 AM
pretty decent game that i played on stream, enjoy In: Replays |
Thread: Station wreckage2 Aug 2014, 15:37 PM
a pretty intense 2v2 too tired to type up some kind of exciting thing to make you watch it, so just watch MVGame -edit not going to put words in his mouth but Rogers may/may not be casting this, i'm sure he'll update the thread when he wakes up later if he is interested. In: Replays |
Thread: Amazing 2v2 in the forest17 Jul 2014, 16:58 PM
Pretty much one of the most tense matches I've had in awhile, multiple Jagdtigers, the dreaded Tiger Ace, IS2s, KV-8s and multiple sherman Easy Eights come to fight on this map, but who's left alive and standing at the end of all the explosions. Tune in to find out. In: Replays |
Thread: Farmland Destruction16 Jul 2014, 04:18 AM
pretty good game, such tank many explosion, wow In: Replays |
Thread: Difficult game on semoisky15 Jul 2014, 05:44 AM
Another chapter in the life of seph playing random 2v2 as americans, This game was really well played by both sides up until the (not so exciting conclusion) lots of explosions in this one! In: Replays |
Thread: How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb.12 Jul 2014, 07:37 AM
Pretty decent game imo, lots of small mistakes from both sides i feel, Hopefully enjoyable to watch. In: Replays |
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