The lack of caches for OKW and the snowballing in 3v3 and 4v4.
Now that sentence should have driven away all the “3v3 and 4v4 can never be balanced” people so let’s continue

Random team games are often a box of mysteries. Sometimes you get a ton of faction variety and good compositions. Other times you get a full random team of the same faction. Especially 100% homogenous team compositions usually have some glaring weaknesses to be exploited.
But there is a unique issue with teams consisting of 3 or 4 OKW players. They face the issues of having to rely fully on gaining a resource advantage through map control while being unable to invest their manpower to benefit the entire team's fuel and munitions income. Naturally in smaller modes of 1v1 and 2v2 this is a smaller issue since caches are a rarer sight.
However, in teamgames there are plenty of maps where combat easily stalls into a stalemate battle of attrition. There the effect of caches will have an insane impact during a span of 40-60 minutes. In these situations Allied teams can coordinate and each of the players builds some caches so the manpower cost doesn’t become overwhelming for a single player. As a result their army composition won’t suffer too much and they are better prepared to replace armor losses and able use off map clicks more liberally.
The smaller resource constraint will incentivize more aggressive playstyle in addition of being able to afford to support defensive manoeuvres and pushes with off maps more often. Meanwhile the pressure is on OKW to advance despite the resource disadvantage that will only keep getting bigger the longer the game carries on.
I know that caches we’re not part of the original design ™ of OKW but nearly all faction flavour like resource conversion and insane vet 5 that mitigated it has now been removed or toned down.
Now that more massive balance dumps (Trump reference, no hate

Right now the fact of the matter is that the random chance of getting full / almost full OKW teams in random automatch can easily lead to massive resource disparity among Allies and Axis that has little to do with map control.
The question is: Should something be done about it and/or what?
(I hope that your arguments are based on facts and logic while winning bigly without personal attacks. I know people here know words, some have the best words, but I’m hoping the arguments consist of more than 5 words in a sentence.