Stuka has 0 scatter.
Play the game. It doesn't contradict what i said.
Not sure if people were even criticizing the idea to change the target reticule to "circles", but I'll address this one quickly because it indeed doesn't make sense and would actually make things worse (the current in-game targeting indicator may not be perfect, but it is pretty accurate nonetheless).
I guess a lot of frustration comes from the fact that people don't know how scatter works for the Walking Stuka, or in other words, where to expect the rockets to land.
To make it short: each rocket has a 8 x 8 m square where it can land in, regardless of distance or orientation (due to the absence of range-dependent scatter), with all 6 squares forming a 48 x 8 m rectangle (see graph below for clarity).

The 'center point' of this rectangle (or the pivot the indicator rotates around) lies in the middle of the 3rd square, so the last rocket will actually impact a bit further from the center point than the first. Apart from this, each rocket will always land in its respective square, not anywhere else, meaning there are no gaps or anything such where rockets could never impact.
The actual point of impact in each square is of course totally random, so two projectiles can, at best, land right next to each other or, at worst, up to ~9 m apart - this is where the perceived gaps in the impact distribution arises from.
Now, as a TLDR, what does this all mean?
- The rectangular indicator is already a pretty good representation of the rocket impact pattern, and the only way to improve it would be to give it the actual dimensions of the in-game scatter box (48 x 8 m).
- There's no real secret to placing the barrage, apart from knowing the dimension of the scatter box and lining up the ability accordingly (including all the guesswork of where the target will have moved to by the time the rockets arrive, of course).
- There is, however, the possibility to either maximize the damage output or reduce the chance of dealing no damage at all to a given target, depending how the reticule is placed:
To maximize damage output, the target should be placed right in between two adjacent squares. This way there is the (rather small) chance of two rockets impacting right next to the target, but the odds to miss completely are also highest.
On the other hand, if the target sits right in the center of any square, chances to completely miss are rather small, leading to more consistent damage output on average.
Great, lets do then, lets reduce the velocity of the 105 sherma's projectile to that of Brumbar, at least unit behavior would be consistent
I'm sure making things equal also means:
Increasing pen from 35 flat to 140/120/100
AoE radius from 5.5 to 6
Dmg distance from 0.425/1.0/5.0 to 0.625/1.25/6.0
Dmg AoE far from 0.175 to 0.2
Increase 0HK area from 0.88 to 1.11 (just because area is difficult to understand, that's an increase of around 60%)
Nerf RoF from avg 7.0s to 8.25
You are obviously overly defensive and that was never my intention. This debate is going nowhere which I would like to avoid so I am terminating it.