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[Winter Balance Update] SOV Feedback

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23 Dec 2020, 11:40 AM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Dec 2020, 11:17 AMVipper

I suggest you play OKW and try to fight double Bren tommies, Guards, Airborne Guards, Paras, Ranger with VG and let us know how well they do.

Well if the okw is choosing not to use the tools at their disposal, like obers, then that is in them. Having the tools and electing to not use them is not the same as lacking them entirely
23 Dec 2020, 11:41 AM
avatar of Letzte Bataillon

Posts: 195

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Dec 2020, 10:32 AMDharx

Cons need to be able to stand up to infantry in the late game, because SOV have otherwise trouble mantaining map presence. No durable mediums, no late game vehicle with AI killing power like Brummy/Sherman/P4, no stock elite infantry, ZIS barrage and Katy getting nerfed... SOV can't win engagements with mean looks alone, they need to have some firepower. Especially considering that they typically need to turn around VP disadvantage from mid game.

I don't disagree with you on Conscripts, but comparing base rosters is not absolute since the game is meant to be played by picking one of three commanders, and Soviets were made by Relic to be heavily dependent on doctrinal units.

23 Dec 2020, 11:43 AM
avatar of gbem

Posts: 1979

I don't disagree with you on Conscripts, but comparing base rosters is not absolute since the game is meant to be played by picking one of three commanders, and Soviets were made by Relic to be heavily dependent on doctrinal units.

every faction must have a viable core and the soviets are no exception...
23 Dec 2020, 11:51 AM
avatar of Dharx

Posts: 83

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Dec 2020, 11:04 AMVipper

MR upgrade was not available at beta their vet bonuses where designed with out it thus they superior to that of the other units. Now that MR is available it only natural their bonuses get toned down.

I happened to have played during beta, so I know what I'm talking about. MR was added exactly because the baseline was not enough.

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Dec 2020, 11:04 AMVipper

Conscripts do not fight "against double bren/bar vet3 tommies/rifles" and they preice range is not even close.

They do not, but they compare to them. And no, their price range is not far. Cons are expensive because of how often they drop models. It's not so easily noticeable ingame when other units are also fairly cheap to build, but the amount you spend on simply reinforcing them is much higher than with other mainlines. First salvo from volks commonly takes down a model right away for example. And while the upgrades are indeed more expensive, they provide correspondingly higher firepower. YOu can compare single bar/bren tommies/rifles if you wish, which is very close, but then they still remain superior in firepower and still remain signigicantly better in the early and mid game, so nothing changes.

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Dec 2020, 11:04 AMVipper

No they do not. Soviet have access to a numerous other infatry and units and conscripts are supposed to everything.

No, soviets do not have acces to numerous other infantry options. You have CE which are only viable as a combat unit early game, you have Penals – not viable at all, and you have optionally one elite call-in. If you followed 1v1 meta or tournaments, you would probably know that those are not used very much except for a few specific guard builds.
23 Dec 2020, 11:57 AM
avatar of Mr Carmine

Posts: 1289

Sorry guys, but why should the Cons Accuracy nerf be reverted? The balance team did absolutely right. Cons are the cheapiest inf squad with the possibilty to get 7 men. In late game, they are not meant to stand their ground versus other infantry. There is a reason why cons can merge, build sandbags, lay flares and have AT and AI nades. Their only purpose later on is to support team weapons, hold flanks and make suicide rushes for AT nades and own flanking attacks with Urah. Either Volks and Grens with StG and LMG should definitely outperform cons, not only because of their higher MP reinforcement costs but also their Ammo weapon upgrades.

For that reason the removing of the +10 Accuracy at Vet3 is defintely the right way.

The cheapist mainline is and are grenadiers. And they get damage reduction to aliviate the squishyness late game, why should cons get some dps at max vet and tech, when they dont have much dps cuz they lack ai upgrades?
23 Dec 2020, 11:59 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Dec 2020, 11:25 AMgbem

soo you cant stop defending the terrible choices of the mod team.... because you support those terrible choices... am i correct?

As a terrible choice do you mean intruding the MR/SVT upgrade or deciding it was op and deciding to nerf by reducing the vet 3 bonuses?
23 Dec 2020, 12:00 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

The cheapist mainline is and are grenadiers. And they get damage reduction to aliviate the squishyness late game, why should cons get some dps at max vet and tech, when they dont have much dps cuz they lack ai upgrades?

Conscripts and grenadier have the same cost the both cost 240 rest is smoke and mirrors.
23 Dec 2020, 12:00 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Sorry guys, but why should the Cons Accuracy nerf be reverted? The balance team did absolutely right. Cons are the cheapiest inf squad with the possibilty to get 7 men. In late game, they are not meant to stand their ground versus other infantry.

Excuse me but... why the fuck do you think they got stronger vet and later on 7th man late game upgrade in the first place? To build sandbags more accurately? To merge with better reload in cover?
23 Dec 2020, 12:02 PM
avatar of JohnSmith

Posts: 1273

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Dec 2020, 12:00 PMVipper

Conscripts and grenadier have the same cost the both cost 240 rest is smoke and mirrors.

They are completely different units, one has a stronger vet and different upgrade paths. And there's more separating the units, including the army composition. You can't just casually ignore facts you don't like and calling it smoke and mirrors..
23 Dec 2020, 12:05 PM
avatar of Dharx

Posts: 83

I don't disagree with you on Conscripts, but comparing base rosters is not absolute since the game is meant to be played by picking one of three commanders, and Soviets were made by Relic to be heavily dependent on doctrinal units.

That was probably the intent, but it doesn't work like that in practice. SOV 1v1 meta builds revolve around core units, because many doctrinal ones either don't fit that mode very much (KV tanks, call-in heavies, shock troops, heavy mortar) or got stuck in otherwise unimpressive doctrines, for 1v1 at least, (T34/85, guards, Sherman). Well, guards and T34/85 see some play in 1v1 because of Guard Motor Coordination, but that's just one commander and even that one currently isn't exactly the most popular one. Baby AT guns and DSHK are now among the few popular SOV call in units in 1v1, but that has little to do with mainline infantry and medium tank composition.
23 Dec 2020, 12:06 PM
avatar of gbem

Posts: 1979

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Dec 2020, 11:59 AMVipper

As a terrible choice do you mean intruding the MR/SVT upgrade or deciding it was op and deciding to nerf by reducing the vet 3 bonuses?

well you seem to think that

"Soviet have access to a numerous other infatry and units and conscripts are supposed to everything."

therefore im attacking your argument... you cant hide behind the opinions of the balance team because you yourself have made your own opinions very clear....so stop saying shit like

"This is not about what I want but what MOD team does."

because both you and the modteam are mistaken to think that way...
23 Dec 2020, 12:10 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Dec 2020, 12:06 PMgbem

well you seem to think

"Soviet have access to a numerous other infatry and units and conscripts are supposed to everything."

therefore im attacking your argument... you cant hide behind the opinions of the balance team because you yourself have made your own opinions very clear....so stop saying shit like

"This is not about what I want but what MOD team does."

because both you and the modteam are mistaken to think that way

The provide you feeback to moderation instead of me.

Still have not answered question:

"As a terrible choice do you mean intruding the MR/SVT upgrade or deciding it was op and deciding to nerf by reducing the vet 3 bonuses?"
23 Dec 2020, 12:12 PM
avatar of Dharx

Posts: 83

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Dec 2020, 12:03 PMVipper

I happen to play too and I also happen to be part of both closest Alpha beta team that worked with Relic in balancing the game.I know what I am talking also

Then you must also remember that beta qeues were about 80 % Axis all the time and SOV had to cheese with sniper clown cars, flamer/satchel penals and ram spam to stand a chance. Conscripts were basically never built. Not exactly the most exciting times.
23 Dec 2020, 12:13 PM
avatar of gbem

Posts: 1979

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Dec 2020, 12:10 PMVipper

The provide you feeback to moderation instead of me.

then i provide feedback to both you and the balance team...

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Dec 2020, 12:10 PMVipper

Still have not answered question:

"As a terrible choice do you mean intruding the MR/SVT upgrade or deciding it was op and deciding to nerf by reducing the vet 3 bonuses?"

MR isnt OP... SVT not soo sure but it may be slightly OP and if the balance team wishes to fix SVT cons they can fix it by nerfing SVTs not base conscripts...
23 Dec 2020, 12:17 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Dec 2020, 12:12 PMDharx

Then you must also remember that beta qeues were about 80 % Axis all the time and SOV had to cheese with sniper clown cars, flamer/satchel penals and ram spam to stand a chance. Conscripts were basically never built. Not exactly the most exciting times.

Is there any relevance of what the once was with the current state?

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Dec 2020, 12:13 PMgbem

then i provide feedback to both you and the balance team...

MR isnt OP... SVT not soo sure but it may be slightly OP and if the balance team wishes to fix SVT cons they can fix it by nerfing SVTs not base conscripts...

According to the mod 7men conscript are op at Vet 3


Previously Conscripts received a +10% accuracy bonus at veterancy 3 due to their low stats and lack of upgrades. With the introduction of items such as Mobilize Reserves and SVTs, Conscripts no logner need such high bonuses to scale into the late game.
23 Dec 2020, 12:28 PM
avatar of Dharx

Posts: 83

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Dec 2020, 12:17 PMVipper

Is there any relevance of what the once was with the current state?

Previously Conscripts received a +10% accuracy bonus at veterancy 3 due to their low stats and lack of upgrades. With the introduction of items such as Mobilize Reserves and SVTs, Conscripts no logner need such high bonuses to scale into the late game.

Its' relevant exactly because some seem to forget why MR was introduced in the first place.
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