T-34 Ram

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1
But again, my point was not to prove that IL-2 + ram is an MLG always working combo, but to point out that it actually possible to kill a tank only with them.
Also to show the damage of IL-2 itself, because lets say if tank took 1 or 2 hits during the combat, which is not a problem, since most of the AT guns have reliable penetration against heavies and superheavies.
Dont forget that if ability is able to kill slightly damaged tank, then the chances of killing it, if you at least have one source of AT aside from T34, are quite high.

Posts: 2243

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8
where are the 2 click options for axis to delete any heavy target from enemy with so less effort and high chance? even a fucking stuka dive bomb is so weak.
Are you familiar with that ability called SCAS?
Have you seen what it does to snared heavy?
Do you know what Rigel mines do? Do you have any idea how incredibly easy it is to kill ANYTHING that drove over one?
Are you aware of existence of super heavy tank destroyers for both axis factions that can't be contested by any armor and can just crawl away from ATGs and one of them can even snipe ATGs with vet1?
Axis got plenty of potent AT shit, but you are not going to see it with that blindfold of yours.

Posts: 40

Posts: 2243
There is a one click option that is stuka close air.
lel--this planes willl get shut donw in 2sec when sov ht on the field.

Posts: 711
lel--this planes willl get shut donw in 2sec when sov ht on the field.
Yes, but there are not also skillshot, just choose area and ALL vehicle will be taking damage. Want one-target big damage dealing? ComPanther mark target give +50% damage. Regular shot from 160 turning to 240. 3 shots to kill any medium.
I could predict you next statement about SU AT artillery from NKVD and Def doc- but these docs almost dead in 1vs1 and 2vs2, only this ability make them somehow potent. No any good armor (Kv-8 much better in other docs) or elite infantry. And tactician smoke completely counter them - without sight to target, artillery not working.

Posts: 2243
Yes, but there are not also skillshot, just choose area and ALL vehicle will be taking damage. Want one-target big damage dealing? ComPanther mark target give +50% damage. Regular shot from 160 turning to 240. 3 shots to kill any medium.
I could predict you next statement about SU AT artillery from NKVD and Def doc- but these docs almost dead in 1vs1 and 2vs2, only this ability make them somehow potent. No any good armor (Kv-8 much better in other docs) or elite infantry. And tactician smoke completely counter them - without sight to target, artillery not working.
so..i need only to mark target and hunt down a 1200hp 350armor tank---and need only 2 single clicks...nice..can u provide a vid of this?

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
Yes, but there are not also skillshot, just choose area and ALL vehicle will be taking damage. Want one-target big damage dealing? ComPanther mark target give +50% damage. Regular shot from 160 turning to 240. 3 shots to kill any medium.
I could predict you next statement about SU AT artillery from NKVD and Def doc- but these docs almost dead in 1vs1 and 2vs2, only this ability make them somehow potent. No any good armor (Kv-8 much better in other docs) or elite infantry. And tactician smoke completely counter them - without sight to target, artillery not working.
That is incorrect C. Panther's "Coordinate Fire" +25% damage +15% received accuracy

Posts: 3116 | Subs: 2

Posts: 682
If you run cheatmod and test it multiple times, you'll notice what happened on the clip is a fluke, not reliable outcome.
Most of the time you need another unit to deal finishing blow.
Source: Actually fucking using the ability instead of desperately clutching to a single clip where RNG gods blessed the user.
Yeah well, it still happened and I've done it myself to others. So if you want to tell your lovely cheat mod story about how it doesn't work for you then enjoy I guess?

Posts: 322
- I plant mines on ramming path = failed because Katchusa will detonate them.
- Sherck will damage T34 but not able to stop it, if I faust the T34 but that tank is already in ramming animation will not stop because of damage engine or anything.
Please don't tell me " uh huh why don't you damage the engine before it ram first ": It's not like the enemy tank coming with 1 T34 only, they got ISU-152 and bunch of infantry that going along with that T34 ramming.
In order to stop a Ram, I got 2 choices: Using 1 of my tank to block the ramming path OR manage to damage the Engine before it can start ramming ability.
FFS doesn't matter how much I hold the map 1 T34 ram boi + 200 muni bomb = goodbye my Elefant.

Posts: 2243

Posts: 5279
I have play against top 2vs2 and I hate ramming because it is so much bullshit:
- I plant mines on ramming path = failed because Katchusa will detonate them.
- Sherck will damage T34 but not able to stop it, if I faust the T34 but that tank is already in ramming animation will not stop because of damage engine or anything.
Please don't tell me " uh huh why don't you damage the engine before it ram first ": It's not like the enemy tank coming with 1 T34 only, they got ISU-152 and bunch of infantry that going along with that T34 ramming.
In order to stop a Ram, I got 2 choices: Using 1 of my tank to block the ramming path OR manage to damage the Engine before it can start ramming ability.
FFS doesn't matter how much I hold the map 1 T34 ram boi + 200 muni bomb = goodbye my Elefant.
Combined arms OP.

Posts: 322
Combined arms OP.
Haha yeah I know they are top tier 2vs2 after all, it's just the Ramming should be stop when getting damage engine or getting shot that penetrate it.
OR remove the bombing plane and stuka bomb drop from both of the ISU commander and Elefant commander for balance.
But meh, just my 50cent.

Posts: 2358

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1
I have play against top 2vs2 and I hate ramming because it is so much bullshit:
- I plant mines on ramming path = failed because Katchusa will detonate them.
- Sherck will damage T34 but not able to stop it, if I faust the T34 but that tank is already in ramming animation will not stop because of damage engine or anything.
Please don't tell me " uh huh why don't you damage the engine before it ram first ": It's not like the enemy tank coming with 1 T34 only, they got ISU-152 and bunch of infantry that going along with that T34 ramming.
In order to stop a Ram, I got 2 choices: Using 1 of my tank to block the ramming path OR manage to damage the Engine before it can start ramming ability.
FFS doesn't matter how much I hold the map 1 T34 ram boi + 200 muni bomb = goodbye my Elefant.
I agree completely. The problem is not just trading T34 and muni for super heavy but much more importantly only JT and Elefant being able to counter ISUs. If you can't use Elefant or JT to coutner ISU but instead get countered by an ability that comes in the ISU doctrine it's just horrible design.

Posts: 5279

Posts: 322
It's been talked to death and most people agree the bombing run needs to go. It fixes many issues. Recon and bombing should not be combined in a commander nor should heavy Armour and powerful off maps. All in one commanders are the problem, not an enemy driving straight through the your lines and wombo comboing your unsupported heavy TD.
I know it's been talk to dead and I previously said I was ranting.
But I don't think Relic will ever change the commander / fixing the ramming so yeah..
I agree completely. The problem is not just trading T34 and muni for super heavy but much more importantly only JT and Elefant being able to counter ISUs. If you can't use Elefant or JT to coutner ISU but instead get countered by an ability that comes in the ISU doctrine it's just horrible design.
I loss to some top tier 2vs2 team just like that: I got map control, I got good vision thanks to my Halftrack vet 3 with Spotting scope, I lock down my side until the enemy ISU-152 come out.
Ofc I have to bring the Elefant out to counter that but nooo, 1 big boi T34 will ram my Elefant ( running straight across Panzersherk + AT Gun, panzerfaust will not be fast enough, no mine because Kachusa will detonate them first ) and bam: Elefant stun + damage engine, 200 bomb click go away => Haha you lost your Elefant, now ISU 152 go bruh bruh your infantry.
What's the point of me holding my side and wait for Elefant to counter ISU-152 if 1 T34 + 200 muni bomb drop can kill it anyway?
Losing to top tier 2vs2 team not because I was weaker in skill or making mistake but because of the OP combo (ramming + 200 bomb drop + ISU) feels like shit and I make me tired

Posts: 27
At least with t34 ram you have to bypass the enemies AT defences, mines and AT nades to get the ram off, and also hope you have closed the gap enough so the engine doesn't run out. if it fails you've lost 300 mp 90 fuel and possibly 200 ammo, that is alot of resources invested in a gamble. And that is not easy to pull off against a well supported elefant or Jagdtiger as a shot from either of these at range puts it at half health.
In the games I've played I've seen more often than not that rushing a t34 strait at the enemy in hopes of ram has failed more than succeeded. Against good players their heavies are well screened by at nades, Pak TWP'd, shreckes, mines or your tank get ko'd by sheer amount of AT fire.
However I do also see alot of axis players move their elefant or jagd far ahead of their AT lines or being too bold for their own good with it. That is when I've seen the ram combo works well.

Posts: 322
Hi, I have some personal opinion about your post:
To be honest, I fail to see why t34+IL bombing run combo is too strong when axis have things like TWP on multiple units, fragmentation bombing run, which also stuns tanks, cost less and more so than not mean a very quick kill of allied vehicles with their low healthpool. When timed right these things can make sure heavy tanks respectively are killed. All these are safe abilities with little to no risk posed on the unit.
IL bombing run ability come with both ISU commanders: a commander that have ISU - a long range Assault Gun fire HE round can easily destroy small size 4 - 5 man Axis unit.
So how do you counter ISU as Axis? Elefant OR JadTiger are the best answer because it's long range anti-tank tank. You could also TRY to flank it with other tank like Panther or Tiger, just pray that you don't hit mine.
So those ISU Commanders have the best long range Assault Gun and also have the best way to counter their counter ( ELefant / JadTiger )? you see a problem? no?
At least with t34 ram you have to bypass the enemies AT defences, mines and AT nades to get the ram off, and also hope you have closed the gap enough so the engine doesn't run out. if it fails you've lost 300 mp 90 fuel and possibly 200 ammo, that is alot of resources invested in a gamble. And that is not easy to pull off against a well supported elefant or Jagdtiger as a shot from either of these at range puts it at half health.
Yeah what's the Axis AT defend in this case? An Elefant / Panzersherck / Pak gun / Teller mine / Panzerfaust.
Right, so a T34 when in ramming animation will not stop because Pak gun / Panzersherck shoot at it, will not stop even if the panzerfaust managed to damage the engine. Teller mine usually get destroy because Katchusa.
2 way to stop a ramming are: Use another tank to block the T34 ramming path OR damage the engine BEFORE it active the Ramming ability.
And you gotta remember at least in top tier 2vs2 Soviet don't just send in the T34 alone: Usually a bunch of conscript / Guard will goes along with it to deal with your Grenadier / Panzer Grenadier and having Katchusa firing at the AT Gun, it's called combine arms attack.
it's a gamble but a high chance gameble: with T34 ram + IL bombing but usually high chance you would win, why? Read my post about what happen when it's in Ramming animation and no, it's not half health, more like 1/3 health.
So you lost your Elefant / JadTiger? Now you have to wait 3 mins and in those 3 mins ISU will wreck all your infantry on the field ( same for tank if ISU switch to AP round )
In the games I've played I've seen more often than not that rushing a t34 strait at the enemy in hopes of ram has failed more than succeeded. Against good players their heavies are well screened by at nades, Pak TWP'd, shreckes, mines or your tank get ko'd by sheer amount of AT fire.
About this part it's your personal games so I can't comment, I can only comment from my personal experince against top tier 2vs2 players ( in top 50 )
However I do also see alot of axis players move their elefant or jagd far ahead of their AT lines or being too bold for their own good with it. That is when I've seen the ram combo works well.
Well you HAVE to move the Elefant / Jadtiger far ahead in order to COUNTER the ISU-152: Soviet ISU player will keep their ISU at their max range and fire their HE round and create distant for themself against Elefant / JadTiger.
If you don't move your Elefant / JadTiger into range then how do you counter ISU? You let them destroy your vet infantry then? You move AT gun along side elefant? Katchusa wreck them.
So like other people in this post said: What make T34 ramming + IL bomb dangerous is because IL bomb + ISU are together inside a commander, T34 ramming + IL bomb counter the " ISU counter = Elefant / JadTiger ".
Personal opinion about how to fix it:
- Remove IL bombing run / Stuka bomb drop from both ISU + Elefant Commander.
- When T34 in ramming animation, if they get shot by AT gun / damage engine = stop ramming.
Right now I'm more about option 1.
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