
russian armor

T-34 Ram

8 Jul 2020, 12:31 PM
avatar of Maret

Posts: 711

jump backJump back to quoted post8 Jul 2020, 12:15 PMVipper

According to the patch notes RAM was designed as a "last resort tool" and have little changes for years PLS move on.

According to the patch notes maxim was designed as a "support tool", but after it started use as mainline infantry it was changed. And i even don't say about conscripts that were changed to proper mainline infantry.
Ram not last resort tool, if it can be used by full-health tanks. If it have HP pool restrictions, than no any claims. Use it, your unit don't have chances to live. But for full-health tanks it become gimmick trick.
8 Jul 2020, 12:36 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post8 Jul 2020, 12:31 PMMaret

According to the patch notes maxim was designed as a "support tool", but after it started use as mainline infantry it was changed. And i even don't say about conscripts that were changed to proper mainline infantry.
Ram not last resort tool, if it can be used by full-health tanks. If it have HP pool restrictions, than no any claims. Use it, your unit don't have chances to live. But for full-health tanks it become gimmick trick.

Ram IS designed as "last resort tool" according to the people who designed the thing.

You are entitled to have a different opinion but that does not change facts.
8 Jul 2020, 12:41 PM
avatar of ullumulu

Posts: 2243

Jagd and Elefant have the longest range, massive damage and great frontal armour/hp (penetration is always). Stock tank destroyers can't counter them since they will die in a couple of shots. On most maps they are un-counterable. Maps where you can send in tanks to flank it are Steppes, Whiteball, and similar open maps. If you want to field and Elefant and you know your enemy has the combo, it's your decision. Besides, that combo hasn't got 100% success rate. You spend a ton of munitions and one good tank to kill a heavy tank. That's a trade.

People seem to not understand that Elefant and Jagd are high risk (due to high cost) and high reward units. They can easily put to shame and tank there is. If you're a capable player and you can manage it, you don't have to worry about T34 ramming it since a good player will keep it in the last line. Behind shrecks and MGs and other tanks.
And of course, the critical is dictated by random function.
It's a good combo that should be left as it is. It's seldom used and hard to pull off and it's not 100% H-TD death.

and now imagine you see the big tanks from allies like ISU and IS2 and so one...and all u have are low penetration TD without turret and even only 50range....or get panthers...which are outranged by ISU easily. and well...there are zis walls, penals, and SU85 too...

8 Jul 2020, 12:43 PM
avatar of ullumulu

Posts: 2243

t34 has to many abiltys....it cost the same like a puma...but can cap, has great AI and has ram. why.... in the first place...it should have all theis power? its a super cheap tank. dont compare it with 150% price tag p4.
8 Jul 2020, 12:46 PM
avatar of JohnSmith

Posts: 1273

People are arguing that patch notes say that the T34 ram is only to be used as last resort tool but the notes clearly say that it's meant to highlight it as last resort tool - this means that even relic wants players to know that the ability is meant to be used at any time. The patch notes want to draw special attention that the ability can also be used even when the player think a low health tank is useless and about to be destroyed. That's what the wording highlight means. It's a nudge for players to better understand the ability. That's what the full patch notes sentence means.

It'd be nicer if people used full sentences from patch notes and not just parts of what they want and ignoring other stuff. Twisting sentences is bad.

Also I strongly think that using patch notes that are more than two or three years old to fuel a discussion is irrelevant. A lot of things have changed by then!
8 Jul 2020, 13:53 PM
avatar of elchino7
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Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post8 Jul 2020, 08:58 AMMaret

1. In game we have only rear and front parts. In 99% cases you use it against frontal armor. Because in 1vs1 and 2vs2 you really don't have place for deep flanking to try to use it against rear armor.

2. Sounds nice but, while don't give just blitz? Because if this ability become skillshot like tullips, it also need to reward player for skill. Increase stun or effects on enemy armor? It only make things worse than now.

3. Ram can't be used right now if t-34 have engine damage from faust. Any counterplay also mean that you should compensate it somehow?

4. Because armor or T34-76 irrelevant to axis mediums it means only one - you should use RAm with 100% healt to get maximum result? Right now Ram just attempt to get some money from almost dead tank, when you know it don't have chances to live.
I never saw how someone use T85 ram. Really. Every player try to save such good tank, even in most desperate situations.

1- Because it's the easiest way to use it and there's no reason to try flank at all. If you hit the sides, you have a 50/50 in getting the rear armor, same with an out of position tank.

2- Blitz makes your tanks more mobile and agile while giving defensive or offensive boost. What i have in mind is a reposition tool which can be used to ram or cross a certain distance fast but have a drawback after certain time.

3- Ram can't be used IF you have engine damage but it can't be stopped if the ability has already started.

4- Ram is used at 100% HP on teamgames or 1v1 when we have heavy doctrine metas. Ram also works when you are ahead and the enemy has little AT and vehicles. When you have a resource advantage, if you can trade 1 for 1 you end up ahead.
8 Jul 2020, 14:25 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

t34 has to many abiltys....it cost the same like a puma...but can cap, has great AI and has ram. why.... in the first place...it should have all theis power? its a super cheap tank. dont compare it with 150% price tag p4.

Because.... its inadequate in tank vs tank combat and is the only tank in game besides cromwell(which is better at AT) that can not shoot at planes.
And if capping is such amazing ability, I will let your P4s have it in exchange for that poor, shitty, underused blitz you've got there.
8 Jul 2020, 14:32 PM
avatar of PanzerGeneralForever

Posts: 1072

It should be able to ram with engine DMG.
I believe it still can right now
8 Jul 2020, 14:37 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

Imo there are to routes:

A) Return to the original intended design of using it as a last resort tool of getting more out of doomed vehicle.

B) Keep the current cheese "Ram+off map combo" design but make it doctrinal. Then once can better design both ram and the off map and thus better design the combo.
8 Jul 2020, 14:54 PM
avatar of Crecer13

Posts: 2184 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post8 Jul 2020, 14:37 PMVipper
Imo there are to routes:

A) Return to the original intended design of using it as a last resort tool of getting more out of doomed vehicle.

B) Keep the current cheese "Ram+off map combo" design but make it doctrinal. Then once can better design both ram and the off map and thus better design the combo.

Or finally give him abilities that correspond to the main mechanics of the game - saving units.
- give acceleration at the 1st level of vet, like a blitz so that it would be a real flanking tank
- give a fragmentation-smoke shell to increase survival during a retreat after a flank attack.
8 Jul 2020, 15:08 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

Or finally give him abilities that correspond to the main mechanics of the game - saving units.
- give acceleration at the 1st level of vet, like a blitz so that it would be a real flanking tank
- give a fragmentation-smoke shell to increase survival during a retreat after a flank attack.

Ram is not the vet 1 ability, ram is a "bonus" ability.

Cap is the vet 1 ability and as I have said plenty of times it should be changed (and that goes for the majority of EFA units, actually I have been pointing out that veterancy overhaul is need desperately needed for more than 5 years now).
8 Jul 2020, 15:19 PM
avatar of Crecer13

Posts: 2184 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post8 Jul 2020, 15:08 PMVipper

Ram is not the vet 1 ability, ram is a "bonus" ability.

Cap is the vet 1 ability and as I have said plenty of times it should be changed (and that goes for the majority of EFA units, actually I have been pointing out that veterancy overhaul is need desperately needed for more than 5 years now).

I know perfectly well that the capture of the territory: the 1st level of vet. which a long time ago a couple replaced since it is useless.
- acceleration as a new 1st level of vet
- fragmentation-smoke shell as an additional ability to escape and support
this will improve the role of the T-34 as a flanking tank in the game, and not on the paper that it currently has.
8 Jul 2020, 15:29 PM
avatar of Taksin02

Posts: 148

if possible

would love to see t-34 only able to ram if it HP were below 160 (25%).

8 Jul 2020, 15:45 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

I know perfectly well that the capture of the territory: the 1st level of vet. which a long time ago a couple replaced since it is useless.
- acceleration as a new 1st level of vet
- fragmentation-smoke shell as an additional ability to escape and support
this will improve the role of the T-34 as a flanking tank in the game, and not on the paper that it currently has.

This is a thread about ram and debate about "Secure Mode" mode ability is of topic (and I have posted multiple times that it should be replaced)
8 Jul 2020, 15:51 PM
avatar of Crecer13

Posts: 2184 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post8 Jul 2020, 15:45 PMVipper

This is a thread about ram and debate about "Secure Mode" mode ability is of topic (and I have posted multiple times that it should be replaced)

And this directly relates to this topic. Replace this kamikaze with a more useful one. And these are my suggestions
8 Jul 2020, 17:20 PM
avatar of Mr Carmine

Posts: 1289

if possible

would love to see t-34 only able to ram if it HP were below 160 (25%).

Then its dead every time before it can do anything. Axis at has no difficulty of penning a t34. Even the schwere hq can do that decently.

If such a hp level threshhold is implemented 50 or 75% is better imo.
At 25% hp it should be a suicide/kill whatever it hits as long as its below below a tiger and tiger2.
Because getting that to connect at 25% hp is extremely hard has lots of limitations/negatives such as a garanteed death, and should be rewarded accordingly imo.

Imo the ram just needs to be replaced.

Flanking speed. Its at is meh at best, frontaly its pen is nothing amazing vs tanks. Even if it manages to flank or get behind the enemy panzer it still gets penned by at 99,99999999999% of the time but at least it will be able to pen somewhat more reliably.
Needs repair after use and require vet 1 ofcourse.
8 Jul 2020, 18:05 PM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

jump backJump back to quoted post8 Jul 2020, 09:34 AMVipper

I am simply point out that raming with a T-34/76 that is about to die makes sense.


Currently, ram is being used as a crowd control measure to disable other vehicles. The intent isn’t for a full health T34 to ram other vehicles; instead, ram should be used when the T34 is near death to highlight its usage as a last resort type ability.

The problem with this as a concept is you have to decide whether you should commit to a ram or preserve your vehicle. You have to decide this when the T-34 reaches half health, because it'll very likely take another hit as it closes in. Is it worth the guaranteed death of the T-34 to do 160 damage and stun to the enemy vehicle, or should you just keep backing up and firing the gun? And typically if the situation is that desperate, you're probably busy also moving anti-tank units over and not thinking about whether or not ramming is a better option than retreat.

Personally I've only ever used ram successfully as a last resort once, and due to immense luck, it worked. My T-34-76 was facing off a damaged Panzer IV Ausf J (OKW). It was admittedly out of position, but so was the Panzer, it was a slug fest in a void on the side of the map because his Infantry had retreated and I chased him so mine had not caught up. I begun losing because the armor and penetration on the T-34 sucks, and initiated ram. It was only do to immense luck that the Panzer IV bounced 2 shots in a row and allowed the ram to connect, destroying both vehicles. That was perhaps the only time I decided ramming was better than retreat, and it actually worked. I've done it other times, but usually by the time you decide the tank is beyond salvation, you don't have the 5 seconds to ram, because if you did you would be trying to save the tank.
8 Jul 2020, 19:44 PM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2272 | Subs: 1

related question: my t34 seems to miss every time: what do i wrong?
8 Jul 2020, 19:53 PM
avatar of MagnusEffect

Posts: 7

I feel like there are two discussions going on here:
  • Some people saying it needs to be removed for something better
  • Some people saying it's overpowered

Lol... that sounds like its doing what its should be to me.

I will be the first to admit that getting rammed by someone who knows what they are doing sucks, but I absolutely don't think it should be changed. "Ram" is absolutely fitting for all Soviet commanders (making it doctrinal would be silly). Changing the T-34 to behave more like Shermans (with Radio Net) is boring. Removing "Ram" will only make dealing with German armor even more difficult for allies. It's a high risk, high reward solution which the Soviets are well known for. And there are very easy ways to counter players that are "RAM happy" (ie. don't lump all your assets into a single expensive unit like a dummy!). Absolutely does NOT need change.

And for those who think Ram is actually bad... T-34 ram + Penals + Satchel Charges = Dead Heavy Tank. Just try it. If your T-34 is lucky, they might even survive. :D
8 Jul 2020, 20:28 PM
avatar of SkysTheLimit

Posts: 3423 | Subs: 1

related question: my t34 seems to miss every time: what do i wrong?

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