so you consider the normal tiger to be a turbo tiger as well then? even though its slower than every single soviet tank except the isu152? even that thing accelerates faster, but it has .1 less max speed. the tiger has the same acceleration and speed as a kv2. i guess we can start calling that the turbo kv2 also...
You're comparing apples and oranges. The Tiger Ace, despite the name, is nothing like the Tiger.
Currently, it costs nothing up front but around 2000 manpower and 300 fuel and munitions (depending on your map control) over 10 minutes but offers a huge advantage as it's way more powerful than any unit in the game and destroys every counter that exists for German armour with ease.
It's very important to understand that you are going to pay this price (2000/300/300) regardless of what you do with the tank. The only way to destroy the current TA is with your whole army focusing on that one unit and lots of pre-planning. In fact, when you see your first vet3 grenadier or vet2 sniper at the start of the game, you have to start laying mines and keep laying them all the way through the game. The TA is this powerful despite the fact that it's very slow in comparison to most tanks as you point out. Being this slow doesn't stop it from being by far and away the best unit in the game, a fact that I hope is not in dispute here.
Assuming the leaked patch notes are correct, the new Tiger Ace will have fewer HPs and do less damage (we'll have to see if it still one-shots AT guns) which constitutes a nerf. However, the whole mechanics of how the unit is priced and used will also change. As I pointed out in my original post, the German player is actually
punished for every single moment the Tiger Ace is on the field and is actively incentivised to use it and lose it as quickly as possible because of how it is costed. As soon as it's done its job and died, your resources come back. In other words,
the price you pay depends on how quickly you use it and get it killed.
If you think about it from the German player's perspective, the best way to use the new TA is to destroy as much Soviet armour as quickly as possible and then lose the TA to stop the resource drain. After this, you can overpower the Soviet player who has just lost his most valuable units.
This creates an amazing situation where the best counter to the Tiger Ace will be to ram it and then keep it alive while preventing the German player from repairing it fully (snipers, mortars etc.). You don't think creating this kind of incentive system is absurd?
Now to address your point about speed directly, a tank that is best used in a Kamikaze-style rush to destroy as much as possible and die quickly doesn't need lots of armour or hps, what it really needs is the ability to get to where it's going quickly and to disable the counters to it where possible. This is where the speed bump and Target Weak Point come in. So my point about Turbo Ace is that not only is the German player incentivised to suicide his TA quickly, he's also given the tools to do so.
As I stated previously, imho, the current TA would be best nerfed by reducing its damage and HPs while keeping the cost mechanism the same (maybe shorten the 0 income period from 10 to 7-8 minutes). It's a simple solution, perhaps so simple that it's almost uncool.
There is no way that any of us can be certain about how things are actually going to play out. I accept that. However, I think the concerns I have posted are valid - I have yet to see anyone explain how my line of reasoning is incorrect (calling me a fanboy, noob etc. isn't the same

What I want to make sure is the people who designed this rework have considered this aspect of the new pricing and taken precautions to prevent the scenario I describe from taking place. Their track record in terms of considering the impact of new game-changing mechanics in advance isn't as impeccable as any of us would like...
P.S. Just for balance, I am equally concerned about the Conscript Assault Package going from 2 PPShs to 3 for an extra 20 munitions. Hopefully the fact that it's being moved to 3CP is going to prevent conscripts from being the new shocks