Isu 152 And Elefant range went from 100 to 70, and its a good news 
Yeah, I know. It was 100 just as I stopped playing then people went mad, which was the right thing to do but nerfing to 70 is not justified I think. 80 would be better.
If you think heavies are weak you should try Kingtiger or Jagdtiger. Try Sturmtiger too, its not so much in the meta but its really powerfull. Standard tiger also got range buff recently so its better than it has ever been in games history. Elephant still self spots with scopes so its still worth using, mostly in 2v2.
As for allies: IS-2 has same armour as KT, it bounces even on rear armour usually. Pershing is best infantry killer in game that also packs a serious pounch against tanks - but for a heavy its fragile. You need to play smartly with it. ISU-152 is rarely used now, it not only has less range but also lost self spot and has to reload between HE and AP rounds. New british tanks like churchills and comets fill this gap.
Also generally all tanks from medium and up need to get at least one shot before they can be snared now. That is a serious buff to all of them.
Thanks for the insight. I still have the vanilla game sadly, though.